
Here it comes! Lu'an Chemical News Morning Train

author:Urban Focus

Lu'an Chemical Group's 2021 Staff Instrumental Dance Competition ended successfully

Xiao Yaning watched the competition and presented trophies and certificates to the winners

Here it comes! Lu'an Chemical News Morning Train

On October 19, luan chemical group 2021 staff instrumental dance competition ended successfully. Xiao Yaning, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of the group, watched the competition and presented trophy certificates to the winners.

Here it comes! Lu'an Chemical News Morning Train

The Instrumental Music Competition was already fiercely contested last week, with prize levels. In this week's dance competition, a total of 16 contestants reached the final. At the final scene, the contestants showed their magic, the girls' confident and elegant dance posture, the boys' heroic and refreshing spirit, the climax was repeated, there were solo dances, street dances, double dances, three-person dances, group dances, group dances, wonderful performances won the applause of the audience.

The first prize winners of this dance group competition were "Grassland Batulu" performed by Zhao Junkai and others of Changcun Coal Mine; the second prizes were "I Wait for You" performed by Cheng Pengchang of Yangquan Minmetals, "Just to Meet You on the Way" performed by Yangquan Minmetals Li Qian, "Peach Blossom Red Apricot Blossom White" performed by Yangquan Minmetals Valley Yalin and others; the third prizes were "Beautiful Ayhan" performed by Wang Yu of Lu'an Hotel, "My Cloud" performed by Yangquan Minmetals Valley Yalin, and "The Most Romantic Thing" performed by Yuan Yuqing of Zhangcun Coal Mine. "Moon Fox Yin" performed by Luo Ting of Changcun Coal Mine, and "Like a Dream Order" performed by Shen Yiming of Wangzhuang Coal Mine.

The competition was carried out according to the overall deployment of the Group Party Committee to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Party, combined with the arrangement of "100 Cultural Activities in the 100 Years". The purpose of the competition is to select and launch a group of new artistic talents among the literary and art lovers of the whole group, discover and create a number of outstanding mass literary and artistic works that can reflect the new era, new practice and new image, cultivate and support a group of mass literary and artistic creation teams with pursuit, ability and responsibility, lead a group of literary and artistic backbones and cultural volunteers who can take root in the grass-roots level and serve the masses of workers, stimulate the vitality of mass cultural creation, enhance the level of mass literary and artistic creation, and strive to launch more and better literary and artistic works of the masses that have the atmosphere of the times and are popular with the masses. Create a cultural activity brand with a sense of the times, leading and promotable, and truly meet the needs of the majority of employees and workers for cultural activities. (Zhang Jing)

Wu Youzeng went to Juchuang Branch to investigate

Here it comes! Lu'an Chemical News Morning Train

On October 20th, Wu Youzeng, deputy general manager of Lu'an Chemical Group, went to Juchuang Branch to exchange and discuss the planning plan of kindergartens, nursing homes and new parking lots of Houbao District Organs in the Headquarters of the Group, and conducted field research on the promotion of the coal sea road transformation project.

Wu Youzeng listened carefully to the report on the relevant situation of the engineering construction plan, consulted the engineering design plan, and conducted research and discussion with the responsible person of Juchuang Branch, the relevant personnel of Lu'an Engineering Survey and Design Company and the responsible persons of relevant departments on the details of the design plan, and put forward specific opinions, suggestions and requirements on further improving and deepening the project planning and design plan and accelerating the construction of the project.

Wu You has strengthened the adjustment, all kinds of design plans should be "calculated before doing work, set policies", comprehensive comprehensive analysis, in line with actual needs, learn advanced experience, to meet the needs of the masses of workers and staff as the primary goal. The construction plan of the kindergarten of the new organ of the Group should be based on the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Construction of Child-Friendly Cities" (Development and Reform Society (2021) No. 1380), which fully meets the needs of children's growth and development; the construction of nursing homes should ensure that the elderly can live comfortably and see a doctor while ensuring economic affordability; the construction of parking lots should scientifically consider the maximum location of the traffic flow center, comprehensively analyze the surrounding environment and the number of parking, create a better parking environment for employees, and enhance the overall image of Houbao Mining Area The coal sea road widening and reconstruction project should be based on the current reality, focus on long-term development, make overall plans for the combination of road construction with the surrounding environment and functional layout, and make every effort to create safe and smooth school and work roads to better serve the masses of workers.

Lu'an Chemical Group held the preparatory meeting for the first trade union member congress

Here it comes! Lu'an Chemical News Morning Train

On October 20, Lu'an Chemical Group held the preparatory meeting for the first trade union member congress, which arranged and deployed the work and tasks during the trade union member congress.

The meeting reported the preparations for the first trade union member congress of the group, set up a preparatory group for the congress, and divided the representative qualification review working group, the conference affairs guarantee working group, the conference affairs publicity working group, the conference organization working group, and the conference information working group to decompose and refine the work of the conference in detail to ensure the smooth convening of the conference. The meeting discussed and improved the "Preparatory Plan for the First Trade Union Member Congress of Lu'an Chemical Group" and the "Schedule of the First Trade Union Member Congress of Lu'an Chemical Group".

The meeting demanded that the trade union organizations at all levels of the group should attach great importance to and make serious preparations, and all members of the preparatory working group for the congress and the responsible persons of the grass-roots trade unions under them should improve their understanding, strengthen leadership, and do a solid job in all aspects of the work of the congress. Grassroots trade unions at all levels must strictly abide by the examination and examination of deputies with a high sense of responsibility, mission, and a serious and serious attitude. It is necessary to act in accordance with laws and regulations, make overall plans, pay attention to integrating with reality, strengthen communication and exchanges in work, unite the strength of staff and workers in the broadest possible way, and give full play to the role of trade unions to the greatest extent.

It is reported that this congress is in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Constitution of the Chinese Trade Union" and the "Regulations on the Election of Grass-roots Trade Union Organizations of Trade Unions", after the study of the group trade union, the party committee of the group and the Changzhi City Federation of Trade Unions agreed to plan to convene in early November, the congress will elect a new trade union committee, a fund review committee and a female staff committee, further unite and mobilize all Lu'an trade union members, reform, innovation, hard work, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of a first-class chemical enterprise with international influence for high-quality development.

Responsible persons of group trade unions, trade union affairs centers, party committee organization departments, party committee offices and other departments and grass-roots trade unions attended the meeting. (Guo Qiang, Shen Chengchen)

Source: Lu'an Chemical News Center

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