
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

author:The owner of the old donkey ride

In the Indian Ocean, between Madagascar and Mauritius, there is a small island full of infinite charm, and he has a nice name called [Reunion]. We came here after the end of our trip to Madagascar on September 12, 2018.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure

It is a volcanic island full of temptation and magic, more than 10,000 kilometers away from the romantic capital of France, but it is an overseas province of France. It has a charm that is not inferior to the charm of the French mainland and the beauty of the special wildness. Formed 30 million years ago, 42% of the island is a World Heritage Site, it is a real treasure trove for travelers.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure

A pocket island that can circle the island in eight hours, you can watch the mountains, the sea, the plants, and enjoy the excitement of heaven and earth. Helicopters, paragliding, parachuting, skydiving, whale watching, sea fishing, diving, river trekking, rafting, hiking, mountain biking, volcanic cave exploration and more are all available.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure

The climate is also fascinating. The narrow plains along the coast belong to the tropical rainforest climate, which is hot and humid all year round; most of the mountains and plateaus belong to the alpine climate, mild and cool; the unique topography and landform have derived more than 200 microclimates, which can drive the wind and use the skin to quickly have a rich experience.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Crystal clear waters, people fishing in the distance. Reunion is also a great place to watch humpback whales, and it is said that flocks of humpback whales can be seen at the seaside, and if you are lucky, you can also see the humpback whales giving birth. It's a pity that the season we came to was just missed. Dolphins are regulars here, and the herds of coral in the lagoon are ideal for diving and snorkeling.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Hanging a zipline from the cliff on the side of the road, quickly sliding into the deep pool under the waterfall, smashing out a bunch of water splashes, submerging into the pool and then floating, it seems easy, but in fact, it takes a lot of courage. A strong European man, leaning against a cliff and refusing to leave, could see from his expression the intense activity of his heart, and he was not ready. One is very pointless and relaxed for young Chinese people, and it is very Chinese long face.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

One of the biggest highlights of Reunion < >. In the wilderness of the southeast of Reunion, in the vast underground hide several long black holes, which are the pipes formed inside the lava flow of the volcano, which are left behind after cooling, which is a special existence. These pipes are not easily discovered, and the discoverers are said to be qualified to operate them. Access to the pipeline must be accompanied by a professional guide, as it is easy to get lost in all directions of the fork road inside the cave.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Inside, it was like a pot of boiled chocolate sauce spilled on the ceiling, and another trace of it dripped down. Walking to a narrow place, the guide asked us to turn off all the light sources, and without saying a word, we quietly experienced the feeling of being in the incomparably dark "center of the earth". At this time, you must grasp your thoughts and let her not over-release, otherwise it will produce terror. Don't think about leaving you alone in the endless silent darkness beneath this ground. Don't think about whether the volcano will erupt at this time, and immediately there will be hot magma rushing in.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Come to reunion to learn a word - ice bucket The ice bucket here refers to the unique landform formed by the geological subsidence after the volcanic eruption. Reunion has three famous ice buckets: The Marfat Ice Bucket Therazi Ice Bucket Therao Ice Bucket Among them, the Mayfat Ice Bucket is the most difficult to access, there are no roads, and can only be reached by foot or helicopter.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure

We went to the Silao Ice Bucket, which was the most beautiful ice bucket. To Thirao Ice, you have to take 421 turns on the mountain road, which is definitely a test of driving skills.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Standing here, you can see the scattered residents of the Marfat ice bucket, these residents who live under the cliffs, independent of the hustle and bustle. Although we did not arrange to hike into the Mayfat Ice Bucket this time, standing on a high place as a whole, we can better appreciate the difficulty of survival and the difficulty of entering and leaving there. The villagers in the ice bucket below, large supplies are transported by helicopter, so what if there are serious patients and bad weather? The slaves who fled here at that time only thought about the problem of survival, and now they should think about medical care and education, I don't know how they solved it.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

