
The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

author:Zucchini history

Original Jiang Glory

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

Around 1930, Yau Ma Tei Guangdong Province, during which time the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China worked in Hong Kong.


In October 1938, the temperature in Moscow suddenly dropped below 0°. Ren Bishi, a senior leader of the Communist Party of China, was sent to Moscow at this time to succeed Wang Jiaxiang as head of the CPC delegation to the Communist International, and the great talent Shi Zhe as his secretary.

Wang Jiaxiang was the head of the Communist Party of China's delegation of the Comintern for a short time, and his predecessor was Wang Ming. When Wang Ming was in Moscow, he almost offended the local leaders of the CCP, and in Moscow, he knocked down the cadres sent by the CCP to study one by one, and many of them were sent to the factory to work. In 1937, Wang Ming returned to Yan'an with Kang Sheng.

Ren Bishi asked Shi Zhe to clean up the archives left by Wang Ming and Kang Sheng, and found a Chinese worker working in the tractor factory in Stalingrad, whose name was Chen Yu. Chen Yu's letters and reports to the Comintern requesting to return to China to fight against Japan were silently shelved in the archives, as well as Wang Ming's decision to organize the criticism of Chen Yu and send him to stalingrad tractor factory for labor.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo


He ran away with two feet and one oil, throwing his Chinese comrades in the cold Siberia. Shi Zhe felt that Wang Ming was too immoral. Soon after, Shi Zhe found Chen Yu's historical archives and couldn't help but be surprised: It turned out that Chen Yu was actually a member of the CPC Central Committee and a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee!

After the matter was reported to the head of the Cadre Department of the Comintern, the Comintern side was also surprised: it was inconceivable that no crime was convicted, that no wrong facts and evidence were committed, that no wrong facts and evidence were committed, and that they had not been revoked for many years and did not do anything about it.

The cadre department of the Comintern sent a telegram to the Stalingrad tractor factory, asking Chen Yu to return to Moscow as soon as possible.

The tractor factory not only did not know Chen Yu, but also did not know that there was a member of the CPC Central Committee and the Politburo in the factory, and even his real name and surname were not known. It was not until 1939 that the Chinese, who was called "Peter" by the Soviet workers' brothers, was determined to be exactly what the Comintern was looking for— Chen Yu.

In the spring of 1939, Chen Yu returned to Moscow.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

Chen Yu served as a long-timer in Guangdong Province.


Who is Chen Yu?

Chen Yu was born in 1901 in Nanshan Village, Nantou, Shenzhen.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

Today the ancient city of Nantou.

Nantou is known to Shenzhen people today for its ancient city ruins, and Nanshan Lychee is the most recognized specialty brand in the market.

In the 1900s, most of the people in Nanshan Village in Nantou lived by the sea, and going to sea as a seafarer was the choice of many local men.

Chen Yu's grandfather was a carpenter who repaired ships, and his father was a handyman on a foreign ship. When Chen Yu was less than half a year old, his father died. His and his widowed mother's assets consisted of only two houses and a dozen lychee trees. Coming from a humble family, Chen Yu did not attend a private school until he was 9 years old with the help of his uncle, dropped out of school two years later, and began to apprentice in a sewing machine repair factory in Hong Kong.

In 1916, Chen Yu worked as an apprentice in a Hong Kong automobile company, and three years later he was sent to the Guangzhou Automobile School to learn repair and driving techniques, and after graduation, he returned to hong Kong automobile company as a repair mechanic. Later, because of the unfairness of the workers, Chen Yu resigned in anger.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

Hong Kong City Well.

In 1921, under the leadership of his uncle Zheng Taiheng, Chen Yu became a member of the Hong Kong seafarers' team. At this time, the seafarers were a group of people who were oppressed by both Chinese and foreign capitalists, and they were also the most powerful and purest proletarian force.

