
At the plenary meeting of the Municipal Work Safety Committee, Li Bing stressed that with a more conscious attitude, more effective measures and a more solid style of work, resolutely curbing the occurrence of various accidents and creating a harmonious and stable development environment, the Qitaihe City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was officially inaugurated Li Bing attended the unveiling ceremony The Standing Committee of the Qitaihe Municipal People's Congress went deep into the counties and districts to inspect and guide the county and township people's congress election work

author:Qitaihe release

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At the plenary meeting of the Municipal Work Safety Committee, Li Bing stressed that with a more conscious attitude, more effective measures and a more solid style of work, resolutely curbing the occurrence of various accidents and creating a harmonious and stable development environment, the Qitaihe City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was officially inaugurated Li Bing attended the unveiling ceremony The Standing Committee of the Qitaihe Municipal People's Congress went deep into the counties and districts to inspect and guide the county and township people's congress election work
At the plenary meeting of the Municipal Work Safety Committee, Li Bing stressed that with a more conscious attitude, more effective measures and a more solid style of work, resolutely curbing the occurrence of various accidents and creating a harmonious and stable development environment, the Qitaihe City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was officially inaugurated Li Bing attended the unveiling ceremony The Standing Committee of the Qitaihe Municipal People's Congress went deep into the counties and districts to inspect and guide the county and township people's congress election work

Li Bing stressed at the plenary meeting of the Municipal Safety Production Committee

With a more conscious attitude, more powerful measures are more solid style

Resolutely curb the occurrence of all kinds of accidents and create a harmonious and stable development environment

At the plenary meeting of the Municipal Work Safety Committee, Li Bing stressed that with a more conscious attitude, more effective measures and a more solid style of work, resolutely curbing the occurrence of various accidents and creating a harmonious and stable development environment, the Qitaihe City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was officially inaugurated Li Bing attended the unveiling ceremony The Standing Committee of the Qitaihe Municipal People's Congress went deep into the counties and districts to inspect and guide the county and township people's congress election work

On the afternoon of October 12, the plenary meeting of the Municipal Work Safety Committee was held in the Municipal Party and Government Office Center. Li Bing, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, attended the meeting and made a speech. He stressed: It is necessary to firmly establish the concept that "safety is life, is efficiency, image, guarantee, and even more the overriding political task," conscientiously draw lessons from the Lushan Coal Mine Erjing Mine Earthquake Accident, truly put safe production in our hearts, grasp it in our hands, and shoulder it on our shoulders, strengthen the implementation of various measures with a more conscious attitude, more effective measures, and a more down-to-earth style, resolutely curb the occurrence of various accidents, make every effort to reverse the passive situation of safe production, and create a harmonious and stable development environment for the city's economic and social development.

Qian Yankao, Wang Ting, Dai Gang, Song Hongyuan, Chen Zhi, and Kang Jianfang attended the meeting.

At the plenary meeting of the Municipal Work Safety Committee, Li Bing stressed that with a more conscious attitude, more effective measures and a more solid style of work, resolutely curbing the occurrence of various accidents and creating a harmonious and stable development environment, the Qitaihe City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was officially inaugurated Li Bing attended the unveiling ceremony The Standing Committee of the Qitaihe Municipal People's Congress went deep into the counties and districts to inspect and guide the county and township people's congress election work

Li Bing stressed that it is necessary to clearly understand the extreme importance of grasping the current safe production work and go all out to stabilize the situation of safe production in the city in the fourth quarter. It is necessary to conscientiously absorb the lessons of this accident, learn from each other, and in accordance with the requirements of the "ten investigations and ten treatments" put forward by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, make every effort to carry out the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards, concentrate on the "safety production hidden danger investigation month" action, further strengthen the city's safety prevention work, and resolutely prevent the recurrence of safety accidents.

Li Bing stressed that it is necessary to firmly adhere to the bottom line of coal mine safety production with the strictest standards, the most effective measures, and the toughest means. Relevant departments must raise their spirits, heighten vigilance, strictly guard against death, resolutely do a good job in coal mine safety supervision, strictly enforce standards and strictly enforce the law for normal production of coal mines, strictly regulate the order of coal mine production safety, and strictly supervise their production in accordance with laws and regulations; for a small number of coal mines that are retained, they must strictly implement the management of the red line, strengthen the management of the number of working surfaces and the management of underground sealing, continue to implement the "same as above" system for supervisors and coal mine employees, and strengthen the safety guarantee inspection of coal mines; for coal mines that start construction, It is necessary to strictly investigate and deal with such violations of laws and regulations as coal mines do not follow the design for construction, illegal subcontracting and subcontracting, production while building, or only production without construction; for rectifying and maintaining coal mines, it is necessary to strictly prevent the organization of production and construction in the name of rectification and reform; for coal mines that have stopped work and production, we must strictly implement the responsibility of inspection, and strictly prevent coal mines from opening openly and openly, day and night. It is necessary to regularly analyze and judge major safety risks in coal mines, strengthen joint law enforcement, and form a joint force of "cracking down on illegal activities" and achieve joint grasping and joint management. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the municipal mine rescue team, accelerate the training of new team members, complete the replacement of new and old as soon as possible, and ensure that the team can be competent for local coal mine emergency rescue tasks.

