
The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

author:Bing said

Author: Lan Yan also fell into the city

The "three major uprisings" in 1927 were the Nanchang Uprising led by Zhou, He, and Ye Ting, the Autumn Harvest Uprising led by the Chairman, and the Guangzhou Uprising led by Zhang Tailei, Ye Ting, and Ye Jianying.

The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

Statue of Nanchang Uprising Memorial Hall

After the failure of the uprising, the revolution fell into a low tide, and the remnants of the autumn harvest rebel army and the remnants of the Nanchang rebel army went up Jinggang mountain one after another, so where did the remnants of the Guangzhou rebel army go?

In mid-November 1927, our decision-making level issued the "Resolution on the Guangdong Work Plan", requiring Guangdong to rapidly expand its armed forces and prepare for the seizure of Guangzhou.

The uprising urgently needed to strengthen the armed forces, and organizationally, this arduous task was entrusted to Ye Jianying, who was then the chief of staff of Zhang Fakui's 4th Army.

The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

Guangzhou Uprising

At this time, Ye Jianying had mastered the 4th Army Instruction Regiment, and he decided to pull the 4th Army Guard Regiment over again.

This newly formed guard regiment, at that time, there were only 2 battalions, and the 1st battalion was the former 4th Army Special Service Battalion, most of which were Whampoa students and were better at work. The 2nd Battalion was reorganized from the Special Service Battalion of the 8th Route Army Headquarters of Li Jishen's department, and the composition was very complicated.

After Ye Jianying accepted the order, he immediately met Zhang Fakui and requested the expansion of the guard regiment in the name of strengthening the defense of Guangzhou. Zhang Fakui was worried about the main force going out to meet Li Jishen and the defense of Guangzhou City, and cheerfully agreed to Ye Jianying's request.

Ye Jianying took the opportunity to recruit hundreds of progressive workers into the regiment, formed 3 battalions, and recommended Liang Bingshu, a member of our underground organization, as the head of the guard regiment. At the same time, backbone cadres were drawn from the teaching regiment to serve as cadres at all levels of the guard regiment, and after this operation, the guard regiment was basically mastered by Ye Jianying.

The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

【Young Ye Jianying】

Faced with the revolutionary situation in full swing in Guangzhou, Zhang Fakui sat like a needle in a haystack. On the one hand, he instructed Zhu Huiri, director of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, to step up the search for progressives, and on the other hand, he falsely said that he would negotiate with our side to jointly defend Guangzhou.

At that time, Neumann (German), who was sent from the Soviet Union to guide the armed struggle in the south, did not see Zhang Fakui's tricks and advocated negotiations with Zhang Fakui. Ye Jianying and others resolutely opposed it, and the two sides quarreled.

On November 26, Guangdong secretary Zhang Tailei arrived in Guangzhou and rejected negotiations with Zhang Fakui. When he learned that Ye Jianying had mastered two regiments, he excitedly said: "The October Revolution in the Soviet Union began with only two regiments of armament. Not to mention that we still have more than 3,000 workers' Red Guards, and our revolution will certainly succeed! ”

The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

【Zhang Tailei】

On the eve of the uprising, the enemy in the teaching regiment quietly informed that the weapons transfer station set up in Daan Mi Dian on Xiaobei Zhi Street was detected by the enemy, and the situation took a sharp turn for the worse. Zhang Fakui immediately held a meeting to prepare to transfer the main force of the 4th Army back to Guangzhou in an attempt to extinguish the flames of the uprising.

At the moment of the thousand guns, Ye Jianying stepped forward. He told Zhang Fakui: "According to my reconnaissance, the intelligence of the so-called underground party insurrection is not reliable. Seeing that Zhang Fakui was silent, he continued: "The Nanchang uprising has just failed, and they simply do not have the strength to revolt in Guangzhou again. Even if there is a real uprising, with my guard regiment and teaching regiment, they can be easily eliminated. ”

Zhang Fakui had always believed in Ye Jianying, so he suspended the plan to transfer troops back to help, but only told Ye Jianying to step up the investigation, do not make a mistake, and it was not good to explain to the above when the time came. Ye Jianying patted his chest and assured, "Commander-in-chief, you can rest assured, with me Ye Jianying here, they can't turn over the waves in the Pearl River!" ”

The situation was so dire that the organization decided to launch an early uprising on December 11. On December 10, Ye Ting, who was the military commander-in-chief of the Guangzhou Uprising, hurriedly arrived in Guangzhou by boat from Hong Kong Island and immediately began to make combat arrangements before the uprising.

