
Hokkien Song Appreciation - Huang Yiling ~ Worry [Release Artist]: Huang Yiling [Album Name]: Worry by Your Side [Production and Distribution]: Qian Chao Music [Release Date]: 2013-09-30

author:Liangjia micro life

<h1>[Publisher]: Huang Yiling</h1>

<h1>【Album Name】: Worry about you</h1>

<h1>【Production and distribution】: Qian Chao Music</h1>

<h1>【Release Date】:2013-09-30</h1>

Hokkien Song Appreciation - Huang Yiling ~ Worry [Release Artist]: Huang Yiling [Album Name]: Worry by Your Side [Production and Distribution]: Qian Chao Music [Release Date]: 2013-09-30

After five years of disobedience, Yi Ling changed. The new album is still love, but, not bitter. If the listener of the song is made to shed tears, it must be the happiness brought about by the power of hope, which makes people feel different again. It is still a love song, but it should be said that it is a "sentient" song.

Huang Yiling finally released her 50th solo album "By Your Side" at the end of September. The new album took two years from song collection to production.

Ten new Taiwanese songs, Huang Yiling wants to sing, in addition to affection, but also full of "love" and "thanks".

The first wave of the album's main song "Worry" was specially tailored by teacher Chen Xiaoxia for Huang Yiling, and with the words of Teacher Yao Ruolong, Huang Yiling's delicate singing voice interpretation sang more moving and profound.

Only Yi Ling can sing our hearts. The best spokesperson for the people's expression of bitterness is the truest Taiwanese song, the civilian queen of heaven.

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01- Worry

02-Worry about your side (Sanli eight o'clock file world woman heart ending song)

03- Hope

04-Flowers Ah Flowers (Sanli Eight O'Clock File World Woman Heart Ending Song)

05- The beauty of the world

06-There is a wish (Feat. Zeng Xinmei)

07 - Don't wait for the year

08 - A letter from an old lover

09 - Forgive the past

10- Believe in Love (Feat.