
It's a failed "dune" story

author:Watch movie magazines


The sky is full of yellow sand, the earthquake is shaking, the sand dunes are sinking, and the "King of the Desert Monsters" sandworm is coming!

If you haven't seen [Dune], what you might miss is a [Star Wars] of our time.

Director Villeneuve, the one who shot [Advent], [Blade Runner 2049];

Cast include: "Sweet Tea" Timothy Chalmed, Zhen Zhang, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Charlotte Ramplin, Jason Momma and Javier Baden.

Just for this luxurious lineup, [Dune] can also be regarded as a must-see project for fans this year.

However, the story that Ah Kan is going to tell today is related to [Dune].

But it's not so relevant to the current [Dune].

Tell the story of a "legend of film history" that once failed.

It's a failed "dune" story

[Jodulovsky's Dunes].

After all, the first time Ah Kan knew about [Dune], he heard that it was a "impossible movie" category.

In the 1970s, director Jodulovsky was ambitious and intended to bring it to the screen, but ultimately failed.

Its legendary degree can be tied with the "Terry Gilliam's [Don Quixote]" project, the two legendary peaks in film history.

Of course, [Don Quixote] ended up filming.

Well, the story of [Dune] won't end either.

It's a failed "dune" story

You may not have heard of the giant monster sandworm in [Dune] or [Dune] before.

But you must have seen Hayao Miyazaki's [Valley of the Wind].

In fact, the huge swarm of lotus worms in [The Valley of the Wind] is as large as a moving palace, and its inspiration and name come from the sand worms in [Dunes].

It's a failed "dune" story

Sandworms are monsters throughout the story, and the entire novel tells the story of the rise and fall of a galactic family.

[Dune] is a famous space epic that focuses on the planet Aragis.

It is a desert planet, born of the metabolism of sandworms, and here unearthed a spice, a mixture, a drug that can cause strong hallucinations, and it is one of the most important commodities of the entire universe.

It's a failed "dune" story

This also makes the dunes an extraordinary strategic place, like Afghanistan in the galaxy.

War and love, betrayal and revenge, adolescence and the rise and fall of families, all unfold on this desert planet.

Dune's first novel was published in 1965 and soon became the first science fiction novel to win both the Hugo And Nebula Awards (the Hugo And Nebula Awards are two of the most authoritative awards in the science fiction world).

It is more known as the "Bible" in the hearts of science fiction lovers, which can be worshipped and cannot be desecrated.

It's a failed "dune" story

But to be human? It's just too difficult!

The novel has many characters, complex backgrounds, and clues, and discusses many super topics such as politics, religion, economy, ecology, and spirituality.

No wonder the new director, Villeneuve, called it "the greatest difficulty of my life."

At that time, Zodlowsky even shouted "I didn't understand the first 100 pages!" "On the one hand, it is pious and sacred—

"[Dune] is like a god to me, a god of art and cinema."

In short, this is definitely a crazy project, and whoever puts it in their hands has to weigh it.

Not to mention the 70s.

In the '70s, before [Star Wars], Hollywood science fiction movies were almost blank.

You can say that it is an unexplored "blue ocean", or it can be said that it is destined to "touch the reef" without a successful precedent.

But it comes across Zodlowski, the "movie maniac"!

In the documentary, Zodu's first words in the opening scene are "What is the goal of life?" It's about creating a soul for yourself! ”

It's a failed "dune" story

The life of a movie maniac is not impossible in three words. At this point, Zodu's film ambitions finally have a chance to realize.

"I wanted to make a movie like this, and when I look at it, it's like taking a hallucinogen. I don't want people to take drugs, but I want to create a drug-like effect. ”

More importantly, it's not just psychedelic.

It will also change the perception of the masses, like "prophecy", it will change the minds of all young people around the world.

Do the [Dune] project and you'll have to be a madman!

The Mexican madman Zodu of Chilean descent could not be more appropriate.

Before [Dune], the debut film [Vando and Liz] drove the premiere film festival audience crazy and was directly banned in Mexico.

It's a failed "dune" story

The next [Mole] and [Holy Mountain] are as crazy and eerie as if they were movies from parallel worlds.

Burning pianos, flower-eating maidens, birds flying out of corpses, dung transformed into golden gold...

He has created so many bizarre surreal imagery that it is no wonder that these two famous cult films are widely acclaimed in Europe and worshiped by fans at midnight in North America.

It's a failed "dune" story

Also after the success of [Holy Mountain], the producer called and asked him what he wanted to make next? And promise to shoot whatever you want!

Jodo dared to think and dare to do it, without hesitation: "Shoot [Dune]!" ”

Crazy project meets crazy demon director, it is simply a "thunder and fire"!

It's a failed "dune" story

Who were the most popular musicians in the 1970s?

Pink Floyd, a Pioneer of British Psychedelic Rock.

In 1973, after the release of Dark Side of the Moon, the album set a record for 741 consecutive weeks in the United States.

It's a failed "dune" story

Mick Jagger, lead singer of the Rolling Stones.

The Rolling Stones went viral from the '60s to the '70s, and Mick Jagger was hailed as one of the most influential lead vocalists of all time.

It's a failed "dune" story

Who were the most promising and rising stars behind the scenes of the 1970s?

Dan O'Bannon. He debuted by doing special effects and writing a screenplay for John Carpenter's directorial debut ,Black Planet.

He needs a new opportunity.

If the future is foreseeable, just a few short years later, he will shock Hollywood with [Alien] (1979).

