
My wives were all married to the door, but I was the wife who was borrowed, starting with him borrowing money

author:1 meter 65 without emotion

Is he confessing? His gentle eyes looked deeply into my heart. I was stunned, and unconsciously I nodded. I didn't wake up until he held me.

Until now, I still don't understand how I inexplicably "lent" myself to him. It seems that from the beginning of the "borrowing money incident", I unconsciously stepped into the "love trap" he designed step by step.

It was my sophomore year, and he was a year ahead of me. At that time he was the sports minister of the student council, humorous, calm, sophisticated, and quite popular. And I'm just a member of his department. He is an all-around athlete. He excels at long jump, running, shot put and basketball and enjoys every campus sports day.

One night, he asked me out and said he had something to discuss with me. We walked a long way along the boulevard and then sat down at a stone table. I asked him what had happened, and he stood there and cleared his throat seriously, saying: We have known each other for a while, and we have a certain understanding of each other. I looked suspiciously at his slightly delicate face in the moonlight, waiting for the following.

My wives were all married to the door, but I was the wife who was borrowed, starting with him borrowing money

"So I plucked up the courage to say three words to you today..." My heart began to stir, and I quickly removed my eyes from his face. I would be sorry if this wonderful relationship between us was ruined by these three words; but I would be very happy if this relationship of mutual trust between us went further because of these three words. ”

The feet on the ground do not know how to be good, the right hand desperately cut the thumb of the left hand, the face is not contentiously hot, and the eyes are unnatural looking east and west. I believe that girls who have not yet fallen in love will have the same reaction as me when they hear this: nervousness, anticipation. And his next sentence almost made me vomit blood in anger, I really hope to be killed with a knife. When I was extremely distressed, he said slowly, "That's borrowing some money!"

I suddenly looked up and saw that his face had turned red from trying to resist the urge to laugh, and his eyes were full of teasing. At the thought of my embarrassment being seen by him, I couldn't help but get angry. I stood up and punched him, but he flashed back nimbly as I reached out and finally let out a loud laugh. "Who told you to make a mess when you heard those three words?" "Ahem! Do not lend. "I was very angry and turned and left." Hey, hey, I'm kidding you, don't be so stingy! ”

After thinking about it, I was really stupid and couldn't help but laugh. All the unpleasantness suddenly disappeared. I really lent him money, our relationship went further as he said, and we became good friends. I was sad when he graduated, but he just shook my hand and left.

My wives were all married to the door, but I was the wife who was borrowed, starting with him borrowing money

After that, we contacted by phone. He told me a lot of funny things about finding a job and a job, and I told him about my unhappiness. Every time, he always made me laugh. Unconsciously, I became more and more eager to hear his voice. I couldn't help but be struck by my own reaction and discover a helpless truth: I liked him.

After graduation, I did not hesitate to come to his city. Although the past year has been different, the time and distance have not pulled our relationship apart. Since then, we have lived in peace and harmony like a university, spending almost all of our leisure time together. One night six months later, after dinner, we walked down the street and said, "We've known each other for almost three years?" We've known each other well for three years. He said it a little abruptly.

Subconsciously remembering that embarrassing night three years ago, I couldn't help but laugh and interrupt him: "Why do you want to borrow money again?" Just say it! "No, you listen to me." He was as serious as ever. "Well, well, you want to say three words to me, and you'll be sad if this wonderful relationship between us is ruined by these three words; but if those three words take our trusting relationship a step further, you'll be happy." To put it right, how much is it? ”

He didn't laugh as loud as I thought, he just said, "I don't want to borrow money this time." "So what do you want to borrow?" But I don't have any other good stuff. "Borrow you!" Looking at his resolute face, I was immediately blinded.

"I want to borrow you first as my girlfriend, then my wife, then the mother of my children, and finally my wife. Can I borrow you? His gentle eyes looked deeply into my heart. I was stunned. It wasn't until he hugged me that I realized I nodded.

My wives were all married to the door, but I was the wife who was borrowed, starting with him borrowing money

After marriage, I lived a peaceful and happy life. I always think of that night, his serious face in the moonlight, and his uncontrollable laughter. One day I said to him, "I'm afraid that only your wife is borrowed under the heavens. Say, did you plan it out in the first place and deliberately borrow money from me? He said, "Whether it's or not, you're already my wife anyway, you can't play tricks."

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