
Guizhou famous snack bowl ear cake, also known as "baby cake" Q sweet and soft Guiyang city flavor famous snacks

author:Teng Xiao Tube

When you go to a city, the most memorable thing is the taste of the local food. Bowl ear cake in Guizhou, is a kind of street snacks that appear from summer to winter, in Guiyang City, large and small restaurants and food stalls of the morning tea night market, if you are familiar with the development of Guizhou, you must know that Guizhou's economy is underdeveloped, and many people say that what is never lacking here is a strong sense of humanity. This is the meaning of a small bowl of ear cake.

Guizhou famous snack bowl ear cake, also known as "baby cake" Q sweet and soft Guiyang city flavor famous snacks

Also known as "Baby Cake", it was rated as a famous snack in Guiyang City in 1984

Many people say that bowl ear cake is like a common cake in the market, but the taste is very different. Compared with hair cake, in fact, there is not much difference in color, mainly the taste. Bowl ear cake, bowl ear cake... From the name, you can feel a kind of Q sweet, soft and cute taste.

Guizhou famous snack bowl ear cake, also known as "baby cake" Q sweet and soft Guiyang city flavor famous snacks

Bowl ear cake, also known as "baby cake", is a particularly traditional pastry in Anshun district of Guizhou. Since it is a pastry, it is mainly sweet, and the fluffy sweet glutinous is very suitable for children and the elderly. Shaped like a small tea bowl, it is named after the "bowl ear candy" that children especially love to eat.

Bowl ear cake has a history of more than 100 years and is a traditional and famous snack in Anshun. The color is golden, large fluffy like a sponge, elastic, fragrant, sweet, slightly sweet wine fermentation taste, very delicious.

Guizhou famous snack bowl ear cake, also known as "baby cake" Q sweet and soft Guiyang city flavor famous snacks

In Guizhou, many places make bowl ear cakes, in addition to maintaining traditional flavor varieties, there are also products with white sugar and snow white, and there are also sorghum, made of purple or black gray made of buckwheat, with different flavors and varieties.

As far as Guiyang is concerned, bowl ear cake has long become a popular snack, and in 1984, the dim sum was also rated as a famous snack in Guiyang City.

Guizhou famous snack bowl ear cake, also known as "baby cake" Q sweet and soft Guiyang city flavor famous snacks

How to make bowl ear cake:

1. Preparation of ingredients: high-quality rice, rice, brown sugar, sugar, edible alkali is prepared in the ratio of 20:4:6:1;

There are not many materials, but there are many places that need to be meticulous. It is more common to make the bowl ear cake with a golden surface, and the golden yellow is indeed better than the white one, because the brown sugar coloring reason will also be more nutritious.

2, the processing of ingredients: choose high-quality rice to take an appropriate amount, clean and then change the water to soak for 4-6 hours; it is recommended to soak the rice at home one day in advance, pour the water the next day for water, and then put it into the beating machine, beat the rice into rice milk, if there is refining at home, it is the best, because the pulping opportunity is more delicate than the rice milk made by the pulper.

3, hook: from the pot will grind a part of the rice milk into the pot, start heating and cooking, after cooking into the remaining rice milk to stir evenly; at this time to observe the production of cooked must not have agglomeration, so to continue to stir after the fusion of good, with the passage of time the two fusion will slowly ferment, the surface will appear large bubbles, at this time to add alkali to neutralize, stir evenly after the filter, remove impurities.

4, filtration, de-impurities: the neutral and good liquid poured through the filter, so after two operations of brown sugar and white sugar into the filtered liquid; remind everyone that brown sugar also needs to be treated in advance, brown sugar is impurities, so it is necessary to melt water, remove impurities and then add to the liquid to stir evenly, because impurities quite affect the taste, so this step must not forget.

5, steaming bowl ear cake: boiling water, after the water boils, prepare to steam bowl ear cake, the completely processed liquid poured into the steamer model, put into the steamer lid, while steaming when everyone should use the atmosphere to steam, bowl ear cake steaming for seven or eight minutes on it, at this time the bowl ear cake can be out of the pot.

The next issue will update more Guizhou classic snacks, which one will make you remember?

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Editor-in-charge: Teng Xiaoguan