
Solidly promote the education and rectification of the second batch of political and legal contingents

author:Overseas network

Source: Rule of Law Daily - Legal Network

Forging dares to take on the good as a political and legal Xiang army

Hunan has paid close attention to studying and educating people and laying a solid foundation for loyalty

□ Ruan Zhanjiang, all-media reporter of the Rule of Law Daily

□ Correspondent Yuan Li Chen Yiqiong

Although he has been questioned, misunderstood and even slandered many times, he still adheres to the original intention of his profession - the people are not afraid of trouble if they need it. This is also the judicial belief that Xu Kang passed on to me. On August 31, at the report meeting on the deeds of heroic models and the "old court people" speaking about the fine traditions held by the Hunan Provincial High People's Court, Chen Xiaozhen, vice president of the Third Civil Division, spoke fondly of her colleague, Xu Kang, a judge of the Third Civil Division, who has deeply cultivated the trial business and has always acted in the touching deeds of the people.

Carrying out a series of activities to study political and legal heroes and models, reporting on the fine traditions of "old political and legal people" and publishing materials compiling deeds are the epitome of Hunan Province's meticulous organization of political education, warning education, and heroic model education since the second batch of political and legal contingent education and rectification was launched.

In the process of promoting the education and rectification of the second batch of political and legal contingents, Hunan Province has paid close attention to study and education, earnestly laid a solid foundation for loyalty, effectively enhanced its political ability, and achieved good results.

Focus on political loyalty

Coordinate political education

"At all times, we must build up political loyalty and achieve 'two safeguards', at all times we must adhere to the party's absolute leadership over political and legal work, at all times we must maintain strategic determination and firm road confidence, at all times we must take the rule of law as the basic way of political and legal work, and at all times we must adhere to the people-centered value position..."

On August 17, after the second batch of political and legal team education and rectification mobilization deployment, Hunan Province immediately held a special training course for leading cadres of the province's political and legal system in 2021, which was held at the county level in the form of video. Xu Dazhe, secretary of the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee, director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, and head of the Provincial Leading Group for the Education and Rectification of the Political and Legal Contingent, gave a special lecture on the study and education of party history; Li Dianxun, member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee, and first deputy head of the Provincial Leading Group for the Education and Rectification of the Provincial Political and Legal Contingent, gave a lecture on the study and counseling of Xi Jinping's Rule of Law Thought; and Huang Wenyi, professor at the Law School of Chinese Min University and doctoral supervisor, made an interpretation of the "Regulations on the Political and Legal Work of the Communist Party of China."

The political and legal units in Hunan that participated in the second batch of education and rectification carried out political rotation training for leading cadres by inviting experts from the party school of the provincial party committee to give guidance and lectures, opening "political and legal lecture halls," and holding special seminars.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee organized political and legal cadres to visit and study the former residences of He Shuheng, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, Xie Jueya, the founder of the people's judicial system, and Li Bai, an underground party member martyr on the secret front of the CPC. The Hunan Provincial Higher People's Court and the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department have carried out "number one" party lessons to guide the broad masses of cadres and policemen to consciously enhance their party spirit; the Hunan Provincial People's Procuratorate and the Hunan Provincial Department of Justice have organized red education-themed party day activities in their organs to watch party history education films; the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department has also held a press conference to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important precepts, and to carry out the "three ones" study activities and the "three studies, three finds, and three strong" special study and practice activities to relive the spirit of an important precept, organize a round of concentrated study and discussion, and write a study experience.

Highlight the case to clarify the discipline

Carry out in-depth warning education

Cheng Jilong, deputy secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and deputy director of the Provincial Supervision Commission, and head of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the provincial discipline inspection and legal units directly under the provincial discipline inspection commission in each province were invited to give honest administration counseling reports to the leading cadres of the provincial political and legal personnel and the political and legal cadres and policemen of all units to report on the anti-corruption situation in the political and legal system of the whole province; all units organized the viewing of typical warning education films on violations of discipline and law, "Alarm Bells," "Iron Discipline and Strong Police," "Loyalty and Betrayal," "The Record of Bribery in Kaier," "The Price," and warning films on the confessions of illegal cadres and policemen, and used the education of the people around them to warn the cadres and policemen.

Since the launching of the education and rectification of the second batch of political and legal contingents, all political and legal units in Hunan have focused on the "three lessons" of warning education classes, honest administration counseling classes, and family assistance and honesty classes, promoting the comprehensive and in-depth development of strict management of the party and the police, and earnestly building a dam to resist corruption and prevent degeneration.

