
【The curator's sister said】The eleventh issue: "Deng Zihui Central Soviet District Financial and Economic Thought Special Exhibition"

author:Silla released

The exhibition is displayed on the second floor of the Deng Zihui Memorial Hall, and the main display is the founder of the Republic Finance and Economic Building - Deng Zihui Central Soviet District Financial and Economic Thought Special Exhibition. The exhibition consists of five parts, namely: Leading the Agrarian Revolution and Creating the Great Red Economy in Western Fujian; Upholding the Party's Leadership and Unifying Financial Management; Caring for the Livelihood of the Masses, Advocating Mutual Assistance and Cooperation; Striving to Open Source and Reducing Expenditures; Seeking Truth, Being Pragmatic, and Innovating, Creating a New Situation in Taxation, and Displaying More Than 150 Pictures, Materials, and Cultural Relics.

【The curator's sister said】The eleventh issue: "Deng Zihui Central Soviet District Financial and Economic Thought Special Exhibition"

In the economic work of creating the Western Fujian Soviet Region and leading the central Soviet Region, Deng Zihui adhered to the party's leadership, implemented the mass line, became independent and self-reliant, and created many financial and economic miracles: he pioneered the land distribution system of "drawing more to make up for less, pumping fat to make up for thinness," and founded the first Soviet Grain Adjustment Bureau, the first Soviet Rural Cooperative Economic Organization, the first Soviet District Joint-Stock Bank, and so on. After Deng Zihui became the minister of finance of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, he formulated and improved various financial and economic systems such as taxation, treasury, accounting, and fiscal legislation, advocated a movement of mutual assistance and cooperation, trained financial and tax cadres, adopted various measures to stabilize the market in the Soviet region, promoted the rapid development of the economy of the Soviet region, unified the economic policies of the Soviet region, laid a solid economic foundation for the development and growth of the central Soviet region, and formed a complete set of financial and economic ideas suited to the actual conditions of the revolution, providing strong financial support for the development and growth of the Soviet region.

【The curator's sister said】The eleventh issue: "Deng Zihui Central Soviet District Financial and Economic Thought Special Exhibition"

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