
The intelligence station | the old man on the side of the road flipped over, and the Jinan bus driver helped and was praised

author:Qilu one point

On October 26, the intelligence officer "G Prayer Baby" sent an intelligence message to the Qilu One Point Intelligence Station, the official client of qilu Evening News, and recently, a bus driver in Jinan rescued the injured elderly during the operation, and the family sent pennants and thank-you letters to praise the enthusiastic driver.

The intelligence station | the old man on the side of the road flipped over, and the Jinan bus driver helped and was praised

On the afternoon of the 21st, when Zhang Hua, the driver of B98 Road, drove to the West Station of Lashan Interchange, a female passenger got on the bus and handed Zhang Hua a thank-you letter and a pennant. The female passenger said that the old man in the family fell down two days ago, and a young man helped the old man up in time. It was a driver on our B98 road, a young man, and the old man had to ask our colleague to hand it over to him. Jinan bus intelligence officer Geng Yan said.

The intelligence station | the old man on the side of the road flipped over, and the Jinan bus driver helped and was praised
The intelligence station | the old man on the side of the road flipped over, and the Jinan bus driver helped and was praised

According to the team's understanding, the driver who did a good deed and did not leave his name is Named Shi Guangbin, a young post-90s driver. Due to the blind spot, only the old man pressed under the tricycle and the driver Shi Guangbin rushed out of the car to rescue the elderly in the monitoring.

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In the thank-you letter, the passenger's family restored the rescue scene at that time: two elderly people fell to the ground due to the wet and slippery ground, the vehicle rolled over and fell to the ground, and the female elderly were pressed under the tricycle and could not move. Shi Guangbin just drove by, he did not say a word immediately got out of the car to rescue the injured old man, due to the wet ground, Shi Guangbin also took off his overalls and cushioned under the old man's body, with the help of passing citizens, he will work together to lift the tricycle and confirm that the two old people have nothing to do before leaving. Afterwards, the family of the elderly made a pennant for the B98 bus team and sent a letter of commendation to express gratitude to the driver.

The intelligence station | the old man on the side of the road flipped over, and the Jinan bus driver helped and was praised

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Congratulations on the intelligence for getting the best intelligence of the day, and the intelligence officer "G Prayer Baby" will receive a 5 yuan red envelope reward issued by the intelligence station staff!

The intelligence station | the old man on the side of the road flipped over, and the Jinan bus driver helped and was praised

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The intelligence station | the old man on the side of the road flipped over, and the Jinan bus driver helped and was praised

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