
Shen Lei: The "Endoscopic Holy Hand" who is bent on saving

author:People's Hospital of Wuhan University

Speaking of Shen Lei, all the patients and colleagues he treated would give a thumbs up and praise him as the "endoscopic holy hand" for solving the difficult diseases of gastroenterology. He led the team to overcome the difficulties in the medical process, solving the pain and bringing health to countless patients.

In the face of patients' heartfelt thanks, Shen Lei is always very humble. He spoke softly and walked briskly, shuttling between wards, outpatient clinics, and endoscopy rooms every day. He said that as the "second generation of doctors", he should not only inherit and carry forward the noble medical ethics of his parents' generation, but also constantly challenge the "limits" of life, and bring the greatest health protection to patients through digestion endoscopy with minimal trauma.

In October 2021, Wuhan University held the 2021 "Medical Ethics Model" selection activity. Through the democratic recommendation of relevant units, online publicity, trade union research and selection and other procedures, Shen Lei won the title of "Model of Medical Ethics" of Wuhan University in 2021.

Shen Lei: The "Endoscopic Holy Hand" who is bent on saving

Shen Lei is engaged in endoscopic operations

Shen Lei, male, Han ethnicity, preparatory member of the Communist Party of China, doctor of medicine. Chief Physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, Deputy Director of the Department of Gastroenterology II, Wuhan University People's Hospital (Hubei Provincial People's Hospital), Doctoral Supervisor. He has won the title of "Medical Master" of the Chinese Doctors' Day of Wuhan University People's Hospital for many times, and has won the titles of "Advanced Worker" and "Advanced Individual of Medical Ethics and Medical Style" in the hospital for many consecutive years.

Practicing medicine for nearly 30 years, Shen Lei has always adhered to the enthusiastic service attitude, noble medical ethics, exquisite medical technology, and treated every patient kindly, winning the praise of the society and the praise of peers.

Love the party and dedicate themselves to serving patients wholeheartedly

As a preparatory member of the Communist Party of China, Shen Lei has always supported the leadership of the Communist Party of China. He adheres to the principle of "people first, life first", anxious patients, worried about patients, thinking about patients, always adhering to the principle of "the heart of the doctor's parents", and always putting the safety of patients' lives first.

Shen Lei loves his post and dedicates himself to his work, and has a strong sense of responsibility and mission. He always had patients in his heart, and sometimes he received calls for help from lower-level doctors late at night, and he rushed to the ward as soon as possible without complaint. He not only undertook the heavy medical teaching and scientific research work in the hospital, but also often sacrificed his spare time to go to the countryside to help grass-roots units solve treatment problems and improve service levels. He has always led by example to teach lower-level doctors: no matter how serious a patient is, the doctor cannot give up treatment; only if the doctor has confidence, the patient will have confidence.

During the course of medical treatment, sometimes patients do not understand certain treatments. Shen Lei not only did not mind not thinking about it, but also patiently answered questions, and finally healed the patient, and also changed the prejudice of the patient's family. He always said that as long as we treat patients well, strengthen communication, and put ourselves in the patient's shoes, we will win the respect and recognition of patients, and a harmonious doctor-patient relationship will be established.

As a doctor, Shen Lei has always been indifferent to fame and fortune, honest in practicing medicine, and doing his duty. In his nearly 30-year career as a physician, he has adhered to the principles of medical workers, serving patients without expecting anything in return. The patient sent "red packets", he resolutely did not accept, and often joked with the patient: "If you really thank me, you can't do this." After receiving your red packet, aren't you sorry for my white coat? "The patient sends supplements, he is distressed that the patient's health is not good, and he insists that the patient take it back to supplement the body; the patient sends the pennant, he is too expensive and troublesome, and never lets the patient spend this "unjust money".

Strive for excellence and constantly challenge the limits of life

Shen Lei is mainly engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive endoscopic interventional operations, such as the diagnosis of early cancer of the digestive tract and ESD diagnosis and treatment, the endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of variceal rupture and bleeding of the esophagus and gastric floor, and the ERCP treatment of biliary and pancreatic diseases. More than 3,000 cases of endoscopic diagnosis and treatment operations are completed every year, and the field of endoscopic interventional diagnosis and treatment is at the advanced level in China.

Ms. Liu, 45, whose father is a stomach cancer patient, is herself positive for Helicobacter pylori and intermittently has symptoms such as stomach pain and loss of appetite. Through early screening for gastric cancer, the results showed a high risk. Further gastroscopy found that Ms. Liu had a lesion with an area of 2×3 cm in the analum of ms. Liu, which was confirmed by biopsy as a precancerous lesion, and if it was not treated in time, it was likely to develop into stomach cancer. However, if she were treated with traditional surgery, she would have to remove most of her stomach.

After careful consideration, Shen Lei believes that Ms. Liu's lesion is still located in the mucosal layer, which is a surgical indication for endoscopic dissection (ESD). This endoscopic surgery has low trauma, low treatment cost, high cure rate and low recurrence rate of successful whole resection of lesions, and the effect is similar to that of surgical surgery.

