
What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"


Massacre on the Nile is a detective novel by Agatha Christie that was released to rave reviews.

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

Rich woman Bennett

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

Jackie and boyfriend Simon

The story revolves around Bennett, Jackie, and Simon. Bennett was a wealthy woman who inherited her father's huge inheritance at a young age and came from a well-off family.

On the other hand, Jackie, only a poor boyfriend Simon, under Jackie's pleading, Bennett agreed to give Simon a job for Jackie's sake, so that they could survive, but will everything really go so smoothly? Can Jackie really grow old with Simon?

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

Simon betrayed Jackie

Wan Cheng did not want to, Simon left Jackie, turned around and threw herself into the arms of the rich woman, (so can not introduce the boyfriend to the girlfriend π_π) Simon and Bennett quickly married and prepared to go to the honeymoon, and Jackie, has been following them,,,

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

The crowd boarded the boat

Bennett and Simon (and Jackie, who followed her) board a luxury cruise ship, a group of writers, maids, doctors and lawyers, agents, and the film's key character: the Belgian detective Poirot. A boat of people doesn't seem to have anything to do with each other, but is that the case?

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

The detective sighed

However, as the plot progresses, it is not difficult to see that Bennett is not a likable character, her family estate has forced the death of the writer's maid's family, she herself has ruined the reputation of a doctor, and she has owed her maid several years of wages, and the writer has described her very badly in the book, so to speak: most of the ship is her enemy. No wonder the detective sighed, "Why is everyone making enemies of her?!" ”

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

Simon was shot

On this day, the plot begins to move towards a suspenseful climax, and at night, Simon and Jackie quarrel over past entanglements, Jackie shoots Simon in grief and anger, and she slowly calms down under the action of sedatives because of the almost madness of her behavior.

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

This looks like a tragedy of accidental injury trapped by love, but is it really only how simple?

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

Doctors examine corpses

The next day, the quiet of the early morning was shattered by a scream, and Bennett died in bed! A bullet pierced her head, ending the young life. Detective Poirot is in charge of investigating the murderer, and the question is, there are many enemies of the dead on this ship, and everyone has a motive, who will it be?

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"
What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

The detective begins to investigate, and the more he investigates, the more confused he becomes, everyone has a motive, and everyone has an alibi, and it is precisely because everyone is suspected of being a murderer that no one can be identified as a murderer.

And the situation is getting more and more serious, the maid mysteriously died, the writer claims to have seen the murderer, and when it is about to be announced, he is mysteriously shot to end his life, the murderer is on this boat, but who is it?

We often say that the most dangerous place is the safest place, just as in this bizarre case, the seemingly most unlikely person is the murderer.

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

Point out the killer

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"

In the end, Detective Poirot perfectly points out the killer, it is Jackie who took a sedative that night and Fell asleep and Simon who is seriously injured and incapacitated!

It turns out that Jackie and Simon have planned a delicate murder at the beginning, approaching Bennett only for her money, Jackie's shot did not really hit Simon, Simon pretended to be injured, killed Bennett while everyone was busy settling Jackie, and then really fired a shot at himself, with a perfect excuse, that is, he was injured and could not walk, and Jackie also had a reason not to commit murder because of sedatives, and it seemed that the two most unlikely people were the real murderers.

Jackie killed Simon, and then she was martyred herself, and in just a few days of ups and downs, a beautiful vacation turned into a brutal murder, "The Nile Massacre"

Tell us a delicate crime, a twist and turn of suspense, a helpless sacrifice.

Finally, Detective Poirot turned to the survivors on the ship, but also to the audience, and said in a serious tone: "Hang on." ”

What can't be seen is the truth! God-level reversal 9.7 high score, suspense film "Massacre on the Nile"


The heart of harming others must not be there, and the heart of preventing people must not be without.

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