The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

【General Ye Ting】

On the evening of 10 December, the general headquarters of the rebel army held a secret meeting. Present at the meeting were Zhang Tailei, Ye Ting, Ye Jianying, Nie Rongzhen, Zhou Wenyong, Huang Ping, Yang Yin, and Xu Guangying. There were also Li Yunpeng, the newly appointed head of the teaching regiment, three battalion commanders, Liang Bingshu, the head of the guard regiment, and the responsible persons of the Workers' Red Guards and the Peasant Army on the outskirts of the city.

The meeting determined the time of the uprising and the combat tasks of the various departments, the marching routes, and the communication signals. At the same time, it is required that everyone must strictly observe discipline, obey commands, and resolutely complete tasks.

At 1:00 a.m. on December 11, the backbone members of the teaching group entered the barracks and solved all the dissidents inside. Immediately after, the whole group quietly gathered on the playground, each with a red cloth strip tied around his arm. The leaders of the uprising, Zhang Tailei and Ye Jianying, made brief pre-war mobilizations. Subsequently, Ye Jianying waved his hand, and the troops split into three ways and rushed to the intended combat target.

At 3:30 a.m. on December 11, the teaching group fired the first shots of the Guangzhou Uprising. The guards and the Workers' Red Guards also began to attack the designated targets as if they were firing thousands of arrows.

At dawn, the main force of the Eastern Route of the Teaching Regiment crushed an infantry regiment stationed at Shahe by Zhang Fakui, taking more than 600 prisoners; then rushed to Yantang without stopping and destroyed an artillery regiment. He quickly returned to the city and assisted the Workers Red Guards in capturing the enemy's fortress, the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Not to be outdone, the middle road, with the cooperation of the Workers' Red Guards, took the provincial capital and its commanding heights in the northwest, Guanyin Mountain.

The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

The 1st Battalion of the West Road Guard Regiment and the First Division of the Workers' Red Guards were unfavorable, encountered hard nails, encountered stubborn resistance when attacking the headquarters of the 4th Army, and failed to take them after many charges, and fell into a stalemate.

Zhang Fakui, who was sleeping, was awakened by a series of gunfire, and immediately called Ye Jianying to ask him to send troops to deal with it. When he heard the news of the successive uprisings of the guard regiment and the teaching regiment, he was stunned. Even the clothes and shoes were too late to wear, and he fled to Li Fulin, commander of the Fifth Army on the south bank of the Pearl River, before he could relax and curse Ye Jianying.

On the morning of December 11, the Guangzhou Soviet and the General Headquarters of the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' Red Army were proclaimed in the Public Security Bureau. Su Zhaozheng was chairman of the Soviet (not in office). Ye Ting was the commander-in-chief of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and Ye Jianying was the deputy commander-in-chief.

At noon, the rebel army, which continued to advance deeper into the city, occupied key departments such as the Radio Bureau, the Post Office, and the police stations of various districts. At this point, the rebel army has controlled most of the urban area of Guangzhou, and only a small number of data points such as the 4th Army Headquarters are still stubbornly resisting.

Zhang Fakui, who fled to the south bank of the Pearl River, was not content with defeat, and quickly dispatched troops from all over the country to kill Guangzhou in a menacing manner. The situation was urgent, Ye Jianying and Ye Ting calmly analyzed the enemy situation, found Zhang Tailei, and proposed to pull the troops to the countryside where the enemy's strength was weak, but it was not accepted.