At the meeting, Chen Yu opened the "open and hanging life" of a revolutionary:

He got to know Su Zhaozheng. Su was a pioneer and famous leader of the Chinese workers' movement, and the main founder and leader of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Su Zhaozheng was very appreciative of Chen Yu, regarded him as his right hand, and always pushed him to become the leader of the seamen's union and the workers' movement.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

This is a portrait of Su Zhaozheng (file photo). Xinhua News Agency

He met Sun Yat-sen soong Ching-ling. The "Empress of Asia" he served had received Mr. Sun and Mrs. Sun, and Chen Yu was also one of the leaders of the "Gongyu Music Society" on the ship at that time, and he asked Song Qingling to write the inscription "Gongyu Music Society", and the Song inscription was: Shengwen Lake and Sea, Friendship and Hometown State. He later led the China Seafarers Industrial Federation, and its signboard was handwritten by Sun Yat-sen.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

In 1922, during the Strike of Hong Kong Seafarers led by Su Zhaozheng, Chen Yu was the organizer of the workers of the Empress of Asia. The strike initially reached more than 30,000 participants and later grew to 100,000. Because the British authorities and capitalists in Hong Kong did not agree to the conditions of the strike, the striking workers decided to retreat to Guangzhou, and as a result, the workers were shot by the British military police when they retreated to Sha Tin, resulting in the Sha Tin massacre that shocked China and foreign countries. Chen Yu's uncle Zheng Daheng died as a result. Eventually the striking workers forced the capitalists to agree to their terms.

In 1926, in protest against the May Thirtieth Massacre in Shanghai, Hong Kong seafarers took the lead in striking, and 250,000 people participated in the strike in Hong Kong. In order to persist in the protracted struggle, the workers evacuated Hong Kong and returned to the mainland in accordance with the requirements of the Federation of Trade Unions. At that time, tens of thousands of people returned to the mainland through Shenzhen through various channels every day, chen Yu served as the director of the Shenzhen reception station, and his work talent was known to Deng Zhongxia, Zhou Enlai and Chen Yannian. Su Zhaozheng specially introduced Chen Yu, who was already the vice chairman of the seafarers' union, to Zhou Enlai, who said, "It is said that your reception work in Shenzhen is doing very well, and the seafarers pickets are also doing a good job!" At the end of 1926, Chen Yu served as the secretary of the Committee of the All-China Seamen's Federation of Trade Unions.

In 1927, the Kuomintang broke up. In August, Zhang Tailei held a meeting of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China in Hong Kong, and Chen Yu was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the workers' movement. Chen Yu was also familiar with Zhou Wenyong, then secretary of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and zhou was arrested in October, and Chen Yu's meticulous layout actually successfully rescued Zhou Wenyong. Unfortunately, the second time Zhou Wenyong was arrested again and died with Chen Tiejun, this is the story of the "wedding on the execution ground" that everyone is familiar with.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

Guangzhou Old Shadow.

In December 1927, Chen Yu participated in leading the Guangzhou Uprising. The Guangzhou Uprising failed.

In 1928, Chen Yu was appointed secretary of the Hong Kong Municipal Party Committee and chairman of the All-China Seafarers' Federation of Trade Unions.

In 1929, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved the five-member Standing Committee of Guangdong Province, with Chen Yu as a member of the Standing Committee, and still serving as the chairman of the All-China Seafarers' Federation of Trade Unions.

In 1930, Su Zhaozheng, who was seriously ill, recommended Chen Yu to the central government to serve as a member of the party group of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in Shanghai and lead the work of the All-China Seafarers' Federation of Trade Unions. Chen Yu went to Shanghai to work. In September, the Third Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai, and Chen Yu attended as an observer, and was later elected as a member of the Central Committee.

At the end of 1930, Wang Ming returned from Moscow, and with the support of Mifu, the head of the Eastern Department of the Comintern and also Wang Ming's teacher, Wang Ming launched a power grab campaign and contradicted Chen Yu on the issue of calling for the Fourth Plenary Session. Chen Yu eventually participated in the meeting and was elected a member of the Politburo, but the contradictions with Wang Ming became irreconcilable. Chen Yu then wrote the "Declaration of the General Party Group of the Sea General Party Group to the Central Committee", announcing his opposition to the resolution of the Fourth Plenary Session. Wang Ming initiated a criticism of Chen Yu at a subsequent meeting of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions caucus chaired by him. Because of the struggle within the party, Chen Yu accepted Zhou Enlai's kind arrangement and went to the Soviet Union to study.


