
The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

author:The full moon is like a hook
The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

Watching the movie is a bullet ‖ black others is black yourself

I wrapped myself up with a lofty point of view: goals, any goal, all goals, after being formulated, as long as they are not implemented, even the socks they do not wear are not as good. In other words, all the goals that do not use action as a means of implementation are "hooligans".

I have watched many movies and felt very deeply from them. It doesn't matter if you look back and think about it, but you magically find that once you compare yourself, it is dark under the lights. The conclusion is that it is not others who have been "playing hooligans", but myself, covering the egg and laughing. For example, until the second time I watched "Earth Thunder", I really sighed, at that time I was so excited to write a sense of watching, and as a result, eight years passed, and the more times I watched, the more I couldn't write it.

As the saying goes, "The crow stands on the black pig, only sees the black of the people, but cannot see the black of his own home", is this not a thunderclap of the black under the lamp?

Once the goal is determined, take action immediately, with the courage of the superego, fight against human nature, fight against the self, overcome difficulties, and do not give up until the goal is reached, which is one of the themes expressed in "Earth Thunder" from beginning to end.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

The second bomb of the movie ‖ the clear stream of the box office mudslide

At the end of 2010, the Coen brothers' remake of the American Western "TRUE GRIT" premiered, and after two weeks of obsession, it suddenly jumped to the top of the North American box office. From this point, it can be vaguely inferred that this "seemingly bronze is actually the king" film has a mellow "hangover" effect, in which the connotation needs to lie flat on silence and slowly taste.

The plot is simple: 14-year-old girl Marty (Hayley. Stanfield), who hires Federal Police Officer Cockburn (Jeff Scott). Bridges), Corkburn joins forces with Texas Mounted Police Officer LeBooff (Matt. Damon), the three go deep into the Indian colony together to arrest the murderer Cheney.

The reason why I like the Coen brothers' films is that the Coen brothers are not purely commercial. It is worth pointing out that the Coen brothers are very philosophical and quite chic. In my opinion, it is simply a piece of green jade that stands out in the commercial blockbuster mudslide. In addition, as Americans who claim to be God's chosen people, the Coen brothers' expressive perspective in many films is the same as the expression of Chinese cultural traditions, the so-called reincarnation of the Heavenly Dao, the balance of life and death, and the natural reason. For example, another " Ballad of Buster Struges " also bears this distinctive label.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

Watching the movie three bombs ‖ a balance of life and death that pays off with life

Marty's father and the hired cheney go to town to buy horses, Cheney goes to the small shop to drink and play cards and loses money, thinking that others play the old thousand, go back to the inn to get a gun and play a trick, Marty's father comes forward to stop it, is shot by Cheney, Andey escapes.

➠ One life ♞ Cocoben saved Le Bouf

In order to capture Cheney, the divorced one-eyed police officers Cocoben and Matibou laid an ambush and prepared to ambush the Ned bandits, but LeBoov, who was tracking them, did not know it, broke into the ambush circle, and was surrounded by the Ned bandits who came later, and LeBoov's life was hanging in the balance. At the critical moment, Cocoben engages in a shootout with the bandits and saves LeBouf.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

➠ Two lives ♞ LeBough life-saving Kaokov

At the foot of the mountain, Cocoben crossed the knife and set up a posture to block the escape of the bandits, one of them bravely attacked the four bandits, he shot and killed three people, but was shot down by Ned under the horse, pressed by the horse, Ned was ready to shoot Cocoben, at the moment of crisis, was shot by LeBouf on the top of the mountain, saving Khao Keben.

➠ Three lives ♞ LeBouf saves Marty

At the top of the hill, Mattie is crushed by the murderer, Cheney raises a knife to prepare to kill Mattie, and in danger, Cheney is knocked unconscious by LeBough, who arrived in time, and Mattie is rescued.

➠ Four Lives ♞ Marty Saves LeBough

At the foot of the mountain, Cocoben confronted the four outlaws with guns. The awakened Cheney smashed LeBov, LeBov's life was hanging in the balance, at the critical moment, Marty grabbed the gun in her hand, killed Cheney, and saved LeBov, but the recoil of the gun knocked the weak Marty into the pit, bitten by the hibernating poisonous snake, and her life was in danger.

➠ Five Lives ♞ Cocoburn Saves Marty

The sunset is about to set, familiar with the doctor's cocoburn, pick up Marty, ride Marty's little black horse, and time to die, the pony is tired, and finally send Marty to the doctor's hand, the left arm was amputated, And Mattie survived.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

➠ Six Lives ♞ Marty did not marry In her life, she answered Kao Ke Ben

After Mattie woke up from her coma, Cocoben and LeBouf had long since quietly left. Back home, Mattie wrote to Cocoburn inviting him to her farm, but she never heard from him.

Fast forward a quarter of a century. In this ups and downs of life and death journey, all three people have taken their lives to defend the law and to defend their personal dignity and demands. With the courage of the superego, they proved their respective personalities. The matter is whisked away, and the merit and name are hidden deeply. In this contest between good and evil, they live together day and night, and share a common fate. The bad guy fu fa, the three broke up, and since then they have not seen each other, and they have not met for 25 years.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

In July 1903, Marty received an invitation from Cocoburn to watch her "Wild West Show." Mattie went happily, but Cocoburn died 3 days before Mattie arrived, and the situation at that time was very sad. Marty moved Cocoburn's coffin to the farm for burial, and left it to gossip until death, and Mattie never married.

