
Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

author:Shanqinghe 003

From the founding of the Qin state to the unification of the six kingdoms into a centralized unified country, about 36 Qin kings, in order to inventory these successive kings, it is worth exploring the Qin kings, the text is not lacking in (zhui) to describe, the rest is roughly omitted.

I. The founding monarch of the Qin State Qin Feizi

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

The founding monarch of the Qin state is Qin Feizi, Qin Feizi's father is Boyi, and it cannot be explored anymore, because the exploration is very complicated, for example, the descendants of Boyi have: Lian Po, Yin Zheng, King Wuling of Zhao, Huang Xie of Chunshen Jun, Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, and so on, so it makes sense that five hundred years ago everyone was a family.

Qin Feizi was very good at raising horses, and it was during the period of King Xiao of Zhou, and King Xiao of Zhou was not the authentic prince who took the throne, because the prince was weak and incompetent, so Ji Peifang seized the throne and became the King of Zhou Xiao, which explained what the problem was, indicating that King Xiao of Zhou was more capable. At that time, Xi Rong was constantly harassing, and in order not to be threatened by Rong Di, King Xiao of Zhou vigorously developed the cause of horse breeding, and Qin Fei raised horses well, so King Xiao of Zhou divided the Qin land to Qin Feizi and gave him the surname of Yin, known as Qin Fei.

Second, the second generation of Qin king Marquis of Qin

The "Records of History" only records the reign of Marquis Qin for ten years, and there is no other deed to explore and investigate.

Third, the third generation of Qin King Qin Gongbo

Qin Gongbo reigned for three years, and there were no deeds to study.

Fourth, the fourth generation of Qin King Qin Zhong

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

During the Qin Zhong era, the Qin state began to become strong.

According to the Chinese Volume XVI Zheng Yu, Shi Bo: "Qin Zhong, Qi Hou, Jiang, Yin Zhijunye". It is said that Zheng Huangong, the ruler of the State of Zheng, asked Shi Bo: Which country will be strong among the princes surnamed Jiang and the prince surnamed Ying? Shi Bo replied, "Qin Zhong and Qihou Lü Zhao are the Junjie of the Jiang surname and the surname Of Ying. "It indicates that the State of Qin and the State of Qi will be strong." really.

At that time, it was the era of King Xuan of Zhou, and King Xuan of Zhou was the father of the famous king Ji Gongne of Zhou who ended The Western Zhou, Xi Rong invaded, and King Xuan of Zhou ordered Qin Zhong to lead an army to attack Xi Rong, and Qin Zhong unfortunately died on the battlefield. Later, his son Duke Zhuang of Qin defeated Xi Rong and became the Grand Master of Xi'an.

Fifth, the fifth generation of qin king Qin Zhuang Gongqi

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

The most important feat of Qin Zhuanggong was to defeat Xi Rong and become the Grand Master of Xi'an.

According to the "History of Qin Benji", the eldest son of the Duke of QinZhuang, Shi Father, said: "Xi Rong killed my grandfather Qin Zhong, and I did not kill the King of Rong, and I did not dare to live in the city." So he ceded the position of crown prince to his younger brother Yingkai, the later Duke Xiang of Qin.

The sixth and sixth generation of qin kings Qin Xianggong Kai

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

The Qin Xianggong era is the coordinate era of the Qin State, because of the Qin XiangGong, the Qin State officially became a princely state.

At that time, it was the time when King You of Zhou favored and praised him, because of the Lishan Beacon Fire Drama Princes, The Western Zhou Dynasty was completely ended, and The son of King Zhou You, Ji Yiusu, took the throne as The King of Zhou Ping. Duke Xiang of Qin made great contributions in the process of escorting the car, and also escorted the King of Zhou Ping to move east to Luoyi, so the King of Zhou Ping made Qin Xianggong a prince, and the State of Qin was officially established from then on.

It is very interesting, Qin arose in the Eastern Zhou, and Qin Ye, the one who destroyed the Zhou, is really a worldly grace and resentment, and it is difficult to break it.

