
Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

author:Red face show shadow
Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

The performance of the US drama market in 2018 can be called "gradually entering the better situation",

Especially since September, the major classic IPs have returned one after another, and for a time, how to chase the drama has become the most painful and happy choice for the fans...

"Shameless" and "Legend of Fallen Street" are just the first course, "The Strange Man of The High Castle" and "Need for a Mother" are interspersed in the middle, and "Drug Lord" and "The Walking Dead" are coming soon.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

But the red face show wants to focus on the "Netflix" Netflix, Netflix in the first half of the year played several small language series,

The cold and bitterly styled Finnish drama "In the Wind" combines the murder of the slaughter with the cold texture of Finnish alienation;

There is the Indian drama "Evil Ghost", which shows a cruel reality and extremely strange story, which is even mixed with feminist rise and supernatural elements, which is very interesting.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

There is also an Indian "Sacred Game" and a reversal, sharp Brazilian drama "Black Gold High Wall",

However, these types of dramas have not launched a big IP with a strong foundation, and can only be regarded as a niche drama with good response.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

Netflix's high production and low quality in the first half of the year also made "Westworld" a monopoly situation.

Although HBO's second top drama "Westworld" fell into an embarrassing situation of "applause", high ratings and low ratings,

But the second season of "Westworld" in the first half of this year is still "the best in the whole field",

Major rating sites and film critics have relished the intricate details of Westworld and the whimsical storytelling techniques of HBO novels.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

And the finale of the second season of "Westworld" can also be said to bring us a deep sense of shock,

"Westworld" is not a simple drama, an "H-riot" level action movie, the core of its discussion has surpassed all the current TV series, that is, the emergence of self-awareness.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

The finale of the tenth episode of the second season gives us a deep sense of shock,

After experiencing the emergence of self-awareness and learning the meaning of resistance, all robots are determined to assemble to build a world of their own, for freedom and self;

De Mei disguised herself as a human being this time and went to the human world, but there was a sense of sadness and loneliness that Jing Ke stabbed Qin, "the wind is xiao xiao and the water is cold, and the hero will not return once he is gone".

This species, which is similar to human beings and desperately wants to get rid of the fate given to them by human beings, makes us pity and make us afraid.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

Over the years, works about the relationship between "artificial intelligence" and human beings, and how artificial intelligence has affected our lives, have also been more and more displayed on the screen.

Like "Real Humans" and "Black Mirror" are a series of works that deeply explore the relationship between artificial intelligence and humans in the future.

Although similar works are endless, it seems that no excellent artificial intelligence theme has been born in the near future.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

Although there is a Spielberg-directed "Ready Player One" that stunned the big screen in early March this year,

Not only has it played to the extreme in technology and concept, but also paid tribute to all fans in terms of ideas and feelings, but "Ready Player One" does not focus on digging deep into the conflict between artificial intelligence and humans.

Indeed, it is indeed difficult to put such a large-scale theme into a movie that is only 2 hours long.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

But there is no shortage of films that are actively trying this.

Today's red face show is going to introduce you to a sci-fi thriller movie launched by Netflix this year: "Extinction"!

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

Liz Capan, the heroine of "Amazing Thieves 2", joined Netflix's new sci-fi film "Extinction",

Unlike the blonde Hollywood specialty, a small jasper-type brown-haired girl like Liz Capan exudes a different flavor, without the luck of popularity, but constantly fermenting herself like fine wine.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

The supporting actor Michael Pena in "End of Vigilance" and "Ant-Man" will play the male lead of the film.

In the film, he is an ordinary man who often dreams of losing his family.

Liz Carpenter, on the other hand, plays Pena's wife in the film, who together protect their families and loved ones in the event of an alien invasion.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

In recent years, there are many good movies that have been threatened by alien invasions or the development of artificial intelligence that threaten the safety of human beings themselves.

Like last year's "Arrival", this year's "Annihilation", all show calm and restraint,

Under the undercurrent, we feel a huge sense of despair and pressure, and also present an unparalleled sense of superiority in the atmosphere creation.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

Extinction, however, is not Westworld, Annihilation, or Advent at all.

There is no such thing as the desperate atmosphere of nowhere to escape, watching unknown creatures slowly penetrate us, created in these masterpieces;

Rather, it is the story of artificial humans going directly into the earth to compete with humans for territory, and human beings must fight and flee with them for the sake of family and survival.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

Somewhat similar to the invasion of alien creatures like "I Am Legend" and "Dawn of the Living Dead", humans flee and fight,

Over the years, the stories of science fiction thrillers and doomsday escapes have been presented less and less on the big screen, because such themes often bring the audience a sense of audiovisual stimulation, and it is difficult to make breakthroughs in novelty and genre.

But with the concept of artificial intelligence, the film is instantly full of novelty and gimmicks.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

However, Netflix's movies are too "stingy", and this problem is vividly expressed in "Extinction".

The beginning of the film creates a tense and fearful atmosphere of alien invasion and human escape.

Not as good as Pitt's pre-apocalyptic panic and instinctive survival in "Zombie World Wars", nor as cool as the wisdom and calmness of Will Smith in "I Am Legend".

The amateurism and stupidity of this group of characters at the end of the world really makes people wonder why they are the protagonist!

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

Everyone's acting skills are decent, and they can often be seen in critical moments, life and death.

Everyone stood under the room or the uncovered table, dazed or dumbfounded;

It's 2018, in "Golden Wolf Gang 3" and "Joker Returns" and "Homestay", the children's roles have been able to play the main role very maturely.

In "Extinction", children still have to become the drag bottles of adults, and they can only scream and cry at key moments, which inevitably makes the audience feel old-fashioned, rejected and disgusted.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

And in "Extinction", this high-quality concept is dragged down into a bad film by the script and thin character relationships.

The noisy girls in the first half and the amateur doomsday escape have actually exhausted the audience's expectations.

However, the mutual help, conflict between artificial humans and humans in the second half, and even the instinct of creatures for territory seizure, can be used as a very good and very profound opportunity to play,

However, the director of this movie has completely screwed up!

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

The relationship between the characters in the movie is too weak, the story loses the big background and becomes a small pattern, pale and weak,

Many insignificant dangerous shots had to be added because of the reasons that drove the plot, resulting in a very slow pace in the initial part of the crisis;

Even the second half of the artificial man's awakening of his identity, the exchange of artificial man and human heart, is particularly powerless,

There is only a beautiful concept, and a genre ambition to mix and match many elements, but it is divided and chaotic in scheduling the plot and conflict creation, and the connection of details.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

The story begins with an interesting crisis of apocalyptic prophecy, and the interrupted climactic escape is reduced to an old routine.

The final artificial-human confrontation could have brought the film into identity dilemmas, ways of getting along between races, and metaphors for the current state of humanity, similar to the deep production of Westworld.

But unfortunately, the small pattern of Netflix movies is still difficult to achieve such an achievement.

Compared to "Westworld", Liz Capan's new sci-fi film is old-fashioned and vulgar!

In the end, Liz Capan's Extinction is still reduced to crappy personal heroism, pig teammates creating conflicts to trigger crises and hanging escapes, seeing boring old-earth stories,

For science fiction films, to be able to do Spielberg's big pattern, deep level, that is definitely a masterpiece, can do "Annihilation" such a small and exquisite, but also very new,

But something as small and old-fashioned as Extinction can only be reduced to a "rotten work.".

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