You don't see me, I don't owe you, I feel sorry for you; you have made me, I have made you, the heavens are clear. Although the end of the world is far away, but close at hand; do not be close, get the end of the world, rather than tears like rain, it is better to let the wind drift away.

Just in response to the old Chinese saying, it is better to forget each other than to forget each other.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

Watching the movie four bombs ‖ the cold and warm of the film

At the beginning, it gives people a cold chill, and the cold revealed throughout the film is from beginning to end. Most of the costumes of the people in the play are black, gray, and yellow; heavy snow, empty forests, dark caves, cold rivers; the trade of words and swords, cold tones, indifferent affection; gallows, murderers, poisonous snakes, life and death, corpse trading... It all seems that alludes to the fact that this is a cold, ruthless and disorderly world.

And don't be fooled by this coldness, like a natural gas stove burning, it looks like a blue cold tone, but you know very well that the blue essence is hot.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

In addition to the background of winter, the reason why the film uses cold as the keynote is to reflect the substantive temperature that the film wants to express. Audiences who are keen on fresh clothes and angry horses may resist with this monotonous coldness alone. It should be noted that it is simple to express heat with heat, and it is difficult to express heat with cold.

➠ At the beginning of the film, Marty's dead father lies in the snow, and the murderer Cheney flees in a hurry, but the two hanging lights at the door flash brighter and brighter, meaning that we are not finished.

➠ Mattie was actually short of clothes and clothes at her aunt's house, and she was cold and shivering all night. After dawn, Marty puts a pot of bright red apples (which appear 3 times in the whole play) into a bag that she bought from her aunt for 5 cents, because she heard a black child say that the little dark horse likes to eat apples. The film reflects the warmth of human nature with the coldness of human feelings, and knows itself through contrast, cold and warm.

➠ Seeing that Coco ben had left him and formed a tracking duo with LeBouf, Mati chased her horse wildly, and when she reached the river, despite the cold water, she drove her horse into the water and swam to the other side. How can a river in winter extinguish the fire of murder?

➠ In the icy and snowy night, despite the danger, Coco ben made a fire for Mattie and warmed the boiling water. Le Bouf reminded that as a pursuing mounted policeman, in order to avoid exposure or attack, sometimes there is no water for several days, and when thirsty, you can only drink muddy water. Cocoburn sneered, saying that he thought that if the mounted police had not drunk the water in the horseshoe prints, they would not be counted as mounted policemen, which caused LeBough to leave in anger. Cold-blooded bailiffs who kill bandits like hemp, long cold nights, human nature behaves like a campfire. And so on.

Watching the film five bombs ‖ the simplicity and complexity of the film

The biggest form of expression of the film is Jane, to what extent? If you don't pay enough attention, miss a line, miss a shot, or ignore a piece of music, it's likely to directly lower your movie expectations.

Jane felt like a horse herding: the horses ate or didn't eat grass, no one cared, and the wrangler slept lying down. The film does not please the audience at all, I play mine, I don't look at you.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

For example, there are two wonderful and exquisite scene dialogues: ➠Marty, who is quite talented in business, because of her father's death, wants to return the horse bought by her father to the horse dealer. She took advantage of the fact that the horse dealer did not take good care of her father's horse, so that she was stolen by Cheney, using misery (father's death, mother's new widow, younger siblings), threats (asking a very strong lawyer to sue the horse dealer for failing to take care of the duty to bully orphans and widows), and using sharp teeth to persuade the horse dealer to return to her at the ideal price.

➠ In fact, after the horses were recovered, no one bought them, and the horse dealers who thought they were unlucky could only lose money. After a small talk, Marty seized the opportunity to return the horse dealer at the original high price, and wanted to re-redeem a small dark horse at a low price. At this time, the old horse dealer woke up like a dream, subconsciously looked up and said: Wait, we have started trading again? CUT! That's the end of the shot clip. Such a complex business and character portrayal, the two films only take 5 minutes and 13 seconds, clean and sharp, after laughing, the aftertaste is long.

What's more, the actor Stanfield, who plays Mattie, is still childish compared to the other two veterans, Bridges and Matt Damon.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

The so-called avenue to simplicity, this movie is like this. People live from complexity to simplicity, desire from complexity to simplicity... As Yang Dai said, we have been so eager for the approval of the outside world, until we finally know that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others. Nothing to do with it is the simplest, and the higher-order simplicity is the calm self.

There must be simplicity and complexity, because everything is opposites and unity, just as everything in the world is a mirror image. What form of unity does the film's simplicity take? Music, yes, complex music is a mirror image of simplicity. Jane is the eye, and complexity is the ear.

According to the plot development, the crew created a total of 21 pieces of music for "Earth Thunder", which can be described as complex and changeable. For example, "Run Away in Panic", "Little Dark Horse", "Crossing the River", "The Great Adventure", "Father's Gun", "One to Four", "Running Dead Horse", "I Hold You", "Quarter Century", "Grave", "Clinging to the Arm of Eternity"...

These colorful music, like a reflective lamp on the high speed of the film's lens, is like a shadow, and the eyes are as far as the eye can see, echoing and shining. These soundtracks are water-shaped, illusory and wandering, beating with the audience's induction, feeling full and three-dimensional. Without the proper penetration of this music, "Earth Thunder" is a feast that forgets to put salt.

The earth thundered‖ is done, where so much nonsense

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