
Lanling County took the lead in the province to achieve online approval of rural homesteads

author:Nine factions view the world

On October 25, Zhang Xiancheng, a villager in Xinxing Town, our county, was full of joy and completed the online application and approval of homestead land through the homestead approval APP procedure, realizing the first online application and approval of the right to use rural homestead in the province. This is another achievement of the implementation of the national homestead system reform in our county, marking a key step in the reform and management of rural homesteads, effectively opening up the whole process of rural housing construction management, and realizing the "zero running errands" for the approval of farmers' housing construction applications.

Villager Zhang Xiancheng used the homestead approval APP procedure to apply for homestead land

Lanling County took the lead in the province to achieve online approval of rural homesteads

In September 2020, as one of the 104 counties (cities, districts) in the country, our county was identified by the Central Agricultural Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a pilot county for the reform of the rural homestead system in the country. Since the pilot was launched, our county has taken the realization of the good protection and development of farmers' rights and interests as the starting point and foothold, in accordance with the "334+" reform promotion model of "consolidating the three foundations, grasping the three conditions, tackling the four key tasks, and innovating and releasing the efficiency of the reform", adhering to the combination of grass-roots exploration and top-level design, and carrying out positive and prudent reforms in the system of homestead approval, supervision, circulation, and mortgage, and exploring specific paths.

In the practice of reforming the approval system, our county adheres to the digitization and informatization of residential reform, takes the lead in establishing a residential land management information system in the province and county, promotes the standardization, openness, standardization, concretization, integration and dataization of various work, and realizes the digital management of the whole process of homestead application, approval and supervision. Through the establishment of a "one-window external acceptance, multi-departmental internal joint review joint office" approval service platform, villagers who meet the conditions for homestead application upload application materials through mobile phone APP, township convenience service center one-stop acceptance, one network communication office, real-time viewing of the progress of the certificate, to achieve electronic approval of the whole process of homestead application, so that data can run more and let the masses run less errands.

Lanling County Rural Homestead Management Information System

Lanling County took the lead in the province to achieve online approval of rural homesteads

Rural homesteads are an important foundation for ensuring that farmers live and work in peace and contentment and rural social stability, an important resource for rural development, and an urgent need to promote the strategy of rural revitalization. In the next step, our county will combine the practice activities of "I do practical things for the masses" in the study and education of party history, firmly establish the idea of serving the people, make good use of the policy of first-come and first-possible experimentation, promote the pilot reform of the national residential land system with high standards and high quality with the concept of active and prudent, bold reform, and courage to explore, and explore more replicable and generalizable paths and methods.

【Source: Lanling TV】

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