H· R. Giger. The young Swiss artist, highly regarded by Dalí, is painting his dark and terrifying world at home.

It's a failed "dune" story

In the same few years, he will win an Oscar for doing art design for [Alien], and he will be loved by all fans.

Jean Mebbis.

One of Europe's top manga artists and designers of the future, he later influenced a number of animation artists including Hayao Miyazaki, Katsuyo Otomo, Akira Toriyama, and Daiyo Matsumoto.

Who is the eternal idol for surreal lovers?

Salvador Dalí. Along with Picasso and Matisse, he is almost the most representative surreal painter of the 20th century.

It's a failed "dune" story

Who is famous for rewriting the classics of film history [Citizen Kane]?

Orson Wells. A great filmmaker who has left an astonishing legacy in television, film and other fields.

Perhaps, no matter how imaginative people are, it is difficult to imagine bringing all these cattle people together into one project.

But mad devils like Zodorovsky are obviously not ordinary people.

Such a whimsical list of crew members, he not only thought about it, but went straight to work after thinking about it!

In his own words, "I'm going to build my own team of spiritual warriors!" ”

In fact, this lineup can be called fantastic.

Soundtrack, Pink Floyd;

Special Effects, Dan O'Bannon;

Art Direction, H. R. Giger and Jean Mebis;

Actors include Mick Jagger, Orson Wells and Salvador Dali.

It's a failed "dune" story

In order to win over Pink Floyd, Zodu scolded directly in the studio where "The Dark Side of the Moon" was recorded:

"What I offer you will be the opportunity to score the greatest film in human history, and together we will change the world!" But you're eating hamburgers there!" How do you get it? ”

As a result, several members of the band who ate hamburgers calmly and did not listen much to Zodu were scolded.

I obediently listened to the director's words, and I was so respectful that I couldn't do it.

Everything went smoothly after that.

In order to "trick" the big-name Dalí, Zodu even took the title of the most expensive actor in Dalí Hollywood in one go.

It's a failed "dune" story

The Dalí Lion opened widely, $100,000 an hour.

Zado said directly, "I'll pay you $100,000 a minute!" ”

The producers were shocked! We have so much money! Zado said quietly: "Dalí's scene is at most 5 minutes, or it may only be 3 minutes." ”

All right. Such a willfulness, you are happy.

The process of finding Orson Wells is even more "big-handed". In the 1970s, Wells was largely silent, addicted to alcohol and food, and his personality was famously moody.

Jodo searched for someone to visit all the famous restaurants in Paris, and finally found him in one of them.

It's a failed "dune" story

Wells hadn't heard about the project yet, and he just refused. Zodu watched the people eat and waved a big hand, "I'll give you the chef of this restaurant, and you can eat his food every day on the set." ”

Wells swallowed and responded happily.

Flying around the world, kidnapping and cheating, Zodoo finally assembled a lineup of his dreams that was also crazy. Everything is ready, just waiting to be turned on.

At this time, something went wrong.

It's a failed "dune" story

The director of [Outlaw Driving], Nicholas Winding Revon, is a close friend of Zodu and his "iron fan".

Like many fans, he imagined what would have happened if Zodu's "Dune" had been filmed.

"What if the first sci-fi blockbuster was [Dune] instead of [Star Wars]? Is it that the entire box office blockbuster structure will be changed? ”

The history that did not occur cannot be confirmed.

But the failure of [Dune] that year was also a "great failure".

In 1975, the film was ready for everything, and only a little east wind was owed.

[Dune] had an overspending budget (from 10 million to 15 million) and they needed to go to Hollywood to raise $5 million.

When Zodu took the fantasy team to painstakingly produce a script and a 300-page storyboard, he went to Hollywood to knock on the door of film giants such as Disney and Paramount.

It's a failed "dune" story
It's a failed "dune" story

But I didn't expect to get a fairly consistent answer:

"It's great, but we're not going to shoot it."

Hollywood has never invested in a large-scale sci-fi project of its kind before, and what's more, they don't trust the director of the Mexican film, Jodulovsky.

In later documentaries, Zodu was quite angry about this:

"The Hollywood system makes us like slaves. There is no dignity, no depth, like a demon in our pockets. ”

He then pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket, meaning deeply: "This money. This shit.”

It's a failed "dune" story

And to say the root cause, Zodu's [dune] is too advanced!

Hollywood has never seen anything like it, and the audience has never seen anything like it.

What's more, the paranoid Zodu also wants to be out of control of the duration and make it a 12-hour or even 20-hour epic.

[Dune] this crazy project, just like this, came to an end in a slightly lonely way.

But its failure is also worth mentioning.

A few years later, the teams of O'Bannon, Giger, and Mebis reunite on the Alien project, where they work together to create one of the most terrifying space monsters of the 20th century.

It's a failed "dune" story

Ridley Scott even used Giger's original design for Dunes in his sequel ,Prometheus.

It's a failed "dune" story

It also influenced the later [Star Wars].

From the background setting where the protagonist grows up in the desert to the sword fight scene in it, many shadows of [Dune] can be seen.

It's a failed "dune" story

[Dune], which Zodu never completed, influenced countless Hollywood works with its advanced concepts and settings.

After [Dune] failed, Jodo's life was changed.

He didn't make another movie for many years and has since invested his passion in comics.

But Zodu never regretted it, as he said, "Don't be afraid to fail, do it."

For what you love, for the soul, how crazy is it, how to fail.

In 2021. [Dune], which Zodu didn't make, was released.

I just don't know, this 92-year-old man, will he go to the theater to watch other people's dreams?

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