Li Bing stressed that we must always attach great importance to the safe production of the hazardous chemicals and civil explosives industry, and we must ensure the stability of the safety situation in the field of dangerous explosions. It is necessary to strengthen the safety supervision of hazardous enterprises, implement risk control measures, hire safety experts to conduct full-coverage inspections, completely eliminate hidden dangers of accidents, strengthen the implementation of the main responsibility of enterprises, and do a good job in the operation and management of major hazard source monitoring and early warning systems and video surveillance systems. It is necessary to strengthen the safety supervision of civil explosives enterprises, and do a good job in the safety production inspection, rectification and "looking back" work of the hazardous chemicals and civil explosives industries. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the contingent of emergency rescue teams, carry out joint training and joint exercises in a targeted manner, strengthen the joint logistics and joint training and joint operations mechanism, and strive to form a comprehensive rescue capability that is fast and efficient, has a rapid response, and is specialized and multi-functional.

Li Bing stressed that it is necessary to make overall plans to do a good job in safe production in all fields, and make every effort to promote the stable and good development of the overall situation of safe production in the city. It is necessary to strictly investigate and truly manage, with the three-year action of special rectification of safe production as the carrier, continue to carry out in-depth "ten investigations and ten treatments" to investigate and rectify, deepen the rectification of hidden dangers with the most severe means, and ensure that governance does not take the form and leaves no future troubles. It is necessary to focus on and full coverage, focus on urban gas, transportation, fire protection, construction, limited space operations, campus safety, food and drug safety, and other aspects of work deployment, firmly grasp the "party and government responsibility, one post double responsibility, joint grasp of joint management" and "management industry must manage safety, management business must manage safety, management of production and operation must manage safety" the general principles, weave a tight network of responsibility for safe production, ensure that things are managed, responsible for someone, and resolutely eliminate the blind spot blind spot of safety production responsibility. It is necessary to dare to take responsibility and do good deeds, promote the implementation of the main responsibility of enterprise safety production with the implementation of government supervision responsibilities, combine concepts, ideas and technical methods that work well, and implement the safety production work in detail, small and accurately, so as to ensure the stability of the safety situation.

Relevant responsible comrades of the member units of the Municipal Safety Commission attended the meeting.

Reporter: Li Qiye Mei Zhongshi Liu Hongwei



Qitai River

At the plenary meeting of the Municipal Work Safety Committee, Li Bing stressed that with a more conscious attitude, more effective measures and a more solid style of work, resolutely curbing the occurrence of various accidents and creating a harmonious and stable development environment, the Qitaihe City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was officially inaugurated Li Bing attended the unveiling ceremony The Standing Committee of the Qitaihe Municipal People's Congress went deep into the counties and districts to inspect and guide the county and township people's congress election work
At the plenary meeting of the Municipal Work Safety Committee, Li Bing stressed that with a more conscious attitude, more effective measures and a more solid style of work, resolutely curbing the occurrence of various accidents and creating a harmonious and stable development environment, the Qitaihe City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was officially inaugurated Li Bing attended the unveiling ceremony The Standing Committee of the Qitaihe Municipal People's Congress went deep into the counties and districts to inspect and guide the county and township people's congress election work

Highly recommended

At the plenary meeting of the Municipal Work Safety Committee, Li Bing stressed that with a more conscious attitude, more effective measures and a more solid style of work, resolutely curbing the occurrence of various accidents and creating a harmonious and stable development environment, the Qitaihe City State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was officially inaugurated Li Bing attended the unveiling ceremony The Standing Committee of the Qitaihe Municipal People's Congress went deep into the counties and districts to inspect and guide the county and township people's congress election work

Qitaihe City's provincial ecological environmental protection inspector rectification and rectification and "100-day attack" action summary meeting and the city's straw burning ban work promotion meeting were held

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > the official inauguration of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Qitaihe City Li Bing attended the unveiling ceremony</h1>

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > the Standing Committee of the Qitaihe Municipal People's Congress went deep into the county and district to inspect and guide the election of the county and township people's congresses</h1>

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