
Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

author:Tiger fighting old cat

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > why can't canines win the fight? Are there any special cases? </h1>

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

Looking at all the animals in nature today, we will find that cats, including leopards, tigers and lions, are the most perfect predators. These top predators are all leaders in terms of size, combat effectiveness, agility, etc., and if there is a "ranking table of the strongest carnivorous" between animals, the top few must be cats

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

In contrast, canines tend to be inferior in all of the above aspects. Because of this, we often hear that "canines can certainly not win over felines." "This kind of rhetoric. So, is this inference correct?

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > if correct, is there a special case in nature where canines win against felines? </h1>

In fact, cats and canines have the same ancestors 40 million years ago, such as the ancestors of lions are ancient cat beasts, and ancient cat beasts are also known as small ancient cats

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

Living in the dense and humid rainforest all year round, the ancient cat beast was not strong at first, good at climbing trees, mainly feeding on small mammals and insects, almost can be said to be the beginning of mammals to really become meat eaters, including bears, dogs and cats that we are familiar with now, almost all of which are branch species evolved from ancient cat beasts

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

Later, because of the different living environments, the species that branched down embarked on two evolutionary paths: one chose to stay in the tree, evolved an agile and lonely fighting style, amazing bouncing power and excellent visual hearing became their unique secrets. And these are the characteristics of cats; and the other team chooses to come to the ground, evolve a combat personality and a coordinated fighting style, long-term endurance and excellent sense of smell to give them the upper hand in the fight with prey, and these are the characteristics of canines

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

However, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the latter is obviously not as good as the former, which is mainly based on the comparison of the following three aspects:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="23" > first, body structure</h1>

After conducting research, scientists found that the body muscle lines of felines are transverse, this muscle structure can make them have enough explosive power and excellent bouncing power, it can be said that every muscle on the cat is useful, even the muscles of the tail are hidden and mysterious, playing a role in balancing the body

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

The muscular mechanisms of canines are similar to those of most herbivores, and this "defect" makes them completely unable to resist in the face of felines. For example, tigers can reach a speed of 80 kilometers per hour when running, cheetahs can even break through 120 kilometers per hour, and the gray wolf of the "best dogs" can only run at a speed of 55 kilometers per hour

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

Although wolves have a strong persistence in the process of running, their running speed is still not as good as that of felines, so we can say that due to the influence of muscle mechanisms, felines have a greater advantage in impact and flexibility

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" > second, lethality</h1>

Cats use sharp claws and fangs when hunting, and most of their claws are very sharp, can easily pierce the skin of prey, and can be firmly attached to the prey like a nail when hunting

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

And this, canines do not have. This difference also results in the different methods used by the two in hunting. For example, cats often use the shoulders, back, and forelimbs to pounce on the prey, while canines can only use the head and neck power to bite the prey

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

In terms of killing techniques for prey, cats are more diverse, while canines are relatively single

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" > third, living environment</h1>

In addition to the domestic cat, the cats are basically beasts, they are all active in the wild, experiencing a life-and-death fight every day, and their own survival ability and hunting machine have made a qualitative leap. Most of the canines, with the exception of wolves, are domestic animals

Why canines can't beat felines? Why canines that turn out to be can't beat felines for a reason? Are there any special cases? If correct, are there special cases in nature where canines win against felines? First, the body structure is second, the lethality is the third, and the living environment

Even the African spotted hyena we are familiar with, although there is a dog word in the name, but the spotted hyena belongs to the cat type of the general family, compared to the feline, they are accustomed to a comfortable life, combat acumen and alertness are naturally not as good as cats. Imagine if the martial arts actors on the screen and the boxers on the black market really want to fight, who will be more powerful?

Therefore, based on the above three points, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of canines is inferior to that of cats.

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