
Chairman Mao called him "Elder Wu", who was once on a par with Li Kenong, and Xiong Xianghui was under his leadership

In our party's hidden struggle front, there are many outstanding figures, such as Qian Zhuangfei, Li Kenong, and Hu Di of the "Three Masters of Longtan," as well as Xiong Xianghui, Shen Jian, and Chen Zhongjing, the "Later Three Masters," all of whom have very legendary experiences and have made immortal meritorious contributions to the revolution.

Although this Wu Defeng introduced today is not very famous, he is an old qualification on the hidden front of our party, and he was once on a par with Li Kenong, and even Xiong Xianghui and others worked under his leadership.

Chairman Mao called him "Elder Wu", who was once on a par with Li Kenong, and Xiong Xianghui was under his leadership

Wu Defeng was born in Baokang County, Hubei Province in 1896, because he joined the revolution earlier and was an important leader of our party's hidden front, so even Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, and other leaders called him "Elder Wu."

Wu Defeng has long been the head of our party's secret transportation front, and his legendary stories must start from three positions.

The first post is the director of the Traffic Bureau of the Central Military Commission.

This transportation bureau is not an ordinary bureau, but a bureau directly managed by the Politburo of the Central Committee, and its main mission is to establish a communication line between the Shanghai Provisional Central Committee and ruijin in the Soviet union, and then open up the communication line from Shanghai to the western Part of Xiang'e, ganbei, Eyuwan and other Soviet areas.

Soon after Wu Defeng took office, with his outstanding ability, he quickly opened up these lines one by one.

Chairman Mao called him "Elder Wu", who was once on a par with Li Kenong, and Xiong Xianghui was under his leadership

On the traffic line from Shanghai to Ruijin, Wu Defeng's most prominent contribution is to send a large number of leading cadres to Ruijin, of which there are three main times worth remembering.

The first time was that the Provisional Central Committee, in order to strengthen the construction of Ruijin, equipped Ruijin with leading cadres, including Xiang Ying, Ren Bishi, Liu Bocheng, and others.

The second time, after Gu Shunzhang's defection, our party's organization in Shanghai was seriously damaged, and the lives of a large number of important leading cadres were threatened.

The third time, in view of the severe struggle situation at that time, the Provisional Central Committee decided to move to the Soviet area, and Bogu, Zhang Wentian and others, under the careful arrangement of Wu Defeng, experienced hardships and dangers, and finally arrived in the Soviet area in victory.

Later, the central government decided that Zhou Enlai, Deng Yingchao and others would also be transferred to the Soviet area, and Wu Defeng, in order to ensure the safety of Zhou Enlai and his wife, made a special trip to the Soviet area, stepped on the situation along the way, and finally opened a top-secret traffic station to send Zhou Enlai and others to Ruijin safely.

Chairman Mao called him "Elder Wu", who was once on a par with Li Kenong, and Xiong Xianghui was under his leadership

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, Wang Zhen, and others chatted idly after a meeting, talked about our party's work of covert struggle, and made evaluations of Li Kenong, Wu Defeng, and others. ”

Wang Zhen's statement was also affirmed by Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, and others.

The second position is the director of the Central Foreign Liaison Bureau.

This position, mainly during Wu Defeng's leadership of underground traffic work in Xi'an, also witnessed the whole process of solving the Xi'an incident.

When Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched the Xi'an Incident, Zhou Enlai was ordered to go to Xi'an to mediate, and when selecting negotiators, Zhou Enlai selected Wu Defeng at the first time, so Wu Defeng assisted Zhou Enlai in doing a lot of work in Xi'an.

Chairman Mao called him "Elder Wu", who was once on a par with Li Kenong, and Xiong Xianghui was under his leadership

After the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident, Wu Defeng continued to stay in Xi'an, under the pseudonym Wu Tiezheng, as a reporter for the Industrial and Commercial Daily and a senior staff officer of the Kuomintang 38th Army, doing underground transportation work.

In order to better carry out work, Wu Defeng trained a large number of loyal and capable party members, infiltrated into the Kuomintang, such as Xiong Xianghui and Dai Zhongrong are typical representatives, under Wu Defeng's ingenious arrangement, the two successfully came to Hu Zongnan's side, Xiong Xianghui became Hu Zongnan's confidential secretary, Dai Zhongrong served as the deputy director of the confidential office, it can be said that Hu Zongnan's every move is under the strict control of our party.

It is also worth mentioning that during this period, Wu Defeng also seriously studied the anti-Japanese attitude of the Kuomintang at all levels, and he held that the Kuomintang's resistance to Japan can be divided into three forces: the left is a firm anti-Japanese force, and the right is a stubborn anti-Japanese force, but these two parts of the force are very small, the centrists occupy the majority, and our party can do a lot of centrist work and win over the common resistance to Japan.

Wu Defeng wrote a report and sent it to Chairman Mao, who, after reading it, specifically asked him for a long talk and fully affirmed his research. Later, the central authorities formulated the general policy of resisting Japan: "Develop progressive forces, win over the middle forces, and isolate the stubborn forces." It can be said that Wu Defeng's analysis report has played a very important role.

Chairman Mao called him "Elder Wu", who was once on a par with Li Kenong, and Xiong Xianghui was under his leadership

The third position is the director of the Central Rural Work Committee.

In fact, this position is the director of the Central Transportation Bureau, because it is inconvenient to disclose it to the outside world because it is inconvenient to do covert struggle work, so it is changed to this name.

After the beginning of 1940, Chiang Kai-shek swung a butcher's knife at the Communist forces, and Wu Defeng's situation was very dangerous, so the Central Committee decided to transfer him back to Yan'an to continue to lead the underground transportation work in Yan'an, that is, the Central Rural Work Committee.

In less than half a year, Wu Defeng opened up and established communication lines with various anti-Japanese base areas, and set up radio antennas to contact Moscow.

During this period, Wu Defeng's greatest achievements were two, one was to ensure the safety of nearly a thousand cadres who came to Yan'an to participate in the rectification and the Seven Congresses, and the second was to escort Liu Shaoqi back to Yan'an from the Central China Bureau.

Chairman Mao called him "Elder Wu", who was once on a par with Li Kenong, and Xiong Xianghui was under his leadership

Because he has been fighting on the dangerous front for a long time, Wu Defeng has very strict requirements for secrecy work, and once specially warned his wife Qi Yuande: "In addition to his own work, what should not be asked cannot be asked, that is, husband and wife cannot be an exception, what should not be known, the less you know, the better, otherwise it will harm others, harm yourself, and harm the organization." ”

Moreover, Wu Defeng had long put his own life and death aside, was ready to sacrifice at any time, and often said to his subordinates: "Spies only have a dead room, there is no living room, the brave and determined people can only sacrifice their lives after being caught by the enemy, greedy for fear of the dead and defectors, the organization will never spare, the enemy is only regarded as a leper dog to abandon, there will never be a good end!" ”

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wu Defeng served as the mayor of Wuhan, Hubei Province, the vice president of the Supreme Court, and died of illness on December 11, 1976, at the age of 80.

General Wang Zhen commented on him: "Comrade Defeng is a communist revolutionary, and the more vicissitudes of the sea, the more he shows his heroic qualities. ”

(References: "Literature and History Spring and Autumn", "Yanhuang Spring and Autumn", "People's Political Consultative Conference Daily") #历史上敬业的人 #

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