
Classic Taiwanese Golden Song Selection - Huang Yiling's "Love to Know pain"

author:Music Expo

I'm coming to you for you this day

Wait from daylight until late at night

Nguyen always believed that you would be with Nguyen Lai

There is no shadow in Yuhara

Classic Taiwanese Golden Song Selection - Huang Yiling's "Love to Know pain"

I don't dare think that without you you would be like me

By all my life

The cold wind is not cold enough for your heart and liver to me

Which messes up me

Love your heart is terrified

Thinking of your heart aches

But I couldn't clean up my feelings

Watching you love others is like you love me

Press how to get without heartache

I am no longer qualified to speak to you about conditions

Wait for others to treat you like you treat me

Love to know the shadow pain

Classic Taiwanese Golden Song Selection - Huang Yiling's "Love to Know pain"

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