7. The Seventh King of Qin, Duke Wen of Qin

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

Qin Wengong, the name is unknown, but now there is a famous Qin opera "Great Qin Wengong" in the name of Qin Wengong is called Yin Shuo, and some sources call Qin Wengong Yingde, there is no historical data to confirm.

During the Qin Wengong era, the people of qin lived a stable life, but Qin Wengong left a lot of legends, among which the legend of Qin Wengong's dream dragon recorded in the "Chronicle of the States of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" is quite magical.

One day, Qin Wengong dreamed that in the suburbs, a yellow snake fell from the sky and landed on the hillside. The snake's head was as big as a wheel, its head was on the ground, and its tail was connected to the sky. Suddenly, he turned into a child and said to Qin Wengong, "I am the son of Heaven and Earth, and Heaven and Earth have appointed you as the White Emperor to preside over western sacrifices." The next day Qin Wengong recruited people to interpret the dream, and Tai Shi Dun said: "White is the color of the West, the great king is in charge of the West, it is the order of the Heavenly Emperor, and the sacrifice and prayer must bring blessings." Therefore, Qin Wengong built a high platform in the Yi District, built the White Emperor Temple, and sacrificed the white cow on time.

The White Emperor is one of the five gods, and the West is the White Emperor and the god of Si Qiu. In the five elements, autumn is gold, its taste is spicy, and its color is white, so the god of Siqiu is the white emperor. The Qin people paid more attention to liturgy, so that the sacrifice foreshadowed qin Wengong's ambition, because at that time, only Zhou Tianzi could carry out activities to pay tribute to the Heavenly Emperor. Therefore, after Qin sacrificed the White Emperor, the State of Lu also began to carry out sacrifice activities according to the scale of the Son of Heaven, which is the so-called: from the beginning of Qin Lu to usurp (zan), the nations have stolen power. Since then, the princely states have also gone their own way and do not look at Zhou Tianzi in their eyes.

Viii. The Eighth King of Qin, Qin Xian Gong Li

Duke Xian of Qin was the grandson of Duke Wen of Qin, and because his father Duke Jing of Qin died early, he was made the heir to the throne by his grandfather. However, Qin Xiangong also died young, at the age of twenty-one.

Ninth, the ninth king of Qin, Qin out of the son of Yin Man

Qin Was the younger son of Duke Xian of Qin, who was immediately enthroned on the throne at the age of five and murdered six years later.

Tenth, the tenth generation of Qin King Qin Wu Gongwei said

Duke Wu of Qin said that he was the eldest son of Duke Xian of Qin, originally the crown prince, and later became the King of Qin after his half-brother Qin Chuzi was killed. According to the "Records of History", Duke Wu of Qin opened the system of burial of living people, and the number of people buried with him at the time of death was as high as sixty-six, and there was no great achievement, and he was not worthy of praise for the generation of Qin kings.

The eleventh and eleventh king of Qin, Duke Yingjia of Qin De

In the second year of Qin Degong's reign, he ordered the establishment of "Futian" in legislation, so the theory of three Voltian days in June began from the Qin Degong period of the Qin State.

The twelfth and twelfth king of Qin, Qin Xuangong, was a concubine

Qin Xuangong's yintian era has been recuperating, Taoguang yang obscure, and the Jin state fought a war, won, and since then the war between the two countries has become a common thing.

Thirteenth and thirteenth king of Qin, Duke Cheng of Qin

Nothing to look into.

Fourteenth, the fourteenth king of Qin, Duke Mu of Qin served as a good official

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

Qin Mugong, one of the Five Hegemons of spring and autumn. Since the official establishment of the Qin Xianggong, Qin Mugong was the first King of Qin to show his might in the princely states, and Qin Mugong was the first King of Qin to show his majesty in the princely states, and Qin Mugong's claim to dominate Xirong laid a certain foundation for the unification of the six kingdoms by Qin Shi Huang in the future, at least the western Qin state did not have to bother much.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the anecdotes and strange things handed down by Qin Mugong were also quite rich.

First of all, Qin Mugong rebuilt the "Good of Qin and Jin" in order to win over the powerful Jin state at that time, in order to become the hegemon in the future, and sure enough, after Qin Mugong supported Zhong'er to return to China, Chong'er became the Duke of Jin. After Duke Wen of Jin became one of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Mu of Qin also ascended to the position of hegemon.

