
The two post-90s "beautiful female scholars" are both studying at Tsinghua Benshuo and teaching in the same middle school

author:Letter and petition in Hengyang, Hunan

Changsha Evening News, Changsha, September 5 (Reporter Zhou Heping) The same is the "first" student bully of the college entrance examination, and he was admitted to Tsinghua University and achieved undergraduate and master's degrees at Tsinghua University. After graduation, he also chose to come to the same middle school in the provincial capital Changsha to teach as a class teacher. In the beginning of this new semester, at Yali Middle School, the "post-90s" beauty "xueba teacher" Qian Yu and Yu Wen 's "taking office" in their new posts not only spread the beautiful talk of teachers and students, but also made the high school freshmen who taught them call "lucky".

After winning the "first" in the college entrance examination, I want to be a teacher after graduation

At Yali Middle School, Qian Yan and Yu Wen, who appeared in front of the reporter's eyes, dressed simply and generously, were young and beautiful, and they were very teachers' "fan". Coinciding with the work hours when the school has just started, in the face of busy Qian Yan and Yu Wen, the reporter's interview had to take advantage of the gap between classes and other "offensives". "We didn't know each other until we came to Yali Middle School, and suddenly found out that we both graduated from Tsinghua University, and then we quickly got in touch." The same work unit "met" alumni who experienced similar experiences, Qian Yan and Yu Wen were very happy.

Qian Yan is a Changsha girl, the only daughter of the family, graduated from high school in 2010 and took the college entrance examination, and achieved the first place in the liberal arts in Changsha that year. "That year, when the college entrance examination was released in Hunan, I sent N text messages to check the scores, but I did not receive a reply. Inadvertently opened the school's web page, a message popped up on the screen: congratulations to our graduate Qian Yan for winning the first place in Changsha City's liberal arts. Qian Yan and her family were very happy, and after the news spread, reporters including Changsha Evening News who interviewed her came in several waves. After entering the Law School of Tsinghua University, Qian Yan studied law as an undergraduate and Chinese as a graduate student. After graduating from graduate school in July last year, she worked as a teacher in a training institution and then worked for a period of time in an Internet company, and in March this year, Qian Yan successfully joined Yale-in-China Middle School, and finally realized her desire to become a teacher. "I've always had the idea of being a teacher, and it's not easy to get into Yale-Indy Middle School." Qian Yan said.

Yu Wen, an only child from Suiping County, Henan Province, was born into a family of teachers, and in the 2010 college entrance examination, Yu Wen was admitted to Tsinghua University with the first place in the science department of Zhumadian City. Yu Wen studied materials science and engineering as an undergraduate, and studied the same major at the same college. "Because my parents were also teachers, I always wanted to be a teacher because of my family's influence." Yu Wen said that in her career choices earlier this year, she was hired by Yale-China Middle School along with Qian Yan to become a chemistry teacher.

The same class teacher pays attention to the self-management of students

After the military training in the opening season, Qian Yu and Yu Wen are now working intensively in their teaching positions at Yale-China Middle School.

Qian Yan told reporters that this semester she served as the Chinese teacher and class teacher of the 1820 class of the first year of high school, with 5 classes per week. "The major I studied is the same as the current teaching, and I feel good." Talking about her initial teaching experience at Yale-China Middle School, Qian Yu said that as a class teacher, she advocated the daily self-management of students, and previously, through a democratic way, a very capable class committee was selected in the class and the implementation rules for class management evaluation were formulated. "That's the class law." Qian Yan laughed and said that after class, she likes music, animation, stage performances, etc., and drives her classmates to enjoy it together.

"I'm relatively introverted but steady, but on the podium, I feel free." Talking about her new teaching experience, Yu Wen smiled. Currently, she is the chemistry teacher and homeroom teacher of class 1817. "In terms of teaching, I will bring a more cutting-edge and broader chemistry major to my classmates." Yu Wen said that as a class teacher, she also advocates self-management of students, and she deliberately avoided the previous class committee election, allowing students to choose out quickly and independently, which is very effective. "It is still pressure to be a good classroom teacher and a good class teacher." Yu Wen admits that she will learn from her experienced peers.

"She studied so well that she was admitted to Tsinghua University that year. As a teacher, she has a great approach to teaching and we love it. Feeling the teaching of Teacher Yu Wen, Liu Yanxi, a student of class 1817, praised. As a student of Teacher Qian, in Wu Ruoxuan's eyes, she feels that Teacher Qian attaches great importance to the self-management of her classmates, which is conducive to exercising everyone. Of course, they can meet such "bully teachers", and they are full of expectations for their future study and life.

He expressed his appreciation to Qian Yan and Yu Wen from Tsinghua University, who are interested in basic teaching, and Shen Xiongbo, director of the supervision office of Yali Middle School and director of the first year of high school, although the two are from non-teacher training majors, he feels that such a "student bully" has the foundation of a teacher and is more able to adapt to the reform of the new college entrance examination, especially Yali Middle School has a fine tradition of passing on, helping and leading, which is conducive to the growth of such excellent young teachers.

The two post-90s "beautiful female scholars" are both studying at Tsinghua Benshuo and teaching in the same middle school
The two post-90s "beautiful female scholars" are both studying at Tsinghua Benshuo and teaching in the same middle school
The two post-90s "beautiful female scholars" are both studying at Tsinghua Benshuo and teaching in the same middle school