
Wu Fan: The new crown pandemic will eventually end, and this epidemic has brought 5 lessons to mankind

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Li Jiawei

Foreign experts and scholars often ask Wu Fan, "Which of your chinese anti-epidemic moves has the best effect?" Wu Fan replied: "We are not the result of a good move, but a comprehensive policy." ”

Wu Fan: The new crown pandemic will eventually end, and this epidemic has brought 5 lessons to mankind

Wu Fan, vice president of Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University and dean of Shanghai Institute of Major Infectious Diseases and Biosafety, delivered a speech photo by Zhang Chengjun

On the afternoon of June 4, the 2021 Pujiang Innovation Forum continued in Shanghai. At the global health and development sub-forum with the theme of "Vaccines and Global Health", Wu Fan, vice president of Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University and dean of Shanghai Institute of Major Infectious Diseases and Biosafety, talked about the impact of public health system construction on global health.

Wu Fan recalled that in October 2019, the "Global Health and Safety Index 2019", which was jointly initiated by three international organizations, was released to evaluate 195 countries and regions around the world through a complex set of indicator systems, of which the United States, the United Kingdom and other Western countries ranked first, and China only ranked in the middle.

Soon after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in the world, when the expert group reviewed it some time later, it was found that countries with high scores often did not do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, and some countries that did not score at the top did well. As of 1 June 2021, the Americas and Europe accounted for more than three-quarters of the total number of reported COVID-19 cases globally.

The level of medical treatment in the United States and other Western countries is not low, but why is the epidemic prevention and control not done well? The effect of epidemic prevention and control in China is very outstanding, what is the secret?

At the forum, Wu Fan summarized China's "comprehensive measures" measures to deal with the new crown epidemic: a unified and efficient decision-making command system, scientific and accurate prevention and control strategies in accordance with the law, early detection, early reporting, early isolation, early treatment, coordinated and linked medical and health resources and multi-sectoral cooperation, community participation, mobilization of the whole people, and international exchanges and cooperation.

Wu Fan took Shanghai on the battlefield of China's fight against the epidemic as an example, and summed it up with 5 words: early, fast, accurate, complete and warm.

She further introduced that when the epidemic occurs, Shanghai can complete the core information survey within two hours and complete the circulation survey within 24 hours. The source of infection has been identified for all local cases of COVID-19, and the average time to confirm local cases is only 1.3 days, which can now be controlled within one day. The city's largest daily single-tube nucleic acid detection capacity has exceeded 770,000 copies.

She recalled that in January 2021, there were individual cases in Shanghai's Huangpu District, when she led a special class to explore a transmission chain overnight, and within 15 hours, she clarified the contact situation of more than 100 close contacts, more than 3,300 high-risk personnel, more than 30 online ride-hailing vehicles, 22 restaurants and other risky places, and implemented isolation and control measures.

"We have defined the population in a very precise way and dealt with it quickly, which has played a crucial role in controlling the epidemic." Wu Fan said that this approach has also minimized the impact of the epidemic on the operation of the city.

At the same time, through the implementation of joint prevention and control measures, we will guard the door of the country and the door of the home, promote social participation, public participation and health education, and give play to the role of everyone. Wu Fan also stressed the importance of humanistic care in epidemic prevention and control, pointing out that there are "temperature" measures to better promote everyone to implement.

"Public health is essentially a social problem, not a matter of clinicians seeing patients. It is necessary to solve the problem through public policies and the scheduling of resources. Wu Fan said. By definition, public health is through organized social action that it efficiently prevents disease, prolongs life, and promotes mental and physical health.

She said that public health should study the relationship between population health and disease and the natural environment and the social environment, and adopt preventive health care, social health and public policy measures to achieve the purpose of maintaining and promoting people's healthy life expectancy.

"Today we are very fortunate that we have a well-functioning public health system." Wu Fan said.

The global pandemic continues. Wu Fan said that at present, in the face of the challenge of the new crown epidemic, the performance of countries is different, the prevention and control strategies between countries are different, the intensity of control measures is different, the fairness of vaccination is not strong, and the speed and intensity of vaccination are also different.

She believes that the COVID-19 pandemic will eventually end in the long run, but this epidemic has brought many enlightenments to mankind, including these 5 lessons:

First, the epidemic not only has a major impact on global health, but also has a far-reaching impact on the economic, social, diplomatic and other fields.

Second, China's experience has taught people that a sound public health system and a complete social governance system can play a major role.

The third is the rapid research and development and application of vaccines in the epidemic, demonstrating the great power of modern science and technology.

Fourth, according to local conditions and comprehensive measures, we can quickly control the global epidemic situation.

Fifth, no country can stand alone, and promoting global health equity is of great significance to human development.

Editor-in-Charge: Gao Wen

Proofreader: Liu Wei

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