During this period, the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee Political and Legal Committee, the Provincial Higher People's Court, and the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department extensively carried out activities such as visiting the families of honest government officials and policemen and writing open letters to the families of political and legal cadres and policemen; organized and carried out a special study and education on family style and home education, delivered an open letter to all cadres and policemen, and held a "three ones" activity of "building a clean and honest family style and creating a clean and honest family" family forum; the Hunan Provincial Procuratorate comprehensively publicized the policy of "self-examination is lenient and being investigated strictly, and guided cadres and policemen to dare to face problems head-on and dare to correct mistakes; the Hunan Provincial Department of Justice held a collective heart-to-heart talk meeting. Comprehensively interpret the situation of education rectification and related policies.

Through warning education, cadres and policemen of all political and legal units directly under Hunan Province have further strengthened their awareness of law and discipline and their awareness of honest administration.

Adhere to typical leadership

Carry out heroic model education in an orderly manner

Actively report on the deeds of political and legal heroes and advanced typical figures with amiable image, respectable character, and learnable spirit, publish materials for compiling deeds, and organize deeds report meetings...

Since the beginning of this year, the Political and Legal Committee of the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee, the Provincial Higher People's Court, and the Hunan Provincial Procuratorate have successively carried out a series of activities to learn from Zhou Chunmei, Peng Qingwen, Xu Kang, Huang Xiaobing, and other political and legal heroes, as well as a report meeting on the fine traditions of "veteran political and legal personnel." The Hunan Provincial Public Security Department has organized a study and viewing of the "Cloud" report meeting on the advanced deeds of Comrade Cui Daozhi, winner of the "July 1st Medal," and a "Cloud" propaganda activity for the "two excellent and one first" public security representatives throughout the country. Based on the true story of Hunan public security heroes, the micro-film "Oath without Regret" was broadcast on media platforms such as "Central Video" and "iQiyi", with a click rate of more than 200,000 times; the Hunan Provincial Department of Justice actively promoted the "Tribute to the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" Hunan Judicial Administration Heroic Model Deeds Lecture Meeting and "Judicial Administration Veterans Talk About Excellent Traditions" Report Meeting.

By doing a good job of inheriting the red gene, inheriting the spirit of heroic models, and inheriting fine traditions, all political and legal units in Hunan have tempered their will with the party's glorious traditions and fine work style, and have gathered their strength with the advanced deeds and lofty qualities of political and legal heroes and models.

Innovative ways and means

Ensure the effectiveness of learning education

The "Rule of Law Daily" reporter learned that in the specific process of advancement, all political and legal units in Hunan have always paid attention to combining education and rectification with standardizing law enforcement and handling cases and strengthening legal services, and with the study and education of party history; they have persisted in making overall plans, paying attention to methods and methods, and striving to achieve the integration of learning and thinking, knowledge, faith, and practice, so as to ensure that the study and education will achieve practical results.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Hunan Provincial PARTY Committee and the Provincial Procuratorate have adopted the method of combining online and offline learning, giving full play to the advantages of online learning and education, making full use of the platform for learning to strengthen the country, the cadre network academy, the "cloud classroom" platform, and other methods to strengthen the study of political theory; the party committee of the organ inspects and supervises the education and rectification of the study and education of each branch; the Hunan Provincial Higher People's Court carries out centralized "night study", carries out political study according to the classification of compulsory learning, combined learning, and flexible learning, and organizes all cadres and policemen to conduct special knowledge tests of the "Three Provisions" and sign the "Three Provisions" one by one. The Hunan Provincial Public Security Department adheres to the principle of taking the lead in leading the study, the members of the team sinking into the school, and the branch secretary to lead the study, and establishes the "four ones" supervision and dispatch mechanism of daily dynamics, daily briefing, daily dispatch, and weekly Monday meeting, sets up a special class working group, centralizes inspection and supervision, and the participation rate of all police officers and employees, and the coverage rate of learning content reaches 100 percent; the Hunan Provincial Department of Justice opens "cram classes" and "night school classes" to effectively resolve the contradiction between work and learning.

With the in-depth and effective development of study and education, cadres and policemen of the political and legal organs directly under Hunan Province have a more comprehensive and clearer understanding of the work of education and rectification. The vast number of political and legal cadres and policemen have expressed one after another that they should devote themselves to the education and rectification of the second batch of political and legal contingents with greater enthusiasm, so as to achieve the unity of knowledge and action, always maintain the political character of loyalty to the party, firmly establish the feeling of public servants who are supreme to the people, cultivate professional ethics that dare to take responsibility, scrupulously abide by the excellent quality of strict self-discipline, and forge a political and legal Xiang army that dares to take on good deeds. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >