
Whenever people do not say human affairs, they are people who have nothing to do in the world

author:Bright Net

Life can't always be smooth, there are always all kinds of unswing pains and difficulties that make you fall into bad emotions.

But in other words, the gap in mentality between people and people is probably a very key element of whether you live happily or not.

If you feel bitter, think about a lot of distress and sorrow, in fact, it is not a big deal. It's just that in your situation, in that mood, the mediocre disturbs themselves.

Whenever people do not say human affairs, they are people who have nothing to do in the world.

So, whatever happens, be kind to yourself first. Sad things, let go. When you wake up early tomorrow morning, you will find that the earth is still turning and you are all right.



Song Yuan said friend

The picking pavilion moves the day, and the wind hand scratches alone.

A few strands of sorrow, the old cowardly sideburns double white.

Sighing at the thin head, empty and bold.

The years are not compelling, and the sparse has been finely reeled.


Life is short, and the years are merciless.

Instead of being sentimental for the sake of aging and sulking for the sake of sneering, it is better to forget your age and be the best version of yourself.

At the end of a person's life, it is nothing more than a sentence: return, there is no wind and rain and no sunshine.



Don Rohan

To gain is to sing and to lose,

Sentimentality and hatred are also leisurely.

There is wine in this day and drunk in this day,

Tomorrow's nostalgia tomorrow.

If there is no idleness to worry about, it is a good time on earth.

When a thousand sails cross the border, you look back at the road and you will find that a lot of unhappiness is actually just that.

Why bother with life, let go is a sunny day.


The Woodcutter

Song Xiao Dezao

A load of dry chai ancient ferry head,

Coiled for a day is quite a good tour.

Return to the bottom of the stream to sharpen the axe,

And for the whole family tomorrow.

The total score of the world is "superficial" and "actual", on the surface, there is no pressure, it is "quite a good game", in fact, they are "sharpening the knife and axe" and "tomorrow's plot".

Life is not easy, everyone is carrying the weight forward.


"Gifting the Master"

Don Du Xunhe

Sitting on the clouds and swimming out of the dust of the world,

There is no bottle bowl to carry.

Whenever people do not speak of human affairs,

It is the human world who has nothing to do.

In this world, everyone has their own obscurity and purity.

All you can do is ignore the trivialities of your life.

Don't always be angry, anger will reduce your wisdom;

Don't keep hating, hatred will make you lose judgment.



Song Dynasty Su Shi

Everyone has an adopted son who wants to be wise,

I was mistaken for a lifetime by cleverness.

But may the child be foolish and reckless,

There is no disaster and no difficulty to the secretary of state.

Spring has a hundred flowers, autumn has a moon, summer has a cool breeze and winter has snow.

See the world with a pure heart, live with joy, have feelings with an ordinary heart, and remove obstacles with a soft heart.

That's enough.