
Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

author:Zhang Defen

On August 7, "Alibaba" swept the screen of hot search, but this time it was because "female employees were sexually assaulted."

It is rumored on the Internet that a female employee of Ali was forced to travel by the leader, and after being drunk with wine, she was molested by customers and leaders.

The female employee said that at the wine table, she had been poured alcohol, and after losing consciousness, she was touched by male merchants touching her breasts, legs, and private parts, and the male leader Qu Yi even entered her room four times that night with a condom to invade her after she was drunk.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

The fermentation of this matter has aroused heated discussion on the whole network, but for the female employee who was violated, this "fermentation" came too slowly and too slowly!

According to the victim's self-report, after learning that she had been sexually assaulted, she immediately called the police and returned to the company to seek justice.

Her appeal is only for Alibaba to fire qu yi, the leader who infringed on her, and never hire him.

However, the female employee repeatedly gave fruitless feedback, promised to give a solution within 3 days, but temporarily changed his mind, and the perpetrator Qu Yi was still working normally in the company.

On August 6, when the female employees tried to find a solution again and again, they were replaced by perfunctory and procrastination. In desperation, she had to expose the evil deeds of this group of people in the company group.

The feedback you can receive is that you have been removed from the group chat.

Cornered, the victimized female employees are determined to "scream" for the pain with their own strength.

She wore a loudspeaker, printed a banner, and "called for help" at the company's canteen in an attempt to hear her faint appeal. But then, this girl, who had no power to tie the chicken, was immediately surrounded and dragged away by a group of security guards, leaving only the indifferent gaze of others.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

From the small group of private chats, to the large group of the company, to the exposure of public places such as canteens, the female employee fought step by step, and finally let this matter rush to the hot search level.

Her wounds were also torn wider and wider under this exposure.

In the whole fermentation process of the matter, she held the mentality of "fish dead net breaking" and the determination to "fight to the end".

As a woman, she deeply understands that only by standing up and shouting can the faces hidden in the gutter be revealed.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

But why do women need to "scream" to defend their rights?

According to the United Nations, 35% of women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence.

Not only for adult women, but also for nearly 120 million underage girls worldwide who have also been forced to have sex.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

But in the face of physical assault, not all women have the courage to stand up and accuse criminals. Because once they become "victims" in front of the public, they will face a more difficult road.

First of all, in the process of fermentation, the victimized women will be asked to stand in front of the public as "perfect victims" for scrutiny.

In the current social environment, it seems that the kindness and space left for women victims are too limited.

On the one hand, people "talk about sexual discoloration", so that girls are sexually assaulted, such things, are ashamed to mention.

Originally the victims of this tragic incident, when they came forward, they had to accept the pointing and pointing eyes of people, and even their own family and friends had to be discriminated against.

We often hear what the outside world says about them:

"You're the one who made you out drink?"

"Who made you wear such a short skirt?" Deserve! ”

"If you don't love yourself, you don't keep discipline and discipline yourself."

People are harsh on the victimized women, kidnapping them with similar demands, causing more and more people to dare not shout after being violated.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

In addition to sexual assault incidents, society's harshness on women is actually everywhere. Just like the heroine Marlena in the movie "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily".

She is a beautiful and sexy married woman who lives in a small town and waits for her husband to return from fighting on the front lines.

She remains silent day by day and does not provoke right or wrong.

But she did not think that her "beauty" had become an excuse for being coveted, slandered, and slandered by others.

Because of her outstanding looks, she was scolded by the people of the town as a fox spirit, a slut, and a morally corrupt woman for no reason.

They slandered her for having a lover; when they saw that she was dressed in a trendy and sexy dress, they said that she was unfaithful to her husband and loved to scratch her head.

After Marlena's husband was killed on the front line, people collectively stripped her of her clothes in full view of the public and carried out "slut-shaming" against her.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

But did Marlena really do something wrong? Not really.

