
Luo Yonghao wants to return? The hammer forum went offline, and Lao Luo responded brightly

author:Find a beautiful machine

If you care about the digital circle, you must know that some time ago, nut mobile phone has announced that it will officially take off the hammer forum APP on November 15, when the forum will not be able to log in, can not publish content, can not view content, etc., and even now can not register new users.

Even though the official said that it will make a series of system updates and maintenance for nut phones, the forums are closed, and it is difficult to imagine where fans who like nut phones should go. There is not even a place to discuss, and what about the future of product experience?

Luo Yonghao wants to return? The hammer forum went offline, and Lao Luo responded brightly

However, this is not difficult to overcome the almighty netizens, after the official announcement to close the forum, there have been "hammer friends" with love to generate electricity, independently produced an unofficial hammer friends forum APP, and the application has been officially launched, there are 1000 + hammer friends registered and used.

Judging from the downloaded application screenshots, this APP function is still quite enough, the home page is still recommended content, in the "section" category, it also contains various models of Hammer Technology, and even TNT is also in it. In addition to this APP, even the web side has been launched.

Luo Yonghao wants to return? The hammer forum went offline, and Lao Luo responded brightly

As the founder of Hammer Technology, Luo Yonghao, after discovering this matter, also expressed his position on it. He said: Look at it lightly. Well, the flames are always there... I'll be back in tech next spring.

Since Luo Yonghao switched to the e-commerce live broadcast platform, he has been running on the road of "repaying debts", but it is not difficult to find from his words that he has always had his own obsession with the technology industry. In fact, Luo Yonghao's foreign debt has also been repaid, and if there is no accident, it should be fully repaid in the past two years.

Luo Yonghao wants to return? The hammer forum went offline, and Lao Luo responded brightly

Although Luo Yonghao's age is already more "old" than the average entrepreneur, this does not seem to make him feel dragged down, with his usual paranoia and love for the technology industry, if he really pays off his foreign debt, it is not impossible to enter the technology industry again.

That's really back, what will it do?

Luo Yonghao wants to return? The hammer forum went offline, and Lao Luo responded brightly

First of all, everyone must think of mobile phones, after all, the previous hammer technology, but also the most experienced one in his entrepreneurial process, is not known to luo Yonghao will return in what posture, after all, want to make Apple a subsidiary, it is still quite difficult. And the "shark skin" that was short-lived later was just a small attempt.

But in any case, if Lao Luo really returns to the mobile phone circle, I am still quite welcome, after all, the mobile phone circle has long been "four" divided into the world, if you can come back to a spoiler for users to accept, it will definitely be good for consumers. (At least I can watch crosstalk again)

Luo Yonghao wants to return? The hammer forum went offline, and Lao Luo responded brightly

If Luo Yonghao really returns to the mobile phone circle, will you be excited?

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