
The Xing'an League High-quality Development Lecture Hall was launched and the first special lecture was held

author:Xing'an Daily

On the morning of October 8, the Xing'an Alliance High-quality Development Lecture Hall was launched and the first special lecture was held. Zhang Xiaobing, secretary of the League Committee; Su He, deputy secretary of the League Committee and director of the League; Xu Zhuo, director of the Working Committee of the League People's Congress; and Liu Shucheng, chairman of the League's Political Consultative Conference[ attended the lecture; and Li Hongcai, deputy secretary of the League's Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, presided over the lecture.

The Xing'an League High-quality Development Lecture Hall was launched and the first special lecture was held

Dong Guanpeng, professor, doctoral supervisor and dean of the School of Government and Public Affairs of the Communication University of China, gave a special lecture photo by Bao Baoyin Deliger

The first lecture invited Dong Guanpeng, doctoral supervisor of communication university of China and dean of the School of Government and Public Affairs, with the theme of "High-quality Development and Public Opinion Guidance in the 5G All-Media Era", from multiple dimensions and combined with specific cases, sorted out the new characteristics and new challenges of the 5G all-media era, explained the important role of public opinion guidance for high-quality development, put forward the strategic measures of party and government organs in emergencies and media response, and better guided and handled public opinion in emergencies and maintained the stability of the overall social situation. It is highly targeted and operable.

The high-quality development lecture hall of Xing'an League will focus on adhering to ecological priority and green development, focusing on leading industries, major projects, key tasks and important areas, inviting well-known domestic experts and scholars to give special lectures, and continuing to promote the emancipation of the minds of party members and cadres throughout the League, broadening their horizons, improving their abilities and changing their work styles.

The meeting demanded that the leading cadres of party members at all levels in the whole league should take the opportunity of participating in the "big lecture hall" to study, accurately focus on the requirements of "high-quality development", tightly grasp the key of complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, deeply understand and grasp the political position and value orientation contained in the new development concept, continuously improve political ability, strategic vision and professional level, firmly establish a correct view of power, political achievements, and career, take the initiative to take action, and take the initiative to take action on "exploring ecological priority" The spirit of the important instructions of the "new way of high-quality development oriented by green development" and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the Autonomous Regional Party Committee and the League Committee have been implemented, and efforts have been made to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Xing'an.

Source/ Xing'an Daily official WeChat

First Instance/ Wen Jing Second Instance / Lin Yu Third Instance / Lu Ming

Edited by Shao Xiwen

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