
"Iron fans" protested against "election fraud" Trump was accused of hurting the foundations of American democracy

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Foreign media said that more than a month after Biden was elected, a red hat wave of "making America great again" swept through the US capital on the 12th, demanding that Trump serve as president for another four years and once again condemning "large-scale fraud" in the presidential election without evidence. Us media articles said that Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election are an unprecedented attack on the foundations of American democracy.

Agence France-Presse Washington reported on Dec. 12 that although the Supreme Court's ruling the day before shattered Trump's last chances of a reversal, his supporters remain convinced he won the November election.

In the festive atmosphere, thousands of people gathered in Freedom Square near the White House.

"We're not going to give up anything." Luke Wilson, a 60-something from Idaho, said.

"Foreign interference", an election software that supposedly erases millions of votes cast for Trump... Activists cited reasons why they believe the election was "stolen."

"The American people are the victims of a great injustice." Dale Quake, who regularly attends Trump rallies, said he thought the election of Democrat Biden was "completely unlikely."

Due to the lack of conclusive evidence to support the allegations of "mass fraud," some 50 allegations made by Trump's allies across the United States — with 1 exception — were either dismissed by the courts or dropped.

Trump himself has consistently refused to admit that he lost to Biden.

"Wow! Thousands of people gathered in Washington to stop someone from stealing our elections. Trump tweeted on the 12th. His helicopter then flew over the crowd singing the national anthem.

Much smaller counter-protests have also reportedly taken place in the U.S. capital.

The Washington Post website published an article titled "Republican Officials Follow Trump down Dangerously Destructive Paths" on December 12, written by Dan Balltz, arguing that those Republican elected officials who joined Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election are aiding and abetting abuse, helping Trump to inflict damage on democracy and the credibility of these officials themselves and the parties they represent. The full text is excerpted below:

Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election have not been successful, but have not stopped, and they are an unprecedented attack on the foundations of American democracy. They are equally destructive to the submissive Republican Party.

The extent of the Republican Party's depravity in recent days has been clearly demonstrated: First the attorneys general of 17 states, and then 126 Republican house members announced their support for the lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, asking the Supreme Court not to recognize the confirmed vote counts in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

The Supreme Court rejected this objection on the evening of the 11th. This blanket refusal underscores how stupid members of the party are in supporting Trump.

Many Republicans remained silent as Trump pursued his baseless claims. When a Washington Post reporter contacted all Republicans in Congress, only 27 said Biden had won, two more said Trump had won, while the remaining 219 had either not replied or had not given a definitive answer.

Such acquiescence is devastating for elected officials who have sworn an oath to the Constitution. The failure of these MPs to refute or accuse the President is complicit in perpetuating the lies about the election.

The idea seems to be that all this will eventually work out. As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put it, "Go with the flow." It's an optimistic view that "water can be harvested," that Trump will suddenly be silent, that his followers will accept Biden as president, and that no one will remember the troubling period from the election to the inauguration of the president.

Never before in U.S. history have there been so many lawsuits challenging presidential elections without conclusive evidence.

With the Supreme Court ruling, the president's legal action was in a desperate situation. As Republican Senator Ben Sass put it, the Supreme Court "put an end to nonsense."

Trump remains unconvinced. On the morning of the 12th, he said on the Twitter website: "We have just started fighting!!! "But the schedule is not good for him.

The electoral colleges of the 50 states and special districts will meet on the 14th to vote. They then count the ballot papers, prepare the certificates, and present them to the Senate President and other congressional figures.

On January 6 next year, members of Congress will hold a joint meeting chaired by Vice President Pence to publish the certificate, count the votes and announce the results. If the outcome of either state is called into question, the vote counting process will be stopped and the House and Senate will debate and vote on the challenge.

Republicans may hope that the Electoral College will finally quiet down the president on the 14th, but Trump's behavior has not shown any sign that he will accept the election results. He will continue to make unreasonable demands for the expansion of his powers and undermine Biden's presidency. The Republican elected officials who joined his effort are aiding and abetting the abuse, helping ToakIngen Trump's credibility with democracy and the officials themselves and the parties they represent.

"Iron fans" protested against "election fraud" Trump was accused of hurting the foundations of American democracy

Trump supporters held signs in front of the Supreme Court on the 12th to protest the election results. (Reuters)

Source: Reference News Network