This movement is called canyoning. "Canyoning refers to the movement of descending along a waterfall at a cliff. Because the stones that have been washed by the waterfall for a long time are slippery and covered with moss, coupled with the impact of the stream on the descender, it will affect the judgment, so the canyoning is more varied and more challenging than the ordinary rock wall descent. We stopped the car and stood in the distance, and saw that these brave men were first going to descend from the high cliff by rope to the exit of the stream, and this distance had already made my heart jump, because it was so high and so steep that it was almost 90 degrees, and I guess I didn't even have the courage to stand on it and take a step down. After descending to the mouth of the creek, they begin to really descend. This is more difficult than the descent above, first of all the rock walls through which the water flows are very slippery and require skill; secondly, the temperature of the water may be very cold and need to be adapted quickly. After all, they had to jump quickly into the waterhole and swim to the shore, and before it was over, they had to carry all their equipment on their backs and walk out of the valley along a path that was not a road.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure

The town of Silao Ice Bucket, a quiet European-style town, is only two or three streets away. Located in the Silao Ice Bucket. We watched the Mafat Ice Bucket from a distance in one day and entered the Silao Ice Bucket, which was good.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

On the morning of the 15th, when the guide came to pick us up, he excitedly told us that The Furness Volcano erupted again at 4:35 a.m., and our trip today is to go to the Furness Volcano, whether we are so lucky, we don't laugh, we smile openly, everyone's eyes are bright, and the mouth is a little closed.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Mount Furness – one of the most active active volcanoes in the world. It is an active volcano that is old, energetic, lonely, and ostentatious, although it is 530,000 years old. The black part is the trace of the flow of magma eruptions, and as we age, if there is no new magma cover, these will eventually become the same color as the surrounding area.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

After walking six or seven kilometers of rugged dirt roads with volcanic ash and volcanic stones, we finally reached the edge of the volcano. Seeing a huge crater craters, one can imagine the scale of the eruption at that time. It's a national park and free.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

The 360-degree roundabout by helicopter is another highlight of Reunion. In fact, there are too many places in the world where helicopter tours are available, but the helicopter tours in Reunion are definitely worth a lifetime of memories.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

The helicopter pilot is a Westerner, tall and handsome, absolutely can be called a type of man, than the domestic popular small fresh meat that is thinner and pinker than the woman, I don't know how many times to raise the eyes. The reason I praise him so much is also a little bit because he put me in the first row.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure

This scenery can only be seen from helicopters. Countless waterfalls, cascading, staggered, different shades of color, slope down the once crater, no one touches the original beauty of no one hurts, feasting on the eyes.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

The plane slowly climbed up, and I was admiring the distant beauty of the lush trees under my feet, and I was startled by the sudden appearance of the abyss under me, because the fuselage under my feet was also transparent, and this huge volcanic crater appeared too suddenly.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure


Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Watch the volcano erupting from a helicopter. Although the scale of this volcanic eruption is not large, it is also very fortunate to be able to encounter it.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

This reminds me of the night in Vanuatu, I stood on the crater, on one side of the rolling torrent of the crater, on the other side of the huge slope, all my energy was focused on the crater with the rumbling of the flower-like eruption and the billowing torrent like molten iron, only to warn myself that I must not go half a step further, did not expect that the risk behind me is also trembling, if I accidentally roll down, the consequences are also very serious. Only because the night was hidden at that time.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Reunion, like Madagascar, is suitable for spice cultivation. The geranium essential oil here is so famous in the field of aromatherapy that it even has an exclusive name "bourbon geranium". Reunion vanilla is also very famous as "bourbon vanilla". The vanilla-flavored ice cream, biscuits, cakes, etc. we usually eat are actually made of synthetic materials, and the real vanilla is still very expensive. So, you know what you're here to buy.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Reunion is concerned by most Chinese people not because of his rich tourism resources, but because of the MF370. A piece of aircraft wreckage was found on the beach in Reunion that year, which was later identified as the MF370 wreckage, and Reunion was known to most people in China. As soon as I say this, you will have an impression. In previous years, the number of tourists in Reunion could reach 550,000 per year, but the Chinese was only about 5,000. In recent years, the number of Chinese tourists has increased rapidly, and perhaps you will be the next one.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure
Reunion Geocentric Adventure

Soon after we returned from Reunion, there was a problem in this very safe place, and a wave of yellow vest strikes in mainland France also spread here, with demonstrators blocking roads, burning vehicles, clashing with the police, and even looters. The Reunion government had to declare a curfew. This is something that no one wants to see, and hopefully it's temporary. The reunion, full of infinite charm, will surely return to its former safety and tranquility.

Reunion Geocentric Adventure

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