
The family has the magic star domestication record of the reasoning

author:Confessions of an elephant

Many parents will be distressed, how their children always play lai, sprinkle, say nothing can not listen to, beat and scold, the result is always a lose-lose situation... I would like to dedicate this short story to parents who are willing to take the time to read this article, and hope to give you a little inspiration and help

One day during the National Day holiday in October, the family's two-and-a-half-year-old devil star ate half of the rice, and suddenly used the spoon in his hand to push the glass turntable on the table, who knew that one was too strong, and the spoon flew out directly and fell to the ground. I gave him the washed spoon and told him to concentrate on eating, and the spoon was for eating, not for playing. Who knows that just after the words were finished, I heard the sound of the spoon landing on the ground again... I was suddenly angry, very hard to turn the little devil star's dining chair to face me, and then raised the volume of questioning him, but no matter how I asked and said, he was a look of no concern, and then hi rogue look, if it wasn't for his father quickly taking him away, I might not be able to control the power of the flood in my hand

When I calmed down my emotions and walked to the living room, I heard the strange conversation between father and son in the living room:

Dad: Let's not eat now, let's talk.

Little Magic Star: ... (Children are slow to react) Do you chat?

DAD: Yeah, chat, let's talk about spoons.

Little Magic Star: ... (Slow half beat again) Spoon thing?

Dad: Dad asked who just threw the spoon?

Little Devil Star: Who threw the spoon?

Dad: Think about it, who just threw the spoon.

Little Devil Star: I don't know...

(After experiencing two times that the little magic star changed the topic and deliberately did not answer, Dad still asked reluctantly, and finally... )

Little Devil Star: Hmmm... It was Dad who threw it...

father:...... (Angry and funny) How could it be thrown by Dad? Obviously, you threw it! Are you doing it wrong?

Little Devil Star: (He looked back at me) It was Dad who did it wrong

Dad: How could it be that Dad was wrong? Dad didn't throw the spoon again, you threw the spoon away!

Little Devil Star: Did I throw it? Did I throw it?

Dad: Yeah, it's the spoon you threw, and when the spoon falls off, don't pick it up and wash it...

Little Magic Star: I'll go wash it (I'll run to the restaurant while talking)

Dad: Are you wrong?

The little magic star answered loudly as he ran: No!!

I was already laughing at the side to the point that my stomach hurt, and I was only a funny thing at that time. But what surprised us was that one night after that, Grandma teased the little magic star, asked him what kind of a grandparents, parents were angry, the little magic star replied: grandparents hit people, parents chat, do not hit people ~ I listened to the shock in my heart, only to react, the National Day we as a funny thing chat style communication, has left a deep impression in his memory ~

And a small thing that happened recently made me even more convinced that because the child is only one or two years old, I think they can't understand and can't remember to give up communication, because no matter how old the child is, whether it can fully understand, the parents' patient guidance and communication are very meaningful!

Just a few days ago at lunchtime, the little devil star took a spoon and suddenly said: Baby... (Throw) dropped the spoon, Dad and I chatted, can't throw the spoon ~