
The largest canine, standing up 2 meters tall, can easily bite two Tibetan mastiffs

author:Muzi Knowledge Bureau

As a wolf, which has always been considered a fierce and treacherous animal, their intelligence and wit are also recognized by everyone, and another characteristic of this creature is that it is very "vengeful". There are many types of wolves, in addition to what we are more familiar with, there is also a kind of wolf, it is the largest North American gray wolf, and it is also the largest canine in the world.

The largest canine, standing up 2 meters tall, can easily bite two Tibetan mastiffs

The North American gray wolf is more than two meters tall, and is also a heavyweight, weighing up to 90 kilograms and about 90 centimeters at the shoulders, standing up in height and weight completely exceeding most adult males. Their strong physique and ferocious nature make them stand at the top of the local food chain, as long as they are in the field few animals dare to actively disturb them, after all, this large, social animals, big cats can not match.

The largest canine, standing up 2 meters tall, can easily bite two Tibetan mastiffs

The North American gray wolf, as its name suggests, is mostly covered in gray fur, but a few have black and white hairs. Like most canines, in addition to crushing the size of other animals by their own force, their ferocious and aggressive nature has also made the animals stay away. Only a few opponents can hold them back alone, and because of their large size, they are not the same as other wolves, and large-scale battles rarely occur, because there is no opponent, because a North American gray wolf can easily bite two Tibetan mastiffs or Kangao!

The largest canine, standing up 2 meters tall, can easily bite two Tibetan mastiffs

Packs of wolves are organized and disciplined, and in the local area, only the same kind of people are involved in relatively large battles. When there is a fight between wolves, the head wolf will play its own leadership role, leading its own wolf pack to participate in the battle, and the study found that the number of deaths and injuries in the process of wolf pack fighting is more than that of predators in the wild, which shows the horror and fierceness of the North American gray wolf.

As large carnivores, the Diet of the North American Gray Wolf is more extensive, ranging from hares to large ungulates. When catching large animals, they often take a team approach to surround the prey from different directions, and then gradually shrink the circle, and even take turns to fight to save their physical strength.

The largest canine, standing up 2 meters tall, can easily bite two Tibetan mastiffs

Of course, sometimes they hunt alone, after all, a North American gray wolf can easily bite an animal smaller than them. And according to research and investigation, they have relied on the ability of teamwork to hunt a brown bear, the larger brown bear is one of the largest carnivores on land, its strength and defense capabilities are also conceivable, but it is precisely because of their large body that they are not so flexible, which gives the North American gray wolf the opportunity to gain the upper hand, so that the North American gray wolf's combat ability has been maximized.

The largest canine, standing up 2 meters tall, can easily bite two Tibetan mastiffs

The North American gray wolf is also so powerful due to its super bite force, their bite force can reach 317 kg, it is almost easy to bite everything. In addition to the amazing bite force, they are not slow to run, with a top speed of 65 kilometers per hour. At the same time, as canines, their own reaction ability and agility are also quite strong, and such innate advantages are all representatives of their ability to hold the strongest canine crown on the surface.

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