Seeing that the enemy's reinforcements were gradually forming a siege of Guangzhou, and the 4th Army headquarters could not be attacked for a long time, Ye Jianying was anxious. At this juncture, the Second Company of the Guard Regiment, which was guarding the commanding heights of Guanyin Mountain, actually defected! Guanyin Mountain is the commanding height of the whole city of Guangzhou, and it moves the whole body with one hair. Ye Jianying ordered the regiment's artillery company, Nagata Toshihiko, to quickly lead people to deal with the rebels at Guanyin Mountain, and then set up artillery on the mountain to shell the Headquarters of the Fourth Army.

After Tian Shiyan took the order, he immediately led the artillery company to the foot of Guanyin Mountain, and after the gun port was aimed at the mountain, he sent someone to negotiate with the commander of the second company of the guard regiment. Faced with the muzzle of the black hole hole, the mutinous company commander was forced to lay down his weapons and surrender. The artillery company immediately set up mountain artillery on the top of the hill, and the artillery commander Yang Dafu (a Korean national) personally operated the artillery, "booming" several cannons, the shells exploded in the 4th Army headquarters, and the enemy immediately became a chaotic mess.

The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

Just then, several British warships that had been docked on the Pearl River suddenly opened fire on the instruction regiment that was attacking the headquarters of the 4th Army. Ye Jianying immediately ordered the artillery company to fire back, and after the enemy ship company hit several guns, it quickly fled downstream. However, he did not run far, retreated beyond the range of our artillery fire, and then continued to fire on the shore. At this time, the enemy's reinforcements were also getting closer and closer to Guangzhou.

Ye Ting and Ye Jianying again requested to withdraw from Guangzhou and turn to rural development. However, the Soviet military adviser Neumann fiercely opposed this opinion, loudly reprimanded Ye Ting and others to shake the hearts of the army, and accused Ye Ting of wanting to be a bandit. Neumann said that at this time, it is time to attack, attack, and attack again. The two sides are at loggerheads, and the situation continues to deteriorate.

On the morning of December 12, the institutions of various countries in Guangdong held a joint meeting and decided to send marine teams to land on Shamian. Li Fulin, the Fifth Army, which had been watching the fire from the other side, also suddenly attacked and launched an attack on the city of Jiangbei. Ye Ting, Ye Jianying, Nie Rongzhen and others went to the front line to direct the battle separately, and repelled the enemy troops who crossed four times in a row.

The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

【Young Nie Rongzhen】

At 12:00 noon, an enemy force seized Guanyin Mountain. Ye Jianying urgently ordered Li Yunpeng, the leader of the teaching regiment, to retake part of the position at Guanyin Mountain. Soon the enemy continued to pounce on Guanyin Mountain, and the two sides launched a fierce tug-of-war.

At 4:00 p.m., although the main position of Guanyin Mountain was still in the hands of the rebel army, more and more enemy troops invaded the city, the rebel army was outnumbered, and more and more positions were lost. The unfortunate news came that Zhang Tailei was ambushed by the enemy on the way back to the general headquarters from the Watermelon Garden Square and died heroically.

At the critical moment, the general headquarters of the uprising issued a retreat order. On the night of December 12, the well-trained teaching regiment successfully withdrew from the city, and the other rebel troops, who had no time to retreat, fought a final decisive battle with the enemy. On the morning of the 13th, the enemy occupied the whole city of Guangzhou, and the Guangzhou Uprising failed.

The troops withdrew from Guangzhou all the way to HuaXian and were reorganized into the Fourth Division of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolution. Later, he moved to Hailufeng and joined the Red Second Division led by Peng Pan.

The remnants of the Nanchang and Autumn Harvest Uprisings have all gone up Jinggangshan, where did the Guangzhou rebel army go?

Ye Jianying and Nie Rongzhen had suggested to the organization that this unit should move closer to the Red Army at Jinggangshan, but Li Lisan, the person in charge at the time, did not agree. In the end, this lone army, which persisted in the struggle at Sea and Land, suffered great losses. A few of the remaining people still followed Zhu De up Jinggang Mountain. Others went to Guangxi and participated in the "Baise Uprising" led by Political Commissar Deng and Zhang Yunyi.

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