
The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

author:Movies on Rotten Tomatoes

On January 18, 2021 ushered in the first opening year melon.

Zheng Shuang's ex-boyfriend Zhang Heng released a blockbuster article, which mentioned that the reason why he and his family were stranded in the United States was actually to take care of and protect the lives of two young innocent little people.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

After that, Zhang Heng's friend broke the child's birth certificate.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

(Image from NetEase Entertainment)

Just under the shock of netizens, a bigger melon came.

According to reports, Zheng Shuang and Zhang Heng originally found two surrogate mothers to surrogate two children.

From the exposure recording, it is known that Zheng Shuang once moved the idea of abandoning his child.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

Next, it is Zheng Shuang's "incomprehensible" official response.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

After a series of horse-catching dramas, "surrogacy" has once again appeared on the hot search and has become the focus of public discussion.

What is surrogacy?

In fact, it is a surrogate pregnancy, and those couples who do not want to have children or cannot have children spend high prices to put fertilized eggs into the surrogate mother's body.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

After getting pregnant in October, the two took the baby back and the transaction was completed.

As we all know, surrogacy is illegal in our country.

However, at present, many people in China are still advocating the "legalization of surrogacy".

They think that as a business act, one willing to fight and one willing to suffer, there is no problem.

However, if you open a brain hole, one day surrogacy can really be legalized, what will happen?

As early as 2017, a vigorous American drama depicted a frightening magical reality for us.

It's it --

The Handmaid's Tale Season 1

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

The series is based on Margaret Atwood's novel of the same name, The Handmaid's Tale.

The heroine is Elizabeth Moss, who has gradually become popular in recent years.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

The story takes place in the distant future.

At that time, the earth suffered from severe environmental pollution, and the birth rate of the population plummeted.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

As a result, parts of the United States, after experiencing war, established a completely new regime: gilead.

In order to protect the population, the government began to implement polygamy.

Fertile women, known as "handmaidens," were forced to serve as reproductive tools of the ruling class.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

And the heroine, Ofrid, is one of them.

Previously, she had lived a stable life.

But one day, when she and her friends were spending money at a coffee shop, they suddenly found that their bank cards were frozen.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

After that, the company dismissed all female employees to go home.

Later, Congress passed a new resolution declaring that women no longer had property rights and had since lost their personal freedom.

Despite the people's attempts to resist, they were still unable to resist the fierce fire of the army.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

Under the spread of apocalyptic sentiment, religious forces rose rapidly.

The archbishops of the districts gradually became the de facto rulers of the country.

An absurd and cruel dystopian world was thus "created".

In the play, the heroine is assigned to the home of the Archbishop of Watford as a "handmaiden" because of her fertility.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

On weekdays, she is arranged to go out shopping during the day.

As is customary, she needs to travel with another "handmaiden".

On the surface, it may seem like a kind of care for each other, but in fact it is to let them spy on each other.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

The atmosphere created by the series is permeated with totalitarian colors similar to "1984".

In a country where everyone is at risk, "procreation" is packaged as a miracle.

All citizens must accept the legal and moral discipline centered on it.

Adulterers, homosexuals, and doctors who perform abortions were all convicted and hanged.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

And all women are not only deprived of all freedom.

It is even more necessary to undergo regular "brainwashing".

In Mama's description, procreation is a gift from God.

It is a great honor for the "handmaidens" to serve the bishop's family and conceive them.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

At first, some people thought this was ridiculous.

But soon, she was attacked by Mama's electric rod and dragged away.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

Another woman, Jenny, was gouged out of her right eye for trying to resist.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

At a group event, Jenny was even more molested by a man.

And was attacked by Mama's madness.

At her instigation, a group of "handmaidens" do their utmost to humiliate Jenny.

It was not her fault that it had happened to Jenny, but her own fault.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

The terrible thing about totalitarianism is often the use of brainwashing to control the population.

Then through the catharsis of various collective emotions, its rule is consolidated.

In such an environment, in order to survive, the heroine must bear the burden of humiliation.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

As night comes, Ofrid is about to undergo a "sacred" fertilization ritual.

And before that, she had to take a careful bath and clean her body.

The holy music sounded, and the archbishop read the allusions to the crowd with the Bible in his hand as the authoritative basis for the fertilization ceremony.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

After that, it was a strange looking bed scene.

The Archbishop kept charging at Ofrid with his lower body.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

Ofrid, on the other hand, lay impressively between the legs of the Archbishop's wife.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

The expressions of the three men were very serious, and all their behavior was as stiff as machinery.

After the ceremony, the nightmare did not end there.

Late at night, Ofrid began to worry about whether he would be able to conceive successfully.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

Because according to the regulations, if the assigned "handmaiden" is not pregnant, she has to change to another family.

And a "handmaiden" has only three chances in her life.

If you can successfully give birth to a child, you can enjoy the relevant benefits of the state.

If no child is born in the end, they will be sent to the radiation zone to work as a coolie, and there will never be a day to emerge.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

As a science fiction drama with a very allegorical temperament, the most obvious theme in this drama is undoubtedly "resistance".

Ofred, whose original name was Joan before becoming a "handmaiden", was an independent woman of the new era.

After becoming a "handmaiden", she had to go against the grain in order to survive.

But she never gave up her struggle against the system.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

The desire to find her daughter has always supported her to move forward.

With her wisdom and wisdom, she maneuvered between the archbishop, the archbishop's wife, and her grandmother.

And finally at the end of the first season, he led the "handmaidens" to launch a tenacious resistance to Mama.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

Thankfully, the show is only a fictional series.

But what many people don't know is that the author of the novel, Margaret Atwood, once said:

"Every word in this book has really happened."

You read that right, this work of art has a fictional component.

But many of these details are traced in history.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

Looking back at reality, is "legalization of surrogacy" really feasible?

In 2002, India quickly became the world's largest surrogacy factory after commercial surrogacy was legalized.

Later, until it was announced in 2015, the surrogacy industry has brought in billions of dollars in annual output.

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

But behind the huge commercial interests, we see a disregard for life.

When childbirth becomes work, children become commodities.

How will we define life, how will we believe in human beliefs and value systems?

What kind of world will this be?

In "The Handmaid's Tale", the director borrowed the mouth of the heroine and said that we urgently need to be alert to the necessity of reality.

"Nothing changes in an instant, like a boiled frog that burns to death before you even notice something is wrong."

The three views exploded, the scale was amazing, and this drama was even more shocking than Zheng Shuang's surrogacy

At the end of the day, the wheel of history is not always moving forward.

If we are willing to give up the minimum of awareness and the bottom line, then the collapse of the Tower of Freedom will only be instantaneous.

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