
Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

author:Ahu's snack light

White dew, into the third solar term of autumn, look at this name should know, after the white dew weather will be further cooled, the interpretation of white dew in the "Seventy-two Waiting Solutions to the Moon Order" is: "Water and soil moisture condensation for dew, autumn is golden, golden white, white is the color of dew, and the qi is cold." It can be seen from this that "white dew" is also "autumn dew", but the ancients believed that autumn is gold, and golden white, so it is called "white dew".

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

After entering the white dew, the last hot tail of the summer will also be slowly cut off, the weather will gradually dry, so we have to eat more moist ingredients to resist autumn dryness, so today for everyone to share the "Runqiu Eight Treasures" ingredients, eat in season, help you live a healthy autumn.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="3" > a treasure - lily</h1>

Lily, also not called lily garlic, Li Shizhen said that it may be because it can treat a kind of "lily disease" that manifests as mental trance, and it is called "lily", and "the root of the lily, synthesized with many petals", shaped like garlic Gu is also called "lily garlic", because it tastes like a sweet potato, it is also called "garlic brain potato", it is really a collection of "hundreds of families and my body".

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

Lily since ancient times is the "king" of run, good for run autumn dry, lily is also rich in vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, protein amino acids, etc., at the turn of the season, climate change is impermanent, eat some lilies properly can be healthy body.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

The best way to eat lilies in autumn is to cook porridge with "japonica rice", and bubble lilies are exquisite, first of all, dry lilies must be soaked in warm water of about 40 degrees, do not use boiling water or cold water, after the bubble grows up, then take out and cook with rice porridge, and lilies are not suitable for cooking for a long time, otherwise the nutrition is easy to lose, it is best to get off the pot about 5 minutes before the pot.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="7" > two treasures - peanuts</h1>

Peanuts, the "long fruit" of the ancient population is also, since ancient times, there are many children and many blessings, fruitful, auspicious and festive, a beautiful metaphor of love and keeping, not only means good, but also eats peanuts in autumn.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

Peanuts contain high-quality fat, even if you eat too much, you are not afraid of fat, and it is more "moist". Peanut protein also contains more than ten kinds of amino acids needed by the human body, of which lysine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid are all good things for brain health.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

Of course, if you want to eat peanuts in autumn with moist benefits, you must avoid "frying", although the high temperature cooking taste is very good, but too greasy, and produced some unhealthy fat, the best way to eat is boiled, fresh shelled peanuts only add some salty salt to adjust the mouth, cook for ten minutes and then turn off the heat and simmer for a few minutes, the original taste, delicious to stop.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="11" > three treasures - fungus, white fungus</h1>

Whether it is black fungus or white fungus are good tonics, but also worthy of the name of "mountain delicacies", both in Our country has been eaten for thousands of years, in ancient times were the royal nobility of the tonic, and now have flown into the homes of ordinary people.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

How to eat the two needless to say, the fungus can be cold mixed or fried to eat, but the most taboo when eating the fungus is "long bubble", easy to breed a large number of bacteria to endanger human health, so the soaking time should not exceed 2 hours, you can add a little sugar to stir evenly when soaking, so that ten minutes can be soaked well.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

The best way to cook white fungus is to cook porridge or boil sugar water, while brewing good white fungus and fungus, do not store overnight, in order to prevent nutrient loss and breeding bacteria; at the same time, cooked white fungus should be eaten as soon as possible, otherwise it is easy to produce nitrite, which is not good for health.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="15" > four treasures - soy milk</h1>

It is said that Liu An, the king of Huainan in the Han Dynasty, invented soy milk, and it is said that his mother was seriously ill, and Liu An used beans to grind into soy milk and cook it for his mother to drink, Liu Mother's body miraculously improved, so people drank soy milk to nourish the body.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

The ancients believed that "spring and autumn drink soy milk, nourish yin moist dry", to modern times also have the reputation of "plant milk", which is rich in protein, up to 4%, but also rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals, which the iron content is more than ten times that of milk, but also contains soybean saponins, isoflavones, lecithin and other substances are good nutrition.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