She is just a victim, but because she is naturally beautiful and dares to wear, so in the eyes of many people, all this is her own problem, "it is she who takes the initiative to seduce men, it is her misconduct..."

Those beautiful qualities of women should have become the capital of her pride, but they were reduced to a tragedy by the "dirty obscenity" of the outside world.

Returning to sexual assault cases, looking at the entire society, in addition to the harsh gaze of the "victim" that causes women to dare not resist, there is also contempt for "sexual assault".

In the case of the violation of Ali's female employees, the reporter interviewed one of the perpetrators, who blamed his sexual assault as a "normal liquor bureau".

The sentence "The table is usually full of drinking, there must be contact in the middle, there is a process of hugging." The police will surely make me innocent", disgusting.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

(Zhang Mou is one of the merchants involved in the infringement in the liquor bureau)

In their hearts, they did not feel guilty about the victim at all, and did not even realize that their actions had constituted "sexual assault". They are better described as "the stench of thought" than the word ignorance.

The whole incident has developed so far, in addition to the "no shame" of the people involved, what is even more chilling is Ali's indifference in handling the matter.

I believe that anyone who has watched the video of the victimized female employee "shouting for help" in the canteen can feel her isolation.

Many people in the canteen were eating, but no one paid attention to them, and they were only met with indifferent onlookers.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

Before the matter did not get bigger, the top management did not deal with it many times, and even stressed to the female employees that "the work of the perpetrator Qu Yi is very important, not that the handover can be completed."

The procrastinating approach can clearly perceive their "contempt for sexual assault" and their disregard for the female employee.

In the social discourse system where male power and patriarchy are important, women's road is already difficult, and their rights protection is becoming more and more intense.

On the one hand, in the workplace, many men, by virtue of their rights, rightfully believe that they have the right to demand exchanges from women, including physical transactions.

In many sexual assault cases, we can see that the perpetrator uses his social status and reputation to gain the trust of women, or directly coerce women.

On the other hand, women, because of their own value, are often used by men as a "resource" or "tool", objectifying women and reducing women to "a dish on the wine table".

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

Does the cry of the female individual still make sense?

Ali female employees wrote in their self-reports: "Now that I think about it, it feels like a dream, a nightmare that makes people scary, scared, helpless, and helpless. ”

This nightmare made her feel "better to live than to die", did not eat or drink for several days, and even cut her wrist to commit suicide.

But for Ali, a super factory with more than 250,000 employees, the physical and mental injuries she suffered seemed to be "just a trivial matter."

Her cries and appeals were not really taken seriously. Constantly appealing upwards, what awaits is deception and perfunctory.

After the promised deadline, the company continued to drag on, with no results.

The civilized and rational way could not solve the problem, and she chose to put down her reputation and dignity and use the most "shrew" way to defend her rights.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

Go to the canteen to hand out flyers, shout out their own encounters, post long articles on the Internet to expose themselves...

"The most powerful weapon in the world is the determination to go out."

She used almost all her strength to fight to the end, but does this "fish dead net breaking" really make sense?

From past sexual assault incidents, we can clearly see:

The "forbearance" of the victim can only be exchanged for the "fierceness" of the perpetrator.

No matter what the final result, daring to protect yourself with justice and bravely standing up is the first step for women to defend their rights and interests.

This is the rise and defense of women's inner strength, and it is a just battle to promote the benign development of social consciousness!

The ascension of the power of the group is the process by which one soul shakes and awakens another soul.

In 2017, the Me Too movement made great progress around the world.

The reason is that the New York Times reporter revealed that Harvey Weinstein, a Hollywood gold medal producer, has a large number of sexual assaults or harassment of women, which has triggered public opinion.

Subsequently, singer and actress Alyssa Milano, who for the first time attached the slogan "#Metoo" to Twitter, angrily wrote:

"If all women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted can post a 'Me too' status, people may recognize the importance of the issue."

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

Cowardly silence does not bring stability, and foolish tolerance only fuels the arrogance of the bad.

