
Ming Yang said the famous paragraph - Fang Rongxiang Ma Changli's "Great Baoguo" fragment appreciation

author:Ming Yang 51

"Great Detective II", also known as "Dragon And Phoenix Pavilion". The story tells that after the death of Emperor Mingmuzong Zhu Zaiyuan, the crown prince was young, the crown prince's mother Li Yanfei temporarily took charge of state affairs, and his father Li Liang, the father of the state, intended to usurp the throne, and used clever words to obtain Li Yanfei's abdication. After xu da, the founding father of the country, Xu Yanzhao, the duke of Dingguo, came forward to drink and called on manchu civil and military officials to play in the temple, but the Sword of Shangfang in Li Liang's hand, only yang Bo, a military attendant, responded, and together with the temple used the history of the former dynasty to try to persuade Guo Tai, and then had a fierce dispute with Guo Tai and Li Liang, and was expelled from the imperial corridor. Later, Xu Yanzhao went to the imperial tomb to cry to the former emperor, and Yang Bo, a military attendant who held military power, mobilized his son who led the troops abroad and led the troops back to the dynasty. After Li Liang's plan, he put the prince and the crown prince under house arrest in the cold palace, and Li Yanfei saw clearly her father's plot to usurp the throne. When Xu and Yang entered the palace for the second time, Concubine Li Yan crowned Yang Bo with the official position and entrusted Xu and Yang to assist the young lord to ascend the throne.

Ming Yang said the famous paragraph - Fang Rongxiang Ma Changli's "Great Baoguo" fragment appreciation

This is a classic traditional singing drama that is most familiar and loved by the majority of theater fans and friends.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the net line is roughly divided into "copper hammer flower face" that pays attention to singing, "shelf flower face" that pays attention to reading, and "wrestling flower face" that pays attention to martial arts. Among them, the origin of the term "copper hammer flower face", which is mainly sung, is derived from the image of the copper hammer in the arms of Xu Yanzhao in the play. It can also be seen that the play has a long history in traditional dramas.

The characters in the play, Yang Bo, are employed by Lao Sheng, Xu Yanzhao is employed by Hua Face, and Li Yanfei is hired by QingYi. Pay attention to the strength of the actors is equal, raw, dan, net and equally important, one side is slightly softer, the degree of excitement is greatly reduced. There is a lot of information left by the senior actors. The more famous ones are:

Recording clips of Jin Shaoshan, Lin Shusen, and Xiao Juhong;

The full text of Yang Baosen, Jin Shaochen (Wang Quankui), and Xie Hongwen (Zhang Junqiu);

The full text of Tan Fuying, Qiu Shengrong, Zhang Junqiu (Liang Xiaoluan), etc.

Among them, tan, qiu, and Zhang versions are the most recognized by fans. It is known as the peak representative of the play.

The actors of all major genres of the play are often staged, and they all have their own artistic characteristics. For example, the old student Yang Bo has Tan, Yu, Yang, Gao, Yan and other schools; The Golden and Qiu Singing Methods of Xu Yanzhao; and the Mei, Cheng, and Zhang Sects of Li Yanfei in Qingyi.

There are two strange phenomena: one is that Mr. Ma Lianliang does not seem to move the play;

The second is that the three-fold singing began with Tan Fuying, but his son Tan Yuanshou did not sing this play, and the "Great Detective II" recorded by Mr. Tan Fuying was also accompanied by his disciple Mr. Gao Baoxian.

After Mr. Qiu Shengrong, Mr. Fang Rongxiang, who is special in singing and characterized by stability, can be called the first. On New Year's Day in 1981, the "Qiu Pai Art Special" was staged at the Tianjin First Workers' Cultural Palace. I have seen this play cooperated by many famous artists on the spot. By Kang Wansheng, Fang Rongxiang and Li Changchun as Xu Yanzhao. Among them, the second yellow singing voice of mr. Fang's "Exploring the Imperial Tomb" was very wonderful, and the applause from the audience was thunderous.

Although Mr. Ma Lianliang did not leave the information of the play, his descendants Ma Changli and Zhang Xuejin did have information left. Today, I enjoy with you the clip of "The Great Protector" cooperated by Fang Rongxiang and Ma Changli. Unfortunately, there is only audio, no video. In the play, Li Yanfei is played by Yang Shurui, a disciple of Mr. Zhang Junqiu.

In order to facilitate audience appreciation at different levels, the introductory lyrics are as follows:

Xu: (Two Yellow Shake Plate)

Xu Yanzhao went out to the house to rush the bull fight (also sang the robe and shook the sleeves),

Zun Yisheng two classes Chinese Duke Wu.

The first prince Yan drove the prince young,

The Dragon Kingdom will let Jiang Shan make a treacherous plot.

Those who disobey play with the old man in the temple,

Long Guotai lowered the sin old man to keep.

At noon the door shouted that my mouth was dry and rusty,

Yang: (White) Chitose walks slowly.

Xu: (Erhuang Shake Board) The official of which department of the talker

Yang: (White) Yang Bo of the Army.

Xu: (Two Yellow Scattered Plates) Shanglong Lou.

Yang: (White) Chitose walks slowly. (Two yellow loose plates)

I'm going to put this repair in the house,

Overhearing Guotai let the dragon building.

Ben dangdang to the temple to play this music,

Why don't you dare to stand out in my official position.

Xu and Yang: (Bai Luo).

Xu: (White) So come with me. (Sing two huangyuan plate):

All only for the Dragon Kingdom tai jiangshan to let,

Yang: I sent traitors to the DPRK to disturb the family list. (There are also conspiracies to usurp the family state)

Xu: Standing at the noon gate with your eyes,

Yang: Standing next to that side is Li Liang, a traitor who is plotting to usurp the throne.

Xu: The traitor was holding a scarlet sword in his arms, and he had the appearance of an emperor.

Yang: (Stacked plate) (how to compare) The old prince gave a copper hammer to beat the emperor under the slanderous courtiers to suppress which of the Manchu Dynasty's wen and wu officials was disrespectful,

Chitose is a Dingguo Zhongliang.

Xu: (Original) Kowloon Pass Former Samson King Driving,

Yang: Eight thanks to The Emperor,

Lee: The mouth of Kowloon passed on the will, and Xu Yang's two families were flat.

Xu: Copper Hammer Three Points Xie Guotai,

Yang: May the kingdom be blessed with good health.

Lee: The Inner Attendant has seen the Golden Chair,

Xu Yang (he) Daming Jiangshan made consultations with him.

This clip of Mr. Fang is basically sung according to the number of enshilus, and the tone and breath are integrated into some of his own singing styles. Mr. Ma Changli's singing basically follows the Yang Pai singing method, such as the third sentence in the four scattered plates. The word "play" of "Ben Dang Shangdian Puts Ben Sonata", Tan Pai has a big support cavity, ups and downs. The Yang Pai, on the other hand, sang flat, and Mr. Ma Changli was handled according to the Yang Pai here.

In addition, when "seeing the driver", Xu sang "KowloonKou Former King Driving", and generally Yang Bo sang "The Subject Wishes the Kingdom tai fu shou ankang". In the back, Xu sang "Copper Hammer Three Points Xie Guotai", and Yang Bo sang "Four Up Eight Worship Xie Huangniang". Mr. Ma sang in the opposite order as in general. I don't know if it's my own singing style or a little flawed. I feel that when Li Yanfei sang "The Inner Attendant has seen the Golden Chair" later, she was somewhat cramped.

Looking forward to your review and attention.

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