
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

author:Swallow food sharing diy

Since discovering the bean rice hot pot, my interest in Shuanglin Road has grown sharply recently.

What kind of fat sausage powder, rabbit head, skewer barbecue, the list is a big bunch.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

I also found Iekawa-style barbecue, pork belly, small fragrant pig, small fritters, mao blood Wang, said that the way to eat is a little different!

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

This kind of treasure shop can be missed, pick up my little fan, and walk up.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

I carefully read the menu and found that several dishes were a bit interesting, not very popular, and the waiter brother kept saying that they were special.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Ordered a large table to see how it went.

It tastes like a steak of Xichang small fragrant pig

In the past, the small fragrant pigs I ate were all lumps of pig meat, and this small fragrant pork on this plate was indeed unexpected by me.

Black pepper tastes a bit like a small fragrant pig with pig's neck.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

It looks like a steak and tastes like a steak after grilling.

The black pepper sauce can not cover the juice and umami taste of good pork meat.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Very, very tender, like the tender texture of a beef steak, with snowflakes interspersed with fat and thin.

The aroma of oil and black pepper plus the flavor of the gravy itself is indeed very special, point.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Tin foil baked super flavor-sucking hairy bloody wang

This tin foil series, a dish that I didn't originally pay attention to, amazed me, especially Mao Blood Wang!

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Super heavy spicy taste, more hemp, blood wang is accompanied by hairy belly, baked on the baking pan for 15 minutes, until the blood wang is fully flavored can start eating.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Blood Wang is not the kind of one clip that scatters, slightly with a little toughness, super super taste, a mouth full of green pepper hemp taste.

The blood was tender and sucked in the soup, and there was no strange smell at all.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Unlike the hot pot, which is hot and boiled, the simmered hair belly is also very crisp and the taste is stronger.

The feeling of hemp will last for a long time, and I, who had eaten very much, could not resist the temptation of hemp and ate all of this.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Konjac slices wrapped in soaked cowpeas

I have to say that the boss's brain shell really sucks! One side can be grilled for more than ten seconds to eat.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Konjac is a slippery texture, cowpea is a pickled cowpea, with its own salt flavor, and meat foam makes these two more existential.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

I heard that there is also an option to wrap the amaranth skin, but I did not choose the right amaranth for the time being, only konjac, I can eat one by myself.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Brown sugar rice dumplings that can be brushed

I often eat the rice dumplings and fry them, and I bake themselves in egg liquid and then dip them in brown sugar, which is my first time.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Raw materials such as brown sugar, soybean noodles, glutinous rice and egg liquid are placed up for personal hands, and the sense of participation in the ceremony is enough.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Grilled to brush, with the aroma and toughness of glutinous rice, paired with sticky brown sugar, it is fresh and interesting in a crowd of pork beef.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Freshly fried small fried fritters wrapped in egg mixture

Similar to brown sugar sticks, there is also an egg fritter. Cut the fritters in the middle and beat a quail egg into it.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

The small fritters baked out are crisp and fragrant, and they don't feel oily at all, and they have the unique tough taste of fritters. I dipped it in the plum sauce and it tasted super matched.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Wrap your own kohlrabi + a thousand pieces of millet spicy tofu

In addition to konjac, there is also a small ingredient thousand rolls of freshly baked fresh packets.

A thousand thinly sliced beans into squares, foaming on the baked surface, scooping a spoonful of millet spicy mixed with kohlrabi seasoning.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

I don't lose the barbecue stall my favorite kohlrabi bun tofu skin.

Soy products taste fresh with fresh millet spicy fresh, as well as pickles to enhance the taste, taste bud bomb standard Ha.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Three flavors of signature pork belly, each with its own strengths and weaknesses

The most common pork belly in the grill, Korean style likes to cut thickly, a whole strip, roasted to burst and then cut short.

This family's signature pork belly comes in 3 flavors, spicy, garlic and secret sauces, each with 3 slices.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

It's all fresh pork belly that has been stacked, and a little brush of oil is thrown on the baking pan.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Three tastes I really can't say what the thunder point is.

First, the pork belly is fresh enough, and the second is that the ingredients have their own flavor, but they are not taste-grabbing.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Spicy is your brain shell now want the tip of the tongue numbness touch taste, garlic and a little millet spicy, more spicy taste, secretly sweet.

Three flavors to eat together, really can.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Pig intestines with coriander and ginger shreds

Xichang barbecue is more representative of the small intestine sandwich dish, before I like to eat bamboo shoots the most.

This one is a mixture of flavors stacked into one serving.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

The most impressive thing is the ginger shredded, I was not originally a person who likes to eat ginger, can accept the taste of ginger but does not like the texture of ginger.

Clip to the small intestine to bake, the soft taste of the small intestine, and eat the bamboo shoots is really a different flavor.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

The roast meat tastes good, and I love the two desserts that accompany it.

You can eat 2+ servings of love for everything, full of fleshy mango jelly and watermelon jelly from watermelon juice.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

I prefer mango jelly.

More than half of it is fresh mango pulp, plus delicate pudding, a little coconut milk aroma or a mouthful of mango sweetness, really relieve the heat and oil.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Watermelon jelly is the jelly made of watermelon juice, one is half of the mouth crisp amount, QQ bullet, once eaten can not stop.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

The two freezes are also the alternative to ice powder that I ate in the kebab shop this summer, which is really good.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Harm, when I walked here, I didn't pay attention to a dark barbecue restaurant, came in and ate carefully, or really spent a lot of thought.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

Bamboo chairs, enamel bowls, old pictorials, and tattered mud tile walls, like the sense of an old house in the 80s and 90s.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

There are also many old TVs, old fans, straw hats, stamps, scattered in small places that you may not have noticed.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

It can be seen that the boss really used his heart.

This Sichuan-style barbecue with a full appetite is opened on Shuanglin Heng street.

Called Liu Spicy Sichuan flavor barbecue.

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

It has not been open for a long time, and I heard the brother and daughter of the store head say that people who have eaten say that they will definitely come to the second plate.

After I've eaten it, I also feel like it's one of my new options in this place!

Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long
Roasted blood wang + crispy belly, this spicy taste I can taste all day long

After reading which dish do you most want to eat? Comments section to talk about a Hatha ~

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