Soybean milk is good but don't drink wrong, because there are always people who say that drinking soy milk diarrhea, in fact, that is that you did not cook soy milk completely caused, cooking soy milk is easy to produce a lot of foam, inexperienced people think that it is boiled, in fact, it is not, it is just an illusion, must be opened to cook until the foam disappears, and then cook for about 8 minutes is completely cooked. Of course, it is easier to use the soybean milk machine.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="19" > five treasures - pears</h1>

Pears, the ancients called it the "Sect of Hundred Fruits", modern people will call it the "general practitioner" of the fruit industry, indicating that eating more pears is still beneficial.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

Pears, sweet and sour, juicy, contain more vitamins, protein and a variety of beneficial minerals, eat more pears in autumn has the benefits of moisturizing and drying, but you know what? Pears are cold, how to eat them in the autumn to make them not cold?

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

The ancients thought thoughtfully, that is, the pear can be cooked to solve this problem, the cooked pear can alleviate its cold, further enhance the benefits of its moisturizing, autumn pear paste is the best example. In this way, you should think that boiling sugar water or porridge with pears is the best way to eat, but it is recommended not to peel it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="24" > Six Treasures - Qi Shi</h1>

Every Year in September is a good time for fresh "Mustard" to be listed, I remember when we were young, we were all picked in the small river behind my grandmother's house, the shape was strange, the shell was full of thorns, like a "chicken head", but after opening it, it was a grain of shelled mustard, so it was also called "chicken head rice" in our locality, because it was rich in nutrition, it could rival ginseng, and it was also called "ginseng in the water".

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

If it is a dry product, it will be soaked overnight, and then it will be used to cook porridge, which is more nutritious. Of course, in the production area of the mustard can also buy fresh edible, relatively easy to cook, we were when we were children are the mustard out of the direct pot after cooking, but when eating also to go to the outside of a shell, so that the inside is more delicious, otherwise it will be a little bitter.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="27" > autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root</h1>

Before and after the white dew lotus root harvest, this is also a good time to taste the fresh, lotus root can be eaten raw, but the ancients believe that in the autumn lotus root cooked and then eat more nutritious.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

The starch contained in the lotus root is easily oxidized, so many people fry the lotus leaves are dark red and gray, so it is a pity that the quality of the lotus root is not stained by the mud. How to solve it? You just need to pay attention not to choose the lotus root that is damaged and leaks out of the lotus hole, if you cut it inside, it must be black, and the sliced lotus root should be immediately soaked in cool water, and a few drops of white vinegar can be dripped to prevent oxidation from turning black.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

When stir-frying or cold mixing, try not to use some darker spices, simple white rice vinegar, sugar, salt, cooking oil, minced garlic, green and red pepper can be cooked out of a crisp and refreshing lotus flakes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="31" > eight treasures - brown rice</h1>

Listening to her mother, when she was a child, she never saw white rice and white noodles, and basically ate some brown rice. And now it's basically white rice and white noodles all year round. In fact, we must eat white rice and white noodles, and coarse grains such as brown rice should also be eaten appropriately, because the vitamin B and many minerals in brown rice are also our nutrition.

Tomorrow white dew, diet to "moisturize", this "run autumn eight treasures" to eat more, to help you safely into the autumn one treasure - lily two treasures - peanut three treasures - fungus, silver ear four treasures - soybean milk five treasures - pear six treasures - qi shi autumn yin seven treasures - lotus root eight treasures - brown rice - Ahu has something to say -

It is not recommended that you only eat whole brown rice for a long time, after all, the taste is not good, it is best to eat with white rice, which is comprehensive in nutrition, and is conducive to digestion and absorption.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="34" > — Ahu has something to say</h1>

White dew is coming, autumn is the beginning, the weather will be more and more cold, in the diet to pay attention to the main run, the above eight ingredients you can often change to eat, while supplementing some high-protein meat, eat less spicy and greasy things, pay attention to more rest, maintain adequate sleep, so that you can spend the autumn safely and safely.

I am Ahu, a small diner who likes to study food and make food, like the above content can pay attention to me, tomorrow there is more wonderful content waiting for you, thank you for reading, see you tomorrow.

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