
Learned to do Swiss rolls

author:A little bit of mom's life aesthetics
Learned to do Swiss rolls

Sam's Shop's Swiss rolls are stunning. A box of such a large amount, think that may not be able to eat the estimate is to eat half and throw half, did not think... Very tasty... Slightly sweet and not greasy, full of milk flavor, dots actually love to eat (do not like snack snacks boys), into the freezer, eat when taking out into the microwave to thaw for three minutes The taste is still very good, haha, we will actually remember to eat.

Seeing the Course at West Point, think it's time to unlock the skills of making breadcakes, and sign up decisively

December 19 Cake Roll

Cake Roll:

1, milk 52g, corn oil 42g, low gluten flour 52g mix evenly add 4 egg yolks and then stir well, smooth and natural fall

2: 4 egg whites, 55g of cotton sugar, a little lemon juice and whisk. Add the sugar three times, the first sugar is added when the fish eye bubble is soaked, the second sugar is added when the bubble is slightly smaller, and the sugar is added three times when there is a texture. The basin can not have water and oil, otherwise it cannot be beaten, there can be no egg yolk in the egg white, and there is a little egg white in the egg yolk.

3, light cream 250g, cotton sugar 20g hairdresser to beat (the temperature can not be high, if you need to pad ice cubes under the basin in summer)

Oven up and down 160°, 20 minutes


1, must be corn oil, other salad oil, etc. will have the taste to affect the taste

2, the egg must be refrigerated eggs, room temperature eggs will affect the beating

3, sugar is best cotton white sugar, white sugar can also be

4. The utensils are clean and dry, avoid water and oil

5. Light cream whiskers animal cream, blue windmill, anjia, president, nestlé

6, lemon juice is mainly to remove the egg fishy taste, fresh lemon

7. Flour is wheat flour for Meimei brand pastries produced by Hong Kong Flour Mill

8. The flour must be sieved, otherwise there will be granular grains that will affect the taste

9. It takes 5 minutes for the oven to come out of the oven

Tools required:

1. Baking electronic scale (about 40 yuan)

2. Egg beater

3. Hand-held sieve

4. Oil paper (spread in a baking sheet) December 19 Cake rolls

2, the egg must be refrigerated eggs, room temperature eggs will affect the beating

4. Oil paper (spread in a baking sheet)

5. Oven brand Bocui

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