
Emperor Huizong of Song, the emperor of the subjugated country, listened to the misuse of the courtiers, and the concubines were insulted by the fact that they were ruled by the "refining lamp oil" at the beginning of the reign of Song Huizong, who relied heavily on the treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention, and began to covet pleasure and indulge in lust and lust in the later years of Emperor Huizong's good lust and lasciviousness, and after the defeat of the country, he was captured by Jin Guosheng, and the concubines were insulted

author:Huaxia Kyushu Chronicle
Emperor Huizong of Song, the emperor of the subjugated country, listened to the misuse of the courtiers, and the concubines were insulted by the fact that they were ruled by the "refining lamp oil" at the beginning of the reign of Song Huizong, who relied heavily on the treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention, and began to covet pleasure and indulge in lust and lust in the later years of Emperor Huizong's good lust and lasciviousness, and after the defeat of the country, he was captured by Jin Guosheng, and the concubines were insulted

The vast majority of emperors in ancient China received a good traditional culture education since childhood, and many emperors were good at poetry creation, calligraphy and painting, and even knew the rhythm of music.

Among these emperors with different hobbies and expertise, many emperors have achieved high artistic attainments in calligraphy and painting, and their surviving calligraphy, paintings and other imperial pen works have amazed and praised the world.

Emperor Huizong of song zhao was the eighth emperor of the Song Dynasty, and the world's evaluation of him was praised and deprecated: Zhao Tuo loved words all his life, was proficient in calligraphy and painting, and was an outstanding calligrapher and painter in history; at the same time, Zhao Tuo was lustful, abandoned the government, and was also a famous king in Chinese history.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > Song Huizong, who was still trying to rule at the beginning of his reign</h1>

The most prosperous dynasty in China's history is the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, among which the economic prosperity and richness of the property of the Song Dynasty have made it the most powerful dynasty in Chinese history and the highest living standards of the people. According to historical records, the peak population of the Song Dynasty was over 100 million, the Song Dynasty was heavy on agriculture and suppressed commerce, and the people lived a wealthy life and strong purchasing power.

There was almost no large-scale peasant uprising in the Song Dynasty, the vigorous development of science and technology handicrafts, and the entry of culture and art into a golden period, and the emergence of this peaceful and grand scene was inseparable from the efforts of the emperors of the Great Song Dynasty.

Emperor Huizong of Song, the emperor of the subjugated country, listened to the misuse of the courtiers, and the concubines were insulted by the fact that they were ruled by the "refining lamp oil" at the beginning of the reign of Song Huizong, who relied heavily on the treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention, and began to covet pleasure and indulge in lust and lust in the later years of Emperor Huizong's good lust and lasciviousness, and after the defeat of the country, he was captured by Jin Guosheng, and the concubines were insulted

Soon after Emperor Shenzong of Song came to power, he specially invited Wang Anshi to go to Beijing to preside over and carry out the reform of the law, and successively promulgated and implemented new laws such as the Green Shoots Law, the Farmland Water Conservancy Law, and the Equalization Law, and always thought about how to recover the lost land in the past and unify China. With the efforts of Emperor Shenzong of Song, the national strength of the Northern Song Dynasty began to flourish and flourish.

After the death of Emperor Shenzong of Song, the sixth prince Zhao Xu succeeded to the throne, but unfortunately, Zhao Xu, the Emperor of Song, died after only 15 years on the throne. When Emperor Zhezong died of illness, he had no children under his knees, so Empress Xiang made the eleventh prince of Emperor Shenzong of Song the new emperor, and this new emperor was Emperor Huizong of Song.

At the beginning of Song Huizong's pro-government, he regarded his father Song Shenzong, who was keen on reform and enterprising, as an example to learn from, and also wanted to exert himself to govern and show great deeds. Therefore, Emperor Huizong of Song set out to broaden the path of speech and reward those who could put forward good policies for governing the country.

Every morning, he insisted on listening to the opinions and suggestions of his ministers, and even if he was hungry and grumbling, he continued to listen to the ways of governing the country proposed by his ministers. Such an emperor made the Manchu Dynasty ministers of culture and military affairs feel that guoxing was promising, and they were secretly glad to be able to assist an enlightened and promising monarch.

Emperor Huizong of Song, the emperor of the subjugated country, listened to the misuse of the courtiers, and the concubines were insulted by the fact that they were ruled by the "refining lamp oil" at the beginning of the reign of Song Huizong, who relied heavily on the treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention, and began to covet pleasure and indulge in lust and lust in the later years of Emperor Huizong's good lust and lasciviousness, and after the defeat of the country, he was captured by Jin Guosheng, and the concubines were insulted

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" > Song Huizong, who relied heavily on his treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention and began to covet pleasure and indulge in sex</h1>

Governing the country is boring and laborious, and throughout the ages, only an emperor who is determined to uphold his ambitions has been able to persevere on the road of hard work.