In addition, The Five Emperors (gu) Grand Master BaiLi Xi was also a sage recruited by Qin Mugong to open the precedent of appointing keqing. When the later Qin Shi Huang issued an eviction order to foreign guests, Li Si wrote a famous "Book of Expulsion of Guests", which wrote about Qin Mugong's strategy for appointing talents: "In the past, Qin Mugong sought sages, invited Yu from Rong in the west, invited Baili Xi from the Chu state in the east, ushered in Uncle Jian from the Song kingdom, and appointed Pi Leopard and Gongsun Zhi from the Jin state. Duke Mu of Qin appointed these five men and annexed twenty kingdoms to dominate Xi Rong. "It comprehensively summarizes the superiority of Qin Mugong's love for people.

However, Qin Mugong used one hundred and seventy-seven people for his martyrdom, many of whom were kind and brave, and this matter was mostly criticized by the Chinese people.

Fifteenth, the fifteenth king of Qin, Qin Kanggong Ying

Duke Kang of Qin slackened his government and enjoyed himself, and after years of war with the Jin state, the State of Qin went from hegemony in the Qin Mugong period to decline.

Sixteenth, the sixteenth king of Qin, Qin Gonggong Won Rice

After five years in power, there was nothing to consider.

Seventeenth, the seventeenth King of Qin, Duke Huan of Qin

In 578 BC, the Jin Dynasty ligong engaged the Qin army led by qi, song, Wei, Lu, Zheng, Cao, Qiu (zhu), and Teng, and the Qin army at Ma Tunnel, and the Qin army was defeated.

Due to the "Battle of Ma Tunnel", the Qin and Jin struggle for hegemony came to an end, and the Qin state declined significantly.

Eighteenth, the eighteenth king of Qin, Qin Jinggong Yingshi

Qin Jinggong is most worthy of discussion by future generations is his Qin Gong No. 1 Tomb, which is the largest ancient tomb excavated in China so far. The funeral method of "yellow intestine inscription" was adopted, and this funeral specification was previously only a funeral ceremony dedicated to the Tianzi of the Zhou Dynasty, which shows Qin Jinggong's ambition to dominate.

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

The so-called "yellow intestine inscription", according to the Three Kingdoms period Wei SuLin explained the word in the commentary "Book of Han Huo Guang Biography": with cypress wood yellow heart to cause tired coffin, so it is called "yellow intestine"; wood are introverted, so it is called "inscription". It is a high specification funeral specification.

The Tomb No. 1 of Qin Gong is located in the village of Nanzhi in Fengxiang County, Shaanxi Province, and as many as 186 people were martyred for Qin Jinggong.

19. The Nineteenth King of Qin, duke of Qin

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

During the era of the Duke of Qin, king Wu Lu (he lv) attacked the State of Chu, King Zhao of Chu was the grandson of the Duke of Qin, and sent Shen Baoxu, the grand master of the State of Chu, to the State of Qin to ask for help from the Duke, and began to ignore Shen Baoxu, and Shen Baoxu wept day and night outside the gate of the Qin Palace, and wept for seven days and seven nights. The Duke of Qin was moved, so he made the famous song "Shijing Qin Feng No Clothes", sent troops to save Chu, defeated Wu Bing, and King Chu Zhao restored the country.

Qin Feng, shirtless

Are you shirtless? Robe with the Son. Wang Yuxingshi, repair my spear, and have a vendetta against the Son!

Are you shirtless? With the son of the same ze. Wang Yuxing, repair my spear, and work with my son!

Are you shirtless? Dress with the Son. Wang Yuxingshi, repair my armored soldiers, and go with my son!

★★★ Next is Qin Yi Gong Yingkuo

Duke Yi of Qin died before he could take the throne, and there was nothing to investigate. Because he did not ascend the throne, he was not listed among the 36 Qin kings of the past.