In the subsequent ESD operation, Shen Lei first defined the lesion boundary under endoscopy, and then used the injection needle to inject the liquid into the submucosa of the gastric lesion, and after the epidermis bulged up, he completely removed the lesion mucosa with a snare and a lace with a snare and a lace, and properly treated the wound to stop the bleeding, successfully draining the "thunder" for Ms. Liu and avoiding the operation.

Challenging the limits of life like this is just an ordinary case in Shen Lei's view. He led the team to complete more than 380 cases of endoscopic mucosal dissection (ESD), more than 110 cases of esophageal gastric variceal ligation (EVL), more than 60 cases of retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), and more than 930 cases of gastrointestinal polyps treatment every year. The proportion of ESD in the Department of Gastroenterology of Wuhan University People's Hospital is at the leading level in Hubei Province for many years, and the number of ESD cases in Shen Lei's group ranks among the best in the discipline. Through the DRGS medical quality assessment, he has been awarded the title of "Medical Master" by the hospital many times.

Serve the society and actively engage in public welfare activities

Although he is busy with business and department leaders and other related work, Shen Lei always keeps in mind the social responsibility of a medical worker. "Only by disseminating disease prevention knowledge in advance will there be fewer and fewer patients", he actively participated in various public welfare activities organized by the hospital, and became a "health ambassador" familiar to and trusted by the masses.

For those chronic patients who are treated by themselves, Shen Lei organizes them to come to the hospital from time to time, open rehabilitation knowledge lectures, and provide them with new diagnosis and treatment guidelines, so that the patients' health knowledge is constantly updated. He actively communicates with patients, so that patients can get the most standardized diagnosis and treatment, minimize the number of diseases, reduce the pain of patients, and reduce their financial burden.

Because of his academic influence, Shen Lei has held academic appointments in many societies in China and the province, including the member of the Digestive Imaging Collaborative Group of the Digestive Disease Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the member of the Endoscopy Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, the member of the Colorectal Science Group of the Gastroenterologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, the chairman of the Minimally Invasive Diagnosis and Treatment Committee of Digestive Diseases of the Hubei Microcirculation Society, and the chairman of the Digestive Endoscopy Branch of the Hubei Association of Integrative Traditional And Western Medicine. Through learning, he actively promoted the dissemination and development of digestive endoscopic diagnosis and treatment technology in grass-roots hospitals, so that patients can enjoy the medical services of the top three hospitals at their doorstep, without having to rush to seek medical treatment.

In April 2021, the Digestive Endoscopy Branch of Hubei Association of Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine was established, with Shen Lei as the chairman of the committee, actively advocating the improvement of endoscopic diagnosis and treatment technology in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. He has led the team to the grass-roots counties and cities for many times to teach by hand, and actively encouraged endoscopic physicians in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals to innovate endoscopic diagnosis and treatment operations, improve medical service capabilities, and serve the nearby masses.

The spirit of ingenuity, vowing to be the guardian of life

The quality of medical care is related to the safety of patients' lives. Shen Lei served as the deputy director of the Department II of the Department of Gastroenterology, and undertook the medical quality control and digestive endoscopy and other related work of the department. Together with his colleagues, he formulated the "Detailed Rules for Rewards and Punishments for Quality Control" of the department, especially the quality of digestive endoscopic diagnosis and treatment, strict control of quality, and the work was planned and targeted.

Patient-friendly, but strict with colleagues. In his daily work, Shen Lei carefully supervises the medical records, prescriptions, application forms, rational use of drugs, clinical drug supervision, emergency rescue and other work of the department, carefully checks, and timely feedback the inspection situation to the department personnel in different forms, puts forward rectification opinions, so that the medical quality work of the department gradually embarks on a virtuous circle, and the medical quality management is planned, inspected and recorded, and the safety of patients is truly ensured.

Shen Lei continues to learn in his work, always insists on reading a large number of monographs and professional magazines, humbly learns from many well-known experts, participates in academic exchange meetings including various professionals, makes full use of online learning resources, continuously improves his professional level, practices excellent basic skills, masters the basic theories, basic operations, and basic skills of the profession, learns new knowledge, new technologies, and new therapies, understands the new dynamics of the development of pediatric diseases, accumulates new experience, and constantly learns to improve the level of medical technology. He pays special attention to applying what he has learned, can apply what he has learned to clinical practice in a timely manner, so that patients can benefit from the treatment of new technologies in a timely manner, and win the trust of patients by improving the quality of medical services.

"The rise and fall of the national fortune is related to education; the three-foot podium is related to the future." As an expert in a teaching hospital, the responsibility is greater and the mission is more glorious. For the master's and doctoral degrees he brings, Shen Lei is always strict. He always believes that "teaching is good", and when carefully cultivating the endoscopic operation skills of young doctors, he always stands by the side to "support" young people and give them the confidence to continue to do it. After each successful rescue of a seriously ill patient, he must repeatedly study with young doctors, summarize experiences and lessons, and promote the rapid growth of young doctors.

"Without ingenuity, it is difficult to become a good doctor." In Shen Lei's view, all good doctors are by the patient's side all their lives; without dedication and the hearts of craftsmen, they cannot be done. Whenever a patient returns to health and thanks him, he will gently say: "Nothing, the doctor's duty is to treat the sick and save people." ”

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