In June 1931, Chen Yu and Li Weihan boarded a French freighter and embarked on a voyage to study at the International Lenin Institute in Moscow.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

Chen Yu entered the China Department of the International Lenin Institute and was elected as the Secretary of the Party Branch of the China Department.

There are many familiar names in this branch, such as Li Lisan, who caused serious losses to the early CCP, especially the CCP's Guangdong organization, because of his adventurous advances, and was later called the "Lisan Line". For example, Chiang Ching-kuo, whose father was Chiang Kai-shek, the supreme head of State of China at the time.

At the beginning of the purge movement in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s, everyone was at risk, and this tension also affected the Chinese revolutionaries in the Soviet Union. At that time, everyone in the Chinese branch particularly hated two people, namely Chiang Ching-kuo and Li Lisan. Li Lisan took the initiative to make a review at every meeting because he made the mistake of "establishing the three lines"; and Chiang Ching-kuo was also the person who made a long speech at every branch meeting, and I was guilty of opening my mouth, and then said that I resolutely broke with my father Chiang Kai-shek and became a member of the people.

Every time you talk for a long time, everyone hates them more, because everyone needs time to "fight private words and flashes", you are not finished with self-criticism, when will it be our turn to self-criticize?

As the secretary of the branch, Chen Yu always patiently listened to their lengthy speeches every time, and also comforted Chiang Ching-kuo, you are you, your father is your father, so Chiang Ching-kuo has great trust in Chen Yu.

Chen Yu had once suffered Li Lisan's loss. When the strike movement was organized in Guangzhou, Li Lisan was his leader. In 1927, the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party failed, Chen Yu participated in leading the Guangzhou Uprising, in fact, there was a huge disparity in strength at that time, for the CCP that had already suffered losses, it should immediately go underground to preserve its strength, and the failure of the uprising should be summed up, who knows that Li Lisan believes that his subordinates are afraid and capitulatist, insisting that they continue to launch violent revolutionary actions, resulting in the sacrifice of a group of people, including Chen Yu's good friend Zhou Wenyong mentioned above. For this reason, Chen Yu once firmly stood up against Li Lisan, pointing out that his approach was very wrong, completely exposing the party organization under the eyes and noses of the enemy, and making the relatives and enemies happy. He waged a resolute struggle with Li Lisan.

No one could have imagined that fate would be so interesting. A few years later, together with his opponent and leader at the time, he became a comrade of a branch in a foreign country. In Moscow, everyone snubbed Li Lisan, but Chen Yu did not care about the previous suspicions and took the initiative to break the siege for Li Lisan. Chen Yu's mind is indeed worthy of admiration.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

The first right in the front row is Wang Ming, 1935.

However, the warm spring of the Chinese branch soon came to an end. At the beginning of 1932, Wang Ming came to Moscow as the head of the delegation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Comintern.

Wang Ming's ambition to seize power, coupled with the background of the Soviet repression we mentioned earlier, Wang Ming opened fire on the Chinese people as soon as he arrived in Moscow. He first attacked Zhou Dawen of the China Ministry as an "anti-party member." However, Chen Yu and others believe that Zhou Dawen may be wrong, but he is not an "anti-party element." The two sides had to submit it to the Comintern for approval. As a result, the Comintern agreed with Chen Yu's opinion.

Wang Ming was very angry, after all, he was still the number one Chinese person in the Comintern, so he had the right to deal with Zhou Dawen. At that time, it was announced that it was sent to a workers' newspaper, but no one has heard from Zhou Dawen since then.

Wang Ming then dealt with Chen Yu. He first demanded that the branch be re-elected and that Chen Yu not be allowed to continue to serve as secretary, but Chen Yu still received the most votes, and Chen Yu continued to stay as secretary.