20. The Twentieth King of Qin, The Former Prince of Qin, Huigong Yining

Twenty-first and twenty-first generation of Qin kings Qin mourn the Gong Ying Pan

Nothing to look into

22nd and 22nd Qin Kings Qin Li Gong Yingla (la)

The qin ligong era was the period when the three families of Han, Zhao, and Wei were divided into Jin. Sima Guang's Zizhi Tongjian regards the three divisions of the Jin Dynasty as a watershed between the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Twenty-three and twenty-third generations of Qin kings Qin Man Gong Yinxin

The 24th and 24th Qin kings qin huaigong was enfeoffed

When Duke Huai of Qin ascended the throne, because after the death of his brother Duke Qin, domestic power was controlled by the ministers of the court, and the ministers welcomed back the prince from the State of Jin, that is, the later Duke of Qin Huai as the monarch of the State of Qin, but soon, Duke Huai of Qin was forced to commit suicide by these ministers, because The son of Duke Huai of Qin died early, and the ministers set up the grandson of Duke Huai of Qin to take the throne.

Twenty-fifth and twenty-fifth qin kings Qin Linggong Su

During the Reign of Qin Linggong, sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor began, and the Qin people regarded themselves as descendants of Yan Huang.

The 26th and 26th King of Qin, Duke Jian of Qin mourned his son

Duke Jian of Qin was the uncle of Duke Linggong of Qin, and he was immediately enthroned and had nothing to consider.

Twenty-seventh and twenty-seventh king of Qin, Empress Dowager Hui of Qin

Twenty-eighth and twenty-eighth qin kings Qin out of gong yingchang

When Qin Chugong Yingchang ascended the throne, he was only two years old, his mother presided over the imperial government, and his mother reused eunuchs, but unexpectedly there was a coup d'état among the courtiers, and when Qin Chugong was four years old, he was killed by the powerful ministers with his mother, and then the chancellor welcomed Qin Xiangong Lian to take the throne.

Twenty-ninth and twenty-ninth Qin kings Qin Xiangong Yinlian

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

Qin Xiangong is a worthy monarch of the Qin state, because from the beginning of Qin Xiangong, the Qin state has begun to revitalize again.

Qin Xiangong's path to the throne is somewhat similar to that of Duke Xiaobai of Qi Huan and Duke Wen of Jin, both of whom have been hunted down and killed outside, so such people have gone through hardships and made great strides in governing the country, such as Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin have successively become one of the five hegemons of spring and autumn, although Qin Xiangong has not yet achieved becoming a spring and autumn hegemon like his ancestor Qin Mugong, but it has also laid a good foundation for the rise of the Qin state in the future.

First of all, at that time, the Zhou royal family was attacked by Han and Wei, and Qin Xiangong defeated the han and Wei armies in one fell swoop as the escort of the King of Qin, and was named "Bo" by Zhou Tianzi, which became a small hegemon in the Warring States period, greatly enhancing the prestige of the Qin state in the princely states and establishing the self-confidence of the Qin state.

Qin Xiangong also has a very praised point for posterity, that is, he deposed the system of martyrdom of the living and began to use pottery figurines for burial, which saved the lives of many young and middle-aged people and saved the labor force for the country.

Beginning with Qin Xiangong, the Qin state flourished day by day.

The 30th and 30th King of Qin, Duke Xiao of Qin, was a prince of Qin

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

During the period of Qin Xiaogong, the Qin state developed rapidly.

First of all, Shang Martin came from Weiguo to defect to Qin Xiaogong, was highly valued by Qin Xiaogong, and then carried out the two famous Shang martingale transformation methods in the history of the Qin State, and from then on the country became rich and the people were strong. At the same time, in the Battle of Maling, Pang Juan was caught in Sun Zhen's strategy, and the entire army was destroyed, and Pang Juan committed suicide. The state of Wei's national strength and military were greatly weakened, and the state of Qin took this opportunity to sneak into the state of Wei, defeat the state of Wei, and recover the lost land.

King Xianwang of Zhou also sent envoys to give Qin Xiaogong the title of overlord, and all the princes came to celebrate, which should be regarded as another hegemony since the spring and autumn of Qin Mugong.

When Qin Xiaogong died, he had the intention of passing on the location of Shangmartin, and Shangmartin resigned.