Women's rights and interests need to rely on those women who bravely stand up to take the initiative to fight, and cannot expect to be given after the conscience of the violator is discovered.

They had done nothing wrong, they should not have endured the pain caused by the violation alone, and those who had committed violence deserved to be spurned and punished by the law.

Shiori Ito, who was called the first person in Japan's "Me Too" movement by the media, said in the documentary novel "Black Box":

"If we remain silent, the evil he appeases will be reflected in our future lives, as if we were in the mirror, in the lives of our children."

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

This is a journey of women's sexual assault and a process of calibrating our entire social consciousness. True equality between men and women is the neutrality and objectivity of the inner consciousness of society.

Only by returning women to a fair and conscious environment, women's most basic security protection, do not need to be maintained through shouting, and the law and morality will not be "lost in a vacuum".

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

At present, the case is still under investigation. We are by no means calling for "gender confrontation", nor are we calling for everyone to support one side without reason, but we hope that more people will see:

In our current society, we still need some women to show the courage to see death as a homecoming, to show the martial spirit of Chinese sons and daughters to expose the crimes of the perpetrators, and to resist the evil side of the male sense of power.

We also know that these women are not easy.

Just like the reason why Ali female employees in this incident dare to stand up and resist is because she is well educated and has a supportive husband;

The Me Too movement has gained solidarity around the world because of the empathy and understanding among women;

The reason why Ito Shiori was able to achieve a victory was inseparable from the help of friends and family around him, as well as the support of netizens.

These victimized women are very hard telling the world that women being sexually assaulted or molested are criminal offenses rather than simply "drinking culture"!

In fact, they are in a vulnerable position to fight against the long-standing social consciousness.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

While women want to win a more egalitarian environment, there is still a long way to go. But we still have to unite, grow, and jointly overthrow the evil forces hidden in the corners!

It is a battle of awakening of female power, and each of us is a part of this battle.

1. Consciously build personal strength

Among the many brave women who stand up, they all find that they have received a good education and have the ability to clarify right and wrong.

This is not an innate force, these forces need to be learned, consciously constructed, when our own inner strength is developed and ascended, we can clearly distinguish what kind of harm we are suffering, what kind of nature.

We will not compromise or give up because of others' threats or deceptions, and then we can bravely fight back against those who have committed harm.

Therefore, every woman needs to grow herself, whether it is the inner psychological energy or the external material foundation, to nourish herself at the same time, but also to hold others, help herself.

2. Make good use of resources to build a personal support system

After all, a person's power is limited, and it is necessary to have a clear mind and look for someone who can help themselves.

For example, calling the police, contacting the Women's Federation, relatives and friends around you, etc.

Even, when you bravely stand up and speak out, there will be more supportive forces coming at you.

For example, after the sexual assault incident of Ali female employees, Ali employees spontaneously set up a rights protection organization "Brave Cow and Cow Help Group" to provide psychological and legal assistance to victims.

3, to have a strong self-esteem and self-confidence

The reason why many women dare not stand up after being victimized is more due to their inner fear and denial.

They don't see themselves as "perfect victims" and will lose their jobs and reputations once they are revealed.

However, the perpetrators of violence use this to cajole and threaten.

At this time, the inner strength of women plays a very big role.

Dear ones, see with determination that you are worthy of love, and that it is not you who have done wrong, but the perpetrators driven by lust and arrogance! Only by pulling out the bad guys can more people be spared.

In order to cultivate this courage of women, the whole society has the obligation to build a more equal public opinion environment for women.

Let go of the male gaze of "slut-shaming" and the harsh rebuke of "perfect victims", thousands of people are willing to provide them with support and hope in order to make more female individuals stand up.

May every woman be free from harm, and hope that women do not need to defend their rights through "shouting", and that women's respect is the manifestation of the benign development of society.

Ali female employees exposed themselves to being drunk and sexually assaulted by leaders: women were violated, and no one was a bystander

*This article is co-authored by Zhang Defen Space, if you need to reprint, please contact the authorization.

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Edit | Fish sweet

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