
Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

author:Tiger 69090

The autumn breeze is refreshing, the fruits are fragrant, the warm sun after the rain welcomes the harvest season, and the whole county talks about physics exam questions. On September 30th, the Caoxian Junior High School Physics Industry Proficiency Examination Question Analysis Seminar was held in Caoxian No. 2 Junior High School.

Participating teachers entered the campus in an orderly manner!

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

At about 8 o'clock, the physics teachers in the county arrived as scheduled and checked in for temperature measurement.

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

This activity was highly valued by the leaders of the county teaching and research office and the leaders of the second junior high school. Zhu Yingjie, director of the teaching and research department, President Gao Can of the Second Junior High School and Vice President Lu Songchen personally attended the meeting.

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

Zhu Yingjie, director of the teaching and research department, analyzed the direction of the current middle school examination and put forward ardent expectations for the education and teaching work of physics teachers in the county.

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

Teacher Li Nianchen closely followed the junior high school physics curriculum standards to conduct a detailed analysis of the 2021 physics examination questions, and made suggestions and requirements for the daily teaching of physics teachers by the problems reflected in the students' answers.

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

The participating teachers listened carefully and recorded!

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

Boyu Middle School, The First Junior High School, the Second Junior High School, the Experimental Middle School, the Suji Menglou Middle School, and the Caocheng Office Middle School teacher representatives spoke, analyzed the examination questions from different angles, and shared some valuable experiences in their respective teaching, and the participating teachers gained a lot.

Teacher Guo Jianhua shared the daily teaching skills of physical calculation problems

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

Ms. Zhao Xia shared the humanistic teaching methods of linking theory with practice in daily teaching and improving students' interest.

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

Teacher Li Hongmei believes that daily teaching should start from a little bit, grasp the basic ability, provide hierarchical counseling to students, and teach according to their aptitudes.

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

Teacher Wang Baode is more from his own reality, not afraid of trouble, and attaches importance to experimentation in teaching.

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

Teacher Zhang Zhihao has been leaning over physics education for many years and sharing the teaching methods with modern teaching concepts in the most simple way.

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

Finally, Teacher Wang Hongyin shared the effective practice of electronic teaching, and Teacher Li Nianchen made a concluding speech.

Autumn wind greets poetry, and discusses the seminar on the analysis of examination questions for the physics industry level examination in the junior high school of Cao County

After a morning of free speech, the participating teachers harvested full, the county's physics teachers will definitely set a goal, wholeheartedly devote themselves to physics teaching, learn from each other's strengths, continue to make progress, and strive to achieve better results in the coming year!

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