
2021 new end word-of-mouth article recommendation

author:Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Baotou area little angels

"The whole universe is raising me in kryptonite" Mu Mu Liangchen;

Copywriter 1:

The sick beauty Sang Mengmeng woke up to find herself wearing a wasteland planet with a harsh environment, and her body had become smaller.

In order to survive, she had to work hard to wave her small short hands to pick strange wild fruits, cloak moon, build houses, drink dew, hide from dinosaurs with the help of the survival system...

The Wasteland is full of dangers, but strangely enough, every time she is very lucky to overcome the danger and find the package left by the suspected surviving humans.

Over time, the wrapped things have also become more and more abundant.

After accidentally picking up a package that fell from the sky and contained a beautiful dress, the little Sangmei who had been cold and silent from crossing to now finally revealed a smile:

Eyebrows are bent, dimples on the cheeks, and a shallow smile.

The billions of non-human citizens of the universe staring at this scene behind the holographic screen boiled over!


"Sloppy, Lao Tzu has long said that he wants to buy clothes for the cubs, you must say that she likes to eat, sent past mud sandwiches, pepper roasted metal, and did not see the cubs eat ah! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻”

"The cubs are beautiful! Cubs are mine!!!! ”

"The robot upstairs crawls away for grandpa, and the cub belongs to our organic life!"

At this time, Sang Mengmeng did not know that she had worn into the future world dominated by non-humans and became a human cub that the whole universe could not ask for.

Copywriting 2:

Since the appearance of the human cub Sang Mengmeng, the Federation of All Ethnic Groups has urgently promulgated the "Rules for Guarding the Healthy Growth of Cubs I":

1. Scientific cub raising, starting from you and me, it is forbidden for kryptonite gold to airdrop all kinds of strange items to the cubs (details: It is strictly forbidden for the robot clan to give the cubs krypton high voltage electricity!). It is strictly forbidden for the Zerg Clan to send out an army of millions of worker insects to protect the cubs! )

2. The cub is still small, and it is strictly forbidden to make all kinds of bad remarks such as "Cub I want to have a little mermaid with you/elf/little orc/little robot."

3. Prohibit tv stations of all ethnic groups from secretly broadcasting the daily increase in ratings of cubs sleeping, and if they are found, they will be fined and fined!!

4. This rule was updated on April 2, 2020 in the non-human cosmic calendar.


1. The male protagonist is sealed, double first love

2. There are more non-human perspectives, and the emotional line is backward.

Shi Yang of "Farewell to the Later Generation";

【The double male protagonist of this article】

Zheng Weidong: "Go back." Rao Holly: "You're afraid." Zheng Weidong: "So... Not good, not good for you. ”

Rao Holly laughed silently, raised the cigarette between his fingers and took a deep breath. The soft white tower rushed hard, she couldn't get used to it, and she couldn't suppress her cough.

"What if I don't return?"

"Obedient." Zheng Weidong smoked the cigarette and extinguished it on the cement floor.


In the middle of the summer night, Zheng Weidong was about to lock the door of the store, and he bumped into Rao Holly who came from the wind and dust. As soon as she entered, she defied dissuasion to unbutton her blouse, revealing a shocking bruise.

"Help me see, is this good?"

The tall and tough man in front of him seemed to have his spine bent, slowly squatting on the ground with his head down, and whimpering with restraint.

Rao Dongqing had known Zheng Weidong for more than ten years, and the first time he saw him crying, he lost his attitude like a child.

"Special Investigation Team [Criminal Investigation]" Xu Xiaomeow;

Because a serial missing murder case with extremely bad social impact has not been solved for a long time, public opinion has pushed the small Fenghe City to the cusp of the storm, and the Fenghe City Bureau has no choice but to apply for a 'special investigation team' to intervene in the investigation of this case.   

Ye Zhu of the criminal investigation detachment of the municipal bureau received an olive branch from the special investigation team after the case was solved.   

Ye Zhu, who had just been reborn and was still in a state of confusion: Why me?   

Yan Yu: There is a lack of humanoid tanks in the group.   

Ye Zhu: ...  


In his previous life, when Ye Zhu was on a mission, he and his colleagues were sent to heaven by unknown criminals.   

After being reborn, she was mistakenly recruited into the special investigation team that originally existed only in legends.   

She looked at the side face of the group leader Yan Yu, a satisfied, the so-called back against the tree to cool off, maybe in this life not only can protect the lives of themselves and colleagues, if it goes well, they can also bring the dirty rats to justice

However, her worship of the god of speech lasted only a few seconds, stemming from a conversation...

Team Member: Why do you call Ye Zhu a tank?

Yan Yu: The mountains can be flat, the sea can be filled, and there is no grass wherever they go, and the key is to resist beating.

High IQ type action explosive male + peach type humanoid tank female

2021 new end word-of-mouth article recommendation

"Romantic Pills" Kim is stunned;

Cheng Yi (heroine) perspective:

When the whole world was dark when they broke up, she doubted that the sun would not rise again, that the long night would last forever.

Later, the sun rose and set a thousand times, and she realized that she was still too young to influence the sunrise and sunset, and time even took his name away from life.

After years of reunion, her first reaction was what was his name?

Three seconds later, the familiar name knotted on the tongue.

