
Gourmet Hunan and Hunan cuisine classic - hibiscus crucian carp, soft and milky white, light and fresh flavor

author:Travel to Hunan


First, the classic of Hunan cuisine - the historical origin of hibiscus crucian carp

Hunan Furong country enjoy food - hibiscus crucian carp, is based on the twenty-four filial pieties in the "lying ice crucian carp, multi-filial pure" and cooked classic Hunan cuisine, the key to remove fish bones, add eggs, chicken soup and fish soup fusion steamed, fragrant, nutritious, suitable for patients to recover health dishes, children and the elderly to eat, in the past expressed respect for the elderly and love of children, happy parents.

Gourmet Hunan and Hunan cuisine classic - hibiscus crucian carp, soft and milky white, light and fresh flavor

Second, the classic of Hunan cuisine - the nutritional value of hibiscus crucian carp

1) Hunan cuisine classic - crucian carp in hibiscus crucian carp is rich in protein, fat, sugar, inorganic salt, vitamin A, B vitamin, niacin and so on.

2) Hunan cuisine classic - the eggs in hibiscus crucian carp are rich in protein, amino acids, fats, vitamins, folic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, iodine and so on.

Gourmet Hunan and Hunan cuisine classic - hibiscus crucian carp, soft and milky white, light and fresh flavor

Third, Hunan cuisine classic - hibiscus crucian carp gastronomic characteristics:

Soft and milky, light and fresh, fragrant and melting in the mouth

Fourth, Hunan cuisine classic - hibiscus crucian carp ingredients mainly include:

1) Ingredients: crucian carp, it is advisable to choose the size of Anxiang County is about 400 grams of Sandpo Lake black crucian carp.

2) Accessories: egg, ham, cooking wine, green onion, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, chicken fat, lard

Gourmet Hunan and Hunan cuisine classic - hibiscus crucian carp, soft and milky white, light and fresh flavor

V. Hunan cuisine classic - the specific preparation method and steps of hibiscus crucian carp are as follows:

Step 1: First, slaughter the crucian carp, remove the scales, gills and internal organs, wash and set aside.

Step 2: Cut the green onion, beat the ginger, chop the ham and set aside.

Step 3: Cut off the head and tail of the crucian carp obliquely, add the cooking wine and the beaten green onion and ginger, put it on the plate with the fish body and steam it for 8 minutes, remove the skin, remove the bones, and remove the net fish meat for use.

Gourmet Hunan and Hunan cuisine classic - hibiscus crucian carp, soft and milky white, light and fresh flavor

Step 4: Beat 4 egg whites, add half of the net fish, half of the chicken broth, half of the original soup, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper and set aside.

Step 5: Put half of the seasoned fish into the soup bowl, steam it until it is half cooked, and place the fish head and tail on both ends of the bowl. Take the other 2 egg whites, beat into a foam, pour in a small amount of chicken fat, the other half of the chicken soup, fish soup, heat in the pot, fry into a hibiscus shape, then add the other half of the net fish meat and mix well, pour into the fish head between the tail, sprinkle with minced ham, green onion, drizzle with chicken fat.

Gourmet Hunan and Hunan cuisine classic - hibiscus crucian carp, soft and milky white, light and fresh flavor

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