
Holliday: A year has passed, and look at what we've done, and we can do it again

author:Tiger Basketball

Tiger Punch, July 23, 2017 The Bucks held a victory parade celebration today, and Zhu Holliday made a speech.

Speaking about coming to the team for less than a year to help the team win the title, Holliday said: "That's what I came here for, that's what I had to do. ”

Speaking about how holeday has felt since joining the Bucks, Holliday said: "Milwaukee has been good to me, for me and my family, this team welcomes us like family, a year has passed, see what we have done and we can do it again. ”

Speaking about the selflessness of the team, Holliday said: "That's one of the most important aspects, everyone has their own role, that's our team, that's our quality, that can help you win the NBA championship." ”

(Editor: Yao Fan)