Ten minutes later, she reacted, angry enough to pound the steering wheel, the dog man, patronizing the end of the image, forgot to smoke him!

Qi Shenzhou (male protagonist) perspective:

When I first mentioned the breakup, I wanted her to be calm and calm, and I knew it!

He didn't understand why he had gone through the sound of people and experienced a distant and exotic love, but he was constantly fighting day and night.

As a result, she was finished calming down, and she was actually in the right place.

[Through the sound of people boiling, I thought it was the earth and the sky, only to find that it was just a hanging garden.] 】

#任意 "Minepoint" readers be careful!


Urban love, karma meets broken mirror, and the proud son of heaven is re-rounded

How does a ball fall in love? Chen Bing;

Laughter gets a chance to wear a book.

She can choose an author and travel to the next novel of this author to become the heroine.

Therefore, in order to be happy for the next life, Laughter stormed the Jinjiang Literature City overnight.

Finally, she found an author - perennial sweet, warm and not abusive, updated and stable, and has not yet pit literary history. Most importantly, this author has been writing about furry, white, and soft little foxes for the past two years.

This kind of persona sounds like he can live a long time, and he is beautiful when he is an adult, and he can still stroke his tail when he is idle. It was so happily decided.

However, when she reopened her eyes and slipped into the book, she found herself a furry, white, soft lying body... football. One was left for too long, hairy, leaky... football.

Laughter: ????? Laughter: ???????? Laughter: ????????????

【Male Version】

Zhou Shuo this person, turtle hair, poisonous tongue, sullen, do not understand the style. Friends complained that he deserved to be alone all his life.

He felt the same way himself.

However, one night, he was working overtime in a daze, and in the haze, he felt that the football in his corner that he had not played for many years was like a helpless little girl.

Zhou Shuo:? Single for a long time, even a ball is clear-eyed.

= A small essay to tone the mood. Not long. =

"You Are My Idealism" Desert Camel;

None of the characters have prototypes. 】

Chun Rui said that being able to cooperate with Yan Wenzheng was walking luck, and pursuing Yan Wenzheng was a whim.

Someone was curious: "Did Teacher Yan promise you?" ”

"Nothing." Chun Rui shook her head, "He said I was too deep into the play." ”

【Mine clearance】 Entertainment circle, slow heat, women chasing men, male protagonists divorced, age difference of ten years

Urban love has a special love

Introduction: Because of the drama of love

Intention: To reach inner peace

2021 new end word-of-mouth article recommendation

"Attacking Jade" Condensed Long;

Overhead Tang Dynasty catch demon text. "He is the stone of the mountain, and he can attack jade." For the arrogant Anderson Shizi Lin Chengyou, Teng Yuyi was the piece of "jade" that he could not conquer. The proud son of heaven is the way to chase his wife to death.

Intention: Come on, teenager, don't be afraid of difficulties. ...

"Back to Nine Zero" @ A Wai Yu;

Lin Wenjun lay on the operating table

Looking back on my life, I thought I had a good life

The husband made a fortune in the nineties, did not raise the little three and did not cheat

Three sons and daughters are also considered filial piety

She had not suffered a great or a great sin

How can it be unsatisfied? Is the husband drifting away from himself? Is it the three children who complain that her bowl of water is uneven? Or did her relatives suck blood but no one remembered her well?

If she could do it all over again, she would certainly not be a housewife, she would not swallow the white-eyed wolf family, and she would not raise her second daughter... Neither will she... Marry your husband again

With her eyes open, Lin Wenjun returned to the year when she was thirty-two years old, and she was already pregnant with her second child

Sunset Rose;

The Jian family in Jiangning Province has been operating gold jewelry for generations and is a well-known old gold shop. Old Master Jian did not worry about gold and silver, and wanted to squeeze into the celebrity as a businessman, so he had the idea of recruiting a noble son-in-law for his only daughter, Jian Mingshu.

Old Master Jian cast a wide net, selected a few cold disciples to cultivate carefully, gave gold and silver, and only waited for the middle list to catch a son-in-law. Lu Lan is a fish in the "fish pond" of the Jian family, but he was caught by Ming Shu and promised his heart early.

However, Lu Lu had no intention of repaying the Kindness of the Jian family, and he never had a good face for Jian Mingshu.

On the day of the township trial release list, Jian Mingshu and Lu Lan finally quarreled, and the two drew a clear line, and the enmity and resentment disappeared.

This matter was already settled at this point, and the two men and women married each other from then on, but later...

Before Lu Lan left Jiangning Province, the Jian family was robbed, and Jian Mingshu was seriously injured. In order to repay the favor, Lu Lan saved Jian Mingshu, how did she know that after she opened her eyes, she forgot everything.

What to do? The Jian family died only Jian Mingshu alone, and Lu Lu had no choice but to take people to the capital.

In order to avoid JianMingshu regenerating those thoughts that should not be there, Lu Lu deceived her.

"You're my sister." Yes, Jian Mingshu became Lu Mingshu, and later became the sister of Xinke Zhuangyuan, which was very popular in the capital

Later, Lu Lu regretted that he was not in the beginning.

1. The background is overhead, referring to Tang Songming, set to serve the plot, and the fiction component is high.

2, 1V1, the first three chapters of the slight abuse of the heroine.

3. The male and female protagonists are not perfect, and it is inevitable that there will be character shortcomings.