
July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

author:Anime New Fan Working Group

Finally looking forward to the launch of "Stone Age", the last animated work of JUMP's new four kings, can be described as a lot of expectations.

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Speaking of JUMP King animation, the following small editor gives you a smoothing out, the four kings of JUMP in each period.

The originators of the first stage, "Slam Dunk Master", "Dragon Ball", "Saint Seiya", and "Youyou White Book", influenced the entire 70s and 80s.

The second stage of the four animations that even affected the whole world, "Naruto", "One Piece", "Grim Reaper", and "The Prince of Tennis". People throughout the 80s and 90s still relish it to this day.

The third stage is the newly announced new four kings "Dr.stone", "Covenant Neverland", "Ghost Blade" and "We can't learn together"

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Agree on Neverland

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

We can't learn together

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Ghost Blade

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Stone Age

These four new four kings are still young, whether we have a major impact or not still have to go through the precipitation of time, at least for now, the four settings are still independent and creative, we will wait and see.

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Shi Jiyuan, also known as "New Stone Age" and "Dr.stone" animation has just started, there is a high score of 8.6 in Douban, and after watching Shi Jiyuan for the second time, they are shouting "learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, go all over the world", because the story structure of this animation is a game between science and power.

In the first episode, the male protagonist Chiku is a scientific genius, and when he was in elementary school, he had already built a rocket that could go to heaven, which was enough to prove a strong knowledge reserve.

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Chiku's friend Ogi Daiki wants to chase the girl who has been in love with 5 years, Ogawa Bar, and finally chooses to confess on a certain day, but on this day, this sentence I like you have not yet said, the world has changed.

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed
July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed
July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

The whole earth is changing, all the humans and swallows are turning to stone,

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed
July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Is this the end of the earth? No, that's just the beginning!

The earth has undergone a baptism of 3700 years, and finally only the male protagonist Qiankong and the big tree are resurrected first. The male protagonist, Qiankong, has a machine-like scientific mind and opens a new era for mankind.

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Hardcore knowledge science:

The animation contains a lot of experiments, mathematical, physical and chemical knowledge, how humans from the origin of how to achieve modern civilization step by step, Qiankong gives you the best answer.

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Chiku built his own house, made leather clothes, and drilled wood for fire. He and Dashu spent a year developing corrosive liquid, which also opened a new outlet to increase humanity.

Scientific knowledge science is also a very core part of this animation, how to brew wine, the whole process of making corrosive liquid is very detailed to the audience, but it should be noted that there is a part of making guns and ammunition in the later stage, I don't know if there will be problems because of too hardcore, the heart or pray about it...

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

Do you think it's enough to just watch these plots? Then you're so wrong! The guarantee of a hegemonic fan as a whole is not just as simple as the plot being creative.

01 Writer of the Gods - Yuichiro Kido

The screenwriter of is Yuichiro Kido this time, it doesn't matter if he is not familiar with him, he has previously participated in the screenwriting of animations such as "Blue Exorcist", "91Days", "Seven Sins" and so on, and the most magical "POP TEAM EPIC" in 18 years was also written by this big brother.

In terms of the change of the manga, the script really occupies a very important part, and from the first episode, the screenwriter perfectly connects the manga into an animation without a trace of superfluous shots.

The whole year of making corrosive agents uses the four seasons to represent the process of time, which also makes the boring picture of the manga particularly vivid.

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed
July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed
July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

02 General Director - Shinya Iiino

Although it is the first time to serve as the general director, the previous "From the Abyss" trilogy was all assistant director of Shinya Iino, and in "Maiden Opera", all the stage plays were written by this big guy. Enough to prove that the quality of this animation is not suspensefully superior!

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

At the beginning of human civilization, the world has returned to its best ecology, and all the storyboards can be said to be just right in the entire first episode.

You can not only learn hardcore knowledge, but also appreciate the most beautiful environment of primitive society! The arrangement of these plots can be said to be the magic stroke of this animation.

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

03 Music Director - Tatsuya Kato

As the first episode of the Stone Age, what surprised me the most was the music of the whole, and the music director of this time was the famous Tatsuya Kato! "Future Diary", "Men's Swimming Department", "Spirit of the Eater", "Phantom Town Soul" all have this father involved.

In the Stone Age, BGM is not only majestic, but also has a light-hearted and witty part, and the overall style will fluctuate with the animation plot.

July Supremacy! The first episode is 10 billion information! How to redefine the world after humanity was destroyed

The first episode will say so much first, from all aspects can be seen, JUMP's love for the stone age, the follow-up plot is more and more exciting, with the advancement of the plot, we will continue to follow up the plot, look forward to it together!

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