Thirty-first, the thirty-first generation of qin king Qin Huiwen wang yisi

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

As soon as King Huiwen of Qin came to power, he eliminated the powerful Shang Martingale and at the same time proclaimed himself king, and from then on, the king of the Qin state bid farewell to the title of "Gong" and began to "king" Dao.

The biggest highlight of the Qin Huiwen Period was the reuse of Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi and Su Qin were both students of the educator Ghost Guzi, Su Qin's strategy of combining and combining with other princely states to break the Qin State, but they were all broken by Zhang Yi with the strategy of lian heng, especially Zhang Yi used sophistry to weaken the strength of the Chu State, making it difficult for the Chu State at that time to compete with the Qin State, and clearing the way for the future Qin Shi Huang to unify the Six Kingdoms.

The famous eighth son of Empress Xuan (mi) in history was the concubine of Qin Huiwen Wang, and the TV series "Biography of Mi Yue" is about the deeds of Empress Xuan.

The Thirty-second and Thirty-Second King of Qin, King Wu of Qin

King Yingdang of Qinwu died at the age of 23, and the reason for his death was that he had smashed himself to death.

It turned out that The power of Yingdang was incomparable, Kong Wu was belligerent, and when he and his favorite minister Meng said that the game was "Long Wen Chiding", Chiding broke his hand and smashed his tibia, and King Qin Wu was accidentally killed.

King Wu of Qin did not have a good feeling for Zhang Yi when he did not succeed to the throne, and after succeeding to the throne, he did not want to see Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi was worried that he would be killed, so he left the Qin state and went to the State of Wei.

After the death of King Wu of Qin, because he was childless, the Qunchen welcomed back his son Yin Ji (ji), who was a proton in the Yan kingdom, to succeed him as King Zhaoxiang of Qin, who was the great-grandfather of Qin Shi Huang.

The thirty-third and thirty-third king of Qin, The King of Qin Zhaoxiang, The King of Qin Zhaoxiang

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

Qin Zhaoxiang Wang Yiji was the longest reigning King of Qin in the history of the Qin State, reigning for a total of 56 years, and his son King Xiaowen of Qin was the shortest reigning King of Qin in the history of the Qin State, reigning for only 3 days, and the father and son complemented each other due to the length of their reign.

King Zhaoxiang of Qin's mother was Empress Xuan's eighth son, a generation of strategist empresses.

The period of King Zhaoxiang of Qin was already the late warring states period, and the qin state had the most wars with the six major princely states of Han, Wei, Zhao, Yan, Qi, and Chu, and the famous "Battle of Changping" between the Qin state and the Zhao state occurred at this time, and the "Battle of Changping" was the earliest, largest, and most thorough large-scale annihilation war in the history of ancient Chinese warfare.

Therefore, King Zhaoxiang of Qin was another heavyweight king in the history of the Qin state.

In the fifty years of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, a major event occurred that directly affected the history of China, that is, the return of The Grandson of King Zhaoxiang of Qin. At that time, Yin Yiren was working as a proton in the Zhao Kingdom, and with the help of the wealthy merchant Lü Buwei, he fled back to the Qin State that year and changed his name to Yin Zi Chu, that is, the father of Qin Shi Huang's Yingzheng.

According to the "History of Qin Benji", "In the fifty-second year, Zhou Min died in the east, and his instrument Jiuding entered Qin. Died at the beginning of the week. That is to say, in the fifty-second year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, Jiuding entered Qin, the Zhou Dynasty died at the beginning, and the Great Zhou Dynasty, which lasted for 790 years, basically perished.

The Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fourth King of Qin, King Xiaowen of Qin

Qin Xiaowen Wang Yingzhu only reigned for three days, there was nothing to study, but it is worth mentioning that although Qin Xiaowen Wang only reigned for three days, when he was an An Guojun before he ascended the throne, there was a very favored concubine Lady Huayang, Lady Huayang did not have children, Lü Buwei persuaded Lady Huayang to recognize Lady Chu as a son, Lady Huayang persuaded An Guojun to make her son Chu li as an heir, and when An Guojun took the throne, Lady Huayang became the queen, and Lady Huayang naturally became the crown prince. This led to the later Qin Shi Huang's reign, and thus a unified state with centralized power that unified the six kingdoms.

