
Why did Mr. Ma Changli not let his son-in-law Du Zhenjie play Diao Deyi

author:One entertainment, one fun and one gossip

In Mr. Ma Changli's decades of acting career, there is a special historical period that cannot be ignored in any case, that is, the creation and rehearsal process of modern peking opera and model opera that has lasted for more than ten years.

Speaking of Ma Changli, perhaps many young fans are most familiar with the villain Diao Deyi played in one of the "red classics" in "Sha Jiabang". Indeed, the song "This woman is unusual", and the song "It is appropriate to listen to the commander, Ah Qing's sister-in-law is really unusual", has spread all over the country for many years, and people are familiar with the singing sections in "Wisdom Fight". Diao Deyi, to this day, can also be said to be no one can surpass.

Why did Mr. Ma Changli not let his son-in-law Du Zhenjie play Diao Deyi

Born in the early 1930s, Ma Changli did not have any pear garden background, and in his decades of stage career, he created a unique artistic qualification and influence of the times: in the "Four Great Su Sheng", he occupied 3 places - he was Ma Lianliang's righteous son, Tan Fuying's student, and The descendant of Yang Baosen.

Why did Mr. Ma Changli not let his son-in-law Du Zhenjie play Diao Deyi

Mr. Tan Yuanshou and Mr. Ma Changli in the modern drama "Wise Tiger Mountain"

At that time, when Ma Changli was rehearsing "Qin Xianglian" at the Changchun Film Studio, he was given the task of rehearsing "Sha Jiabang". When he got the book, he was dumbfounded: "Let me play 'Diao Deyi'! I used to play a positive character like Yang Zirong!"

  "It's not a bad thing to try it out for all kinds of characters." Ma Changli comforted himself in this way. So he began to borrow all kinds of relevant materials and study them carefully. "The material I borrowed was all about the secret service. I studied the image of the head of the secret service, Dai Kasa, and the Japanese agent, and wanted to find out what the secret agent was. ”

  Although Ma Changli has done enough homework, the 'Diao Deyi' he originally created is still a bookish atmosphere. The "Diao Deyi" image that began to be designed was required to wear glasses. But somehow, once I wear glasses, I can't act, and I act too Sven. At that time, it was rejected and the performance was suspended for several months. Suddenly, one day, I was enlightened and figured out the smell of 'Diao Deyi'. ”

Why did Mr. Ma Changli not let his son-in-law Du Zhenjie play Diao Deyi

  Many years later, when talking about "Diao Deyi", Ma Changli still relished it: "I remember when I performed, everyone was divided into two groups, a group of positive images, and I was in a group of negative characters such as 'Hu Chuankui' and 'Translator'. We 'bad guys' rehearse first. Since there is nothing to learn from, let's study it together. For example, diao deyi's method of holding a pipe, the posture of speaking, and even the brightness of the leather shoes and the brightness of the badge are all carefully pondered and carefully designed by us. ”

  Son-in-law Du Zhenjie said that his father-in-law attaches great importance to the role of Diao Deyi, "Once I said that I wanted to play this role, he said, you can learn, but don't sing first. He felt that I had not yet met his requirements."

Du Zhenjie said: "When we were in the Beijing Theater in 2000, we thought about rearranging "Sha Jiabang", and at that time the head of the troupe consulted with me and wanted me to play the role of Diao Deyi, and I told my father-in-law that he advised me not to take this role, he said that because I had never seen the prototype of this kind of high-level secret agent, many actors now treat Diao Deyi as a rogue, and it is completely out of shape to act as a hooligan."

He told me that now playing Diao Deyi is staged in hooligans, forgetting that Diao Deyi is an intellectual, art is beautiful, and the role of villain is also beautiful."

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