
Beef noodles come on! Lanzhou Youth Hand-painted Comic Exhibition "Bowl of Noodles" spirit

author:Bright Net

(Fight against COVID-19) Beef noodles come on! Lanzhou Youth Hand-painted Comic Exhibition "Bowl of Noodles" spirit

Lanzhou, China, October 27 (Shi Jingjing) Beef noodles, front-line personnel warming pictures... When the epidemic struck, more than ten young people in Lanzhou integrated the characteristics of their hometown, their respect for medical staff, and the heart-warming events that emerged in the fight against the epidemic into the brush in the form of hand-drawn original cartoons, recording the strength of the "anti-epidemic" and transmitting positive energy.

In Ma Yongbin's work, a ramen chef stands next to a bowl of delicious beef noodles, skillfully folding the noodles with both hands, and the dough changes into countless noodles of uniform thickness and thickness in his hands. The painting reads, "A city with a bowl of noodles, beef noodle spirit, pulling continuously, pulling without chaos." ”

Beef noodles come on! Lanzhou Youth Hand-painted Comic Exhibition "Bowl of Noodles" spirit

The picture shows a hand-painted beef noodle refueling work by Lanzhou youth. Photo by Ma Yongbin

Talking about the original intention of creation, Ma Yongbin said that beef noodles are known for their flexibility and longevity, which is Lanzhou's city card, carrying its unique cultural genes, and also represents a spiritual force in Lanzhou. In the face of the epidemic, I hope to use "beef noodle cartoons" to encourage everyone to defeat the epidemic as soon as possible.

Beef noodles come on! Lanzhou Youth Hand-painted Comic Exhibition "Bowl of Noodles" spirit

The picture shows a cartoon based on a touching video during the epidemic. Photo by Cao Liyan

Yin Yulin of the "post-90s" loves painting. When the epidemic occurred in Wuhan, she just graduated from her senior year, and today Lanzhou also touched the hearts of the people of the whole country. Yin Yulin saw the hard work of frontline personnel in the fight against the epidemic and drew a group of vivid anti-epidemic cartoons overnight. "With the paintbrush in your hand, pay tribute to the white-clad angel of the 'epidemic' line."

Beef noodles come on! Lanzhou Youth Hand-painted Comic Exhibition "Bowl of Noodles" spirit

The picture shows the anti-epidemic cartoon drawn by Lanzhou youth. Photo by Yin Yulin

Cao Liyan, who is isolated at home, saw in the video that Lanzhou citizens lined up late at night to do nucleic acid testing, and a father kept a bent and bent posture in order to make his daughter sleep comfortably. "Because of the epidemic, let us see love and responsibility more clearly, and hope that Lanzhou, which is 'sick', will get better soon." She said.

At present, these dozen young people are creating a comic version of "Lanzhou Diary", recording every day that Lanzhou people have walked together under the epidemic, reproducing those real and warm pictures, and cheering for "beef noodles". (End)

Source: China News Network

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