The thirty-fifth and thirty-fifth qin kings Qin Zhuang Xiang Wang's concubine Chu

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

The most important identity of King Xiang of Qin zhuang was the father of Qin Shi Huang, and when he was a proton in the Zhao Kingdom, he met Lü Buwei, a wealthy merchant at that time. The fate of King Xiang of Qin Zhuang is legendary, in his identity and the throne is not related, but the strange goods can be lived, under the operation of a wave of gods in Lü Buwei, the ghost made the god become a prince, and finally became a generation of Qin kings, and gave birth to one of the most influential figures in history, that is, his son - Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the ancient world.

In addition, in 249 BC, the State of Qin completely destroyed the Zhou Dynasty.

The 36th and 36th Qin kings were the first emperors of Qin

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

For Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng, only a poem by Li Bai is used to summarize: The King of Qin swept Liuhe, and the tiger looked at He Xiongya! Swinging his sword to break the clouds, the princes came to the west.

Qin Shi Huang was a great figure who completed the great unification of China, laid the basic pattern of China's political system for more than two thousand years, was the first emperor in Chinese history to be called an emperor, and the only emperor who can be called an emperor for thousands of years.

I will not dwell on it.

From the beginning of Qin Shi Huang's unification of the Six Kingdoms Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang, Hu Hai and Qin Zi Bao were not counted as monarchs of the Qin State, but the emperors of the Qin Dynasty, so the Qin State was over. Therefore, Qin II Hu Hai and Qin III Qin Zibao were not among the preamble teeth.

Sum up:

In fact, the monarch of the Qin state in the strict sense is calculated from the real establishment of the princely states by the Duke of Qin Xiang, but in this article, for the sake of memory, the leaders who began with the founding of Qin Feizi are counted as the king of Qin.

From the above monarchs of the Qin State, we can see that the Qin State has an extraordinary historical trajectory from the founding of the state to the development to the final annihilation of the Six Kingdoms to establish a unified centralized multi-ethnic state, and we have obtained more historical historical materials on the development of the Qin State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period from these qin states.

Outline of the kings of the Qin Dynasty, the east wind blows awake the emperor's dream and smiles at Qin Chuan Wanzhongtian

First of all, starting from qin feizi, who likes to raise horses;

By the fifth generation, Yingqi had conquered Xi rong and became the Western Doctor;

Then, the sixth generation of Qin Xianggong Kai was the coordinate era of the development of the Qin state, and the Qin state officially became a princely state;

Starting from the seventh generation of Qin Wengong, the Qin state sacrificed the White Emperor according to the Tianzi ceremony, and did not take Zhou Tianzi in his eyes from then on, indicating the ambitions of the King of Qin;

By the fourteenth generation of qin king Qin Mugong was good, one of the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Qin state was prosperous;

After the Duke of Qin Mu, the State of Qin began to decline, until the twenty-ninth generation of Qin Xiangong, the Revival of the State of Qin, was named "Bo" by Zhou Tianzi, and began to become a small hegemon in the princely states;

The thirtieth generation of Qin Xiaogong's GongQu Liang, because of the reuse of the Shang martingale transformation method, the Qin state became stronger, and its status in the princely states was basically the same as that of the Qin Mugong era, which was equivalent to the hegemonic status;

Developed to the thirty-first generation of Qin Huiwen Wang, began the royal road, and laid a good foundation for the future unification of the six kingdoms;

The thirty-third qin zhaoxiang wang, Yingji, severely damaged the zhao state, destroyed the Zhou Dynasty, and the qin state was invincible;

Finally, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Shi Huang won the government, destroyed the six kingdoms, and unified the world.

The above ten Qin King periods are an important time node for the Qin State from the founding of the country to the great unification, and it can be seen from the above outline of the Qin King that the great plan to unify the world is not achieved overnight, but is constantly accumulated, and only by becoming stronger and stronger can we achieve the great cause of hegemony!

The image comes from the Internet

#Great Qin##Great Qin Empire##Headline History##今日头条文化频道 #