Wang Ming mobilized other comrades in the branch to draw a line with Chen Yu or to report and expose Chen Yu, but many people preferred to be retaliated against and directly refused Wang Ming's request, one of whom was named Lin Tie (who served as the first secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee after the founding of the CPC) because he did not want to listen to Wang Ming and Kang Sheng, and was the first to be delegated.

In 1934, the Cpsu Qing Party expanded, and Kang Sheng took the opportunity to send Chen Yu to the Stalingrad tractor factory.


What about Chen Yu's life in the factory?

Chen Yu was actually a real worker: not only was he once a seafarer, a pioneer of the workers' movement, he was also a worker who really mastered the technology. He was one of the first workers to learn to drive and repair cars, and he was a worker who could drive ships. By the way, after 1949, Chen Yu served as the first minister of fuel and the first minister of coal. Some people say that he is also a minister who can repair cars and drive cars and sail ships!

In the Stalingrad tractor factory, Chen Yu soon became the "Pete" that the workers liked, he worked hard to learn the technology, and also passed the technician qualification in the tractor factory! That is to say, he was no longer an ordinary worker at that time, but a "tigan"!

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

During World War II, the Stalingrad Tractor Factory produced tanks in the workshop. Profile photo

Chen Yu spent five years in the tractor factory. He rarely said how the years had gone, and occasionally mentioned that it was not bad. The only information now is a letter he wrote from the tractor factory to the Chinese Communist delegation to the Comintern wishing to return home and resist the War of Resistance.

But there were three people, which must have been something that Chen Yu often remembered.

Three women, his mother, his wife, his daughter.

Chen Yu's father died while he was still in his infancy, and it was his widowed mother who brought him up. In 1927, when Chen Yu was leading the workers' armed struggle in Guangzhou, the organization arranged for two fake couples to send two young women working for the organization to Guangzhou, and gave them to the leaders of Guangzhou, Chen Yu and Zhou Wenyong, respectively, and later the two fake couples became real couples. The "wedding on the execution ground" before the sacrifice of Zhou Wenyong and his wife Chen Tiejun is already familiar to everyone. Chen Yu lived in Guangzhou with his wife and mother, and later Chen Yu and his wife gave birth to a daughter. When she left the country and went to the Soviet Union, her daughter was only three or four years old, what is the situation now? What do they think about Chen Yu, who has no news?

(As a result, Chen Yu never saw his wife again, nor did he see the whereabouts of his daughter.) Chen Yu later remarried in Yan'an with no children. This is a postscript. )

Finally able to leave the Stalingrad tractor factory, Chen Yu packed his own bags—he had nothing but a few clothes and a blanket.

In 1940, Zhou Enlai came to the Soviet Union and conducted many studies with the Comintern on the question of Chen Yu, and finally came to the conclusion that (1) the class position could stand when it was dangerous; (2) the past punishment was abolished; and (3) the organizational relationship was restored and sent back to China to work.

On February 25, 1940, Chen Yu returned to China together with Zhou Enlai, Ren Bishi, Deng Yingchao, Cai Chang, and Shi Zhe. When a new regime was established in Beijing in 1949, Chen Yu became the first Minister of Fuel in China, which was later divided into four, and he served as Minister of Coal and later Governor of Guangdong Province until his death. In the fate of the cultural brother, Although Chen Yu was initially shocked, he was spared under the protection of his friend Zhou Enlai.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

Chen Yu (first from right) poses with Mao, and the third from right is Tao Zhu.

The first Shenzhen native to serve as a member of the Politburo

Chen Yu and Chen Yi at the Shenzhen Reservoir, 1962. Chen Yu is a hero in the planning and construction of the Shenzhen Reservoir.

Although the Shaanxi people Shi Zhe could not understand Cantonese, Shi Zhe and Chen Yu maintained a friendship for half a lifetime. In 1962, Chen Yu had been transferred to Guangdong, while Shi Zhe was imprisoned for persecution by Kang Sheng. In March 1974, Shi Zhe, who was still in prison, saw the People's Daily carrying the news of Chen Yu's death on March 21, and tears came out of his eyes.