With the passage of time, Song Huizong began to slowly relax his requirements for himself, deviated from the road of governing the country, and embarked on the wrong path of pursuing personal hobbies and indulging in pleasure.

Emperor Huizong of Song behaved elegantly and with extraordinary temperament from an early age, and in addition to reading, he liked to study the inner techniques of pen and ink Danqing the most, and almost every day he had to splash ink and copy the post.

Because he loves painting, Zhao Tuo is also very fascinated by rare animals, flowers, birds and fish stones. His royal life was easy and comfortable, and his father Song Shenzong also admired this son very much, and Song Shenzong once commented on Zhao Yao: This son was both talented and charming, and was more than a hundred times better than Li Yu, the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Emperor Huizong of Song, the emperor of the subjugated country, listened to the misuse of the courtiers, and the concubines were insulted by the fact that they were ruled by the "refining lamp oil" at the beginning of the reign of Song Huizong, who relied heavily on the treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention, and began to covet pleasure and indulge in lust and lust in the later years of Emperor Huizong's good lust and lasciviousness, and after the defeat of the country, he was captured by Jin Guosheng, and the concubines were insulted

Originally, such an elegant prince was so leisurely and elegant, but who could have predicted that Zhao Yao would later ascend to the throne and become a king who needed to dominate the political situation.

In addition to Cai Jing, Gao Qi, Liang Shicheng, Wang Yi, and other great traitors who were notorious in the history books, Emperor Huizong of Song also trusted the eunuchs Tong Guan, Yang Jian, Li Yan, and others, abandoned the government and government, acted perversely, and exerted undue pressure and control on the people of Li, causing the people to complain and the government to be dim.

Cai Jing was a jinshi during the Reign of Emperor Shenzong, and when Emperor Huizong of Song was still a prince, he admired Cai Jing very much, and zhao Tuo, who was obsessed with the art of calligraphy, was always full of admiration and good feelings for Cai Jing, who was good at calligraphy. After Emperor Huizong took over the government, Cai Jing performed the art of "flattery" and constantly courted Emperor Huizong of Song, who introduced Cai Jing as a confidant of calligraphy and painting, and soon made him the prime minister.

Emperor Huizong of Song, the emperor of the subjugated country, listened to the misuse of the courtiers, and the concubines were insulted by the fact that they were ruled by the "refining lamp oil" at the beginning of the reign of Song Huizong, who relied heavily on the treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention, and began to covet pleasure and indulge in lust and lust in the later years of Emperor Huizong's good lust and lasciviousness, and after the defeat of the country, he was captured by Jin Guosheng, and the concubines were insulted

Cai Jing was not a loyal person by nature; he only became an official for the sake of self-interest and wealth; when he ascended to the high position of prime minister, he formed a party for personal gain, betrayed officials and lords, embezzled money and perverted the law, and ran amok in the government and the opposition, not only doing his best to exclude loyal and upright courtiers, but also doing his best to squeeze the people, causing the people to be unhappy and the country's strength to regress rapidly.

In order to highlight their own value and strengthen their position of power, Cai Jing's party tried their best to vigorously cater to Huizong in all aspects such as eating, drinking, and having fun, not only whitewashing Taiping, but also extravagantly squandering, in order to "share bliss" with Song Huizong.

Song Huizong liked exquisite things, especially rare birds and animals, flowers, birds and stones, so Tong Guan and Cai Jing collected strange flowers and stones and exquisite objects in the folk, and then sent them to the Great Song Palace one after another through the way of water transportation, which is the origin of the famous "Flower stone class" of the Great Song Dynasty.

So many treasures in the world made Song Huizong's dragon face very happy, but how to properly place these treasures, Song Huizong could start a worry.

Cai Jing found out the holy will, and first urged Emperor Huizong to build a Yanfu Palace specially designed for pleasure and fun, and to place those rare treasures in it for Emperor Huizong to play leisurely. Later, Yanfu Palace no longer had any place to accommodate those precious treasures, exotic flowers and plants, and Emperor Huizong's favored courtiers once again proposed to build a garden that resembled the natural scenery of Jiangnan.

Emperor Huizong of Song, the emperor of the subjugated country, listened to the misuse of the courtiers, and the concubines were insulted by the fact that they were ruled by the "refining lamp oil" at the beginning of the reign of Song Huizong, who relied heavily on the treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention, and began to covet pleasure and indulge in lust and lust in the later years of Emperor Huizong's good lust and lasciviousness, and after the defeat of the country, he was captured by Jin Guosheng, and the concubines were insulted

While those favored courtiers tried their best to scrape the people's fat and gather gold treasures, while catering to Emperor Huizong's wishes, building luxurious and magnificent garden palaces, Song Huizong's hobbies were greatly satisfied, and he was happy not to forget to reward those favored subjects, built large and small mansions and courtyards, and gave these "meritorious ministers", and each mansion had to spend at least a million yuan or more, which was staggering.

