
It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

author:Miss Nanjing Mirror

Maybe in some people's minds

The impression of Liuhe has always been "a remote village in Nanjing"

It is also possible that some Nanjing people have not been to Liuhe so far

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Image source: Light Shadow Swordsman N

But Xiao Tapping wants to say it today

Now Liuhe is really worth going!

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

First of all, the famous "Dragon Pond Crucian Carp" in Liuhe!

At the Expert Review Meeting on the Registration of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products on the 23rd

"Dragon Pond Crucian Carp" passed the conference review

It is included in the geographical indication of agricultural products!

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Image source: Network

Among more than 200 agricultural products participating in the review

Longchi crucian carp stood out and successfully passed the review

It became the first national agricultural product mono category regional brand in Liuhe

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Source: Liuhe today

This is also Jiangsu Province and even East China

The first crucian carp national geographical indication agricultural product

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Let's take a look at it now

Let's talk about the past and present lives of the Crucian carp in Longchi!

Longchi Lake in Liuhe District is of fertile water quality

Since ancient times, it has the reputation of "clear water to clear"

The fish grown in the lake do not have an earthy smell

Therefore, longchi crucian carp meat is tender, fresh and has a high meat yield

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Source: Xici Hutong

When the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty descended jiangnan

Specially tasted the Crucian carp of Longchi and praised it

In the Qing Dynasty Yuan Ming's "Eating Single Crucian Carp with the Garden", it is also said

"The greater the dragon of the six dragons, the bigger and more tender, it is also strange."

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe
It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Longchi crucian carp is not only large, but also rich in nutrients

The taste and texture are delicate and refreshing, fresh and slightly sweet

And this "hibiscus crucian carp" dish is shaped like hibiscus floating water

It is a special feeling in the memory of every old Liuhe person

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe
It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

And the liuhe on the tip of the tongue is more than a crucian carp!

Liuhe pork head meat can be said to be famous

Some time ago, it was selected as a rural land standard dish in Jiangsu Province

Many people drive here from the city center or further afield

It is to eat a bite of authentic Liuhe pork head meat

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Local earth pigs are dehaired by hand and drained of blood

Old brine pickling, boiling and other processes

Simmer for more than two hours to taste

At this time, the pork head meat and oil were steamed out

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe
It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Image source: Sohu

Fragrant, transparent and clean are the characteristics of Liuhe pork head meat

The meat is fragrant, the fat meat is crisp and the color is translucent

Smell the appetizer, the import is melted, and the food is not greasy

This bite of pork head meat is the eternal sense of ritual at the Liuhe table

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Source: Liuhe Agriculture and Forestry Information Network

It was also selected as a land standard dish in Baidao Township, Jiangsu Province

There are also six-headed dishes

It's called "First Dish", but it's actually "First Course Soup"

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Boiled with authentic hen and crab yellow to make a thick soup

Tear the old farmhouse hen into chicken shreds

Pork stew and Jinhua ham shredded

Wild white jade mushrooms pad soup base

All kinds of umami flavors come together in one pot

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe
It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Image source: Dianping

Pick up the spoon and take a sip to "drink up"

Clear and delicious, oily and not greasy

Such a delicious "first course"

I have grasped the tone of a table of meals

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

In addition to the main dish, live beads are also quite popular

This chicken-and-egg hatchery is a specialty of Liuhe

Hate it and don't want to see it, but like it but can't let go of the "mouth"

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Xiongzhou Qiancang is now the world of "Sunflower"

The sunflowers spread out along the skyline

Under the blue sky and white clouds, there is a different charm

A gust of wind blew, sending a burst of aroma

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Source: Cultural Tourism Liuhe

Countless sunflowers are blooming

It's like a golden ocean

Good luck, drunken clouds, Sanyang Kaitai, teddy bears and so on

A variety of varieties for a more shocking visual experience!

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe
It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe


It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Lake Ikesugi in autumn is quiet and gentle

The lake is sparkling and reflects the reflection of the trees

Occasionally, fish jump out and water birds fly

There are also aquatic weeds swaying under the water

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Walk here with soft fallen leaves

A feeling of being in a paradise came over me

Immerse yourself in this raw, natural beauty

Feel the idyllic and rustic beauty of the jungle

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe
It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

You can also go to the mine town to feel melbourne style

The development history of Yeshan Iron Mine dates back to 3,000 years ago

It is known as the "first mountain of smelting and casting in China"

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe
It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Ride on the "slowest little train"

Rows on narrow railroad tracks

Time seems to be slowing down

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Jinniu Lake is known as the "first scenic spot in Jiangbei"

Surrounded by mountains, the lake is turquoise and the water is as clear as a mirror

It's like a piece of jasper embedded in the midst of a group of peaks

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Source: Dragon Tiger Network

The shores of the lake are winding and lined with trees

Take a relaxing stroll on Lakeside Avenue

It can make people forget their tiredness and troubles

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

The recent regional development of Liuhe is even faster

Nanjing's first 5G full-coverage street will be located in Liuhe!

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe
It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

In terms of 5G, Gigabit optical network, and smart platform

Longpao New City's new generation of 5G information infrastructure construction

and the development of the 5G industry and the development of the new digital economy

Much progress will be made

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Image source: Nanjing release

Although 5G is within the knowledge range of small attacks

It's just a fast, expensive package of data

But it does not prevent the small attack from shouting a word

Awesome, Liuhe!

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

In addition to this Nanjing's first 5G street

Liuhe's development this year has delivered a very good answer sheet

Self-reform of economic development zones and high-tech zones

Attract more young people to liuhe development

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Source: Nanjing Daily

In terms of people's livelihood, shantytowns and old residential areas are transformed

Improve public service facilities in new urban areas and promote the construction of beautiful villages

All make the city and village of Liuhe more and more livable

Ordinary rural roads can also be turned into internet celebrity punch cards

It's time to go for a trip to Liuhe

Beautiful environment and perfect function of Liuhe

It is worth our slow appreciation

Whether it's liu or lu

Small attack this weekend

Let's go eat crucian carp and pork head first!