Emperor Huizong of Song's elegance was greatly satisfied, and the traitorous parties in the court were enriched one by one, and these huge expenses and high expenses came from the naked plunder of the common people. The voices of civil resentment were incessant, the peasants' resistance struggle was approaching, and soon the Northern Song Empire was on the verge of collapse.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" > Huizong was lustful and lascivious in his later years, and was captured by Jin Guosheng after the defeat of the country, and the concubines were insulted</h1>

Emperor Huizong of Song was a literati and gentleman, and it was inevitable that he would be lustful by nature. Ever since Emperor Huizong began to enjoy himself freely, he continued to enrich the harem and spoil the beautiful women. The palace concubines he favored were all beautiful women with beautiful talents, such as the noble concubine Zheng Shi, who "entered the palace, was good at reading books, could control herself, and the emperor loved her talents"--it can be seen that a beautiful and talented woman like Zheng Shi can be favored by the holy family of Huizong.

Later, Emperor Huizong of Song loved women to the point of being very exaggerated, and once, the internal attendant Yang Jian praised the folk liu shi, a wine woman, who looked beautiful and colorful, as if Zhaojun was alive. When Emperor Huizong heard this, he immediately ordered someone to put him into the palace, and when Emperor Huizong saw Liu Shi, he was immediately moved, and since then he has taken him with him every day, day and night. But even the most beautiful people have a time when their faces are aging,

When the Liu people were old zhu huang, Emperor Huizong accidentally learned that there was a prostitute Li Shishi in the folk, who was unique in appearance and famous in the capital. Therefore, in the history of the wilderness, there are records of Song Huizong disguised himself in the palace several times and specially meeting Master Li.

Emperor Huizong of Song, the emperor of the subjugated country, listened to the misuse of the courtiers, and the concubines were insulted by the fact that they were ruled by the "refining lamp oil" at the beginning of the reign of Song Huizong, who relied heavily on the treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention, and began to covet pleasure and indulge in lust and lust in the later years of Emperor Huizong's good lust and lasciviousness, and after the defeat of the country, he was captured by Jin Guosheng, and the concubines were insulted

In the main history, it is indeed recorded that Cao Fu advised Emperor Huizong of Song not to leave the palace and privately meet with private prostitutes, but whether the beautiful prostitute who haunted Emperor Huizong's soul was Li Shishi or not is still impossible to verify. Overall, in his later years, Emperor Huizong of Song was indeed extremely lustful, and the concubines in his harem were very numerous, giving birth to 32 princes and 22 princesses, which shows how much Song Huizong liked beauty and coveted the wind.

In 1126, the Jin Dynasty tore off the masks of its allies and smashed the Northern Song Dynasty's Kyoto. Emperor Huizong of Song, who had been immersed in the gentle countryside for decades, was disillusioned, first pushing the crown prince Zhao Huan to the throne, and then taking care of himself to avoid the political storm of the time. Zhao Huan was Emperor Qinzong of Song, but like Emperor Huizong, he was an incompetent emperor.

Soon, the Jin soldiers once again won the battle and attacked the rivers and mountains of the Great Song Dynasty, and Huizong and his harem concubines and concubines, and more than 3,000 royal relatives, all of whom were captured by the Jin soldiers to the north and became prisoners of the fallen country.

After arriving in the north, Emperor Huizong, Emperor Qinzong, and the Princess Empress were ordered to take off their chinese clothes, put on the costumes of the people of the Jin Dynasty, and then go to the temple naked to sacrifice. Men were enslaved, female dependents were toyed with and humiliated, and some Song concubines were humiliated and committed suicide. Song Huizong also couldn't stand such abuse, and several suicides were unsuccessful, and when he woke up, he could only hold his head and cry with Qinzong and the two of them.

Later, when the elderly Huizong died of illness, Jin Bing put his body on the fire, burned it and roasted it, and then removed the charred body and threw it into a puddle, named "refining lamp oil". Song Qinzong could not bear to look at him directly, and also wanted to commit suicide, but he did not succeed. Later, Qinzong was trampled to death by Jin Bing's war horse.

Emperor Huizong of Song, the emperor of the subjugated country, listened to the misuse of the courtiers, and the concubines were insulted by the fact that they were ruled by the "refining lamp oil" at the beginning of the reign of Song Huizong, who relied heavily on the treacherous courtiers, gradually forgot his original intention, and began to covet pleasure and indulge in lust and lust in the later years of Emperor Huizong's good lust and lasciviousness, and after the defeat of the country, he was captured by Jin Guosheng, and the concubines were insulted

Song Huizong's talent and talent as an artist are indeed impressive, but as the king of a country, Song Huizong Zhao Tuo was very unsuccessful. Although his artistic achievements were comparable to those of Li Yu, the lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, the cost of his misdirection of the country was more than a hundred times higher than that of Li Yu, and eventually the country was destroyed and died tragically.

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