
In order to protect the red-crowned crane, Xu Xiujuan's family sacrificed two people for three generations, and now her niece Xu Zhuo continues to hold on

author:Elite Chronicles

One day in 1987, a small town of less than 2,000 people in Jiangsu Province was holding a funeral for a 23-year-old girl, which moved more than a thousand people in the town, and even the birds in the reserve seemed to sense something, constantly flying, circling, and together with people, paying the highest respect to the young girl. Who the hell is this girl?

Her name is Xu Xiujuan, his father is China's first generation of crane breeders, under the influence of her father, 17-year-old Xu Xiujuan also began to raise cranes, the survival rate of young cranes raised by her is as high as 100%, which has received attention at home and abroad, but at the age of 23, he died in the line of duty, sacrificed 27 years later, his brother also died in the protected area, today let us uncover the inseparable fate of the Xu family for generations of red-crowned cranes.

In order to protect the red-crowned crane, Xu Xiujuan's family sacrificed two people for three generations, and now her niece Xu Zhuo continues to hold on

Xu Xiujuan was born in Heilongjiang, and by the time of her father's generation, she had changed from a fisherman's family to a crane family, when Xu Tielin was invited to participate in the management and protection of the wetland, and was the first crane keeper in China.

At that time, Xu Xiujuan's high school was suspended due to insufficient teachers, and the 17-year-old girl followed her father to start a career of raising cranes without hesitation.

Don't look at a teenage girl, Xu Xiujuan is very energetic in everything, feeding, carrying water, taming cranes, nursing everything proficient. Because the red-crowned crane grows in the wetland, the crane keeper needs to soak in the humid swamp for a long time, which is a great test for the body, but the 17-year-old Xu Xiujuan has done a very good job, and soon mastered the crane raising, grazing, breeding and other techniques of rare birds such as the red-crowned crane, the white-naped crane and the fading feather crane, and she can skillfully keep the small crane in captivity for a few days, and the survival rate of the young cranes she raises has reached 100%.

In order to protect the red-crowned crane, Xu Xiujuan's family sacrificed two people for three generations, and now her niece Xu Zhuo continues to hold on

Xu Tielin

At that time, there was a red-crowned crane named "Lai Maozi" and Xu Xiujuan were very close, very listening to Xu Xiujuan's words, one day, the reserve actually sneaked in a poacher, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at Lai Maozi, Xu Xiujuan disregarded the danger to life and fought with the hunters, and finally protected Lai Maozi's life. Moreover, the cranes that have been domesticated by Xiujuan girl are very spiritual, and they can dance and fly under the command of people, just like dancers on the stage. Xu Xiujuan served as a pilot in three red-crowned crane-themed films, and Deng Xiaoping and other party and state leaders have seen Xiujuan's crane taming performance.

In 1983, Xu Xiujuan's crane raising deeds appeared in magazines, and she began to become a well-known red-crowned crane girl, and foreigners such as the president of the International Crane Foundation also visited the reserve. Several professors at Northeast Forestry University suggested that Xu Xiujuan continue her studies when inspecting the reserve.

Xu Xiujuan's father, Xu Tielin, has always supported his daughter, and the family easily borrowed thousands of yuan to send Xiujuan to the Wildlife Department of Northeast Forestry University (now the College of Wildlife Resources) for further study, and after learning about Xu Xiujuan's actual situation, the university specially reduced Xu Xiujuan's fee by half. But despite this, Xu Xiujuan still can't afford to eat 6 mao a day, and can only eat steamed buns and pickles every day.

In order to protect the red-crowned crane, Xu Xiujuan's family sacrificed two people for three generations, and now her niece Xu Zhuo continues to hold on

When it was time to pay the tuition fees in the second semester, Xu Xiujuan went to donate blood and exchange money many times behind the back of her teachers and classmates to maintain her studies. The donation of blood for money was discovered in her diary after her death. Later, she decided to compress the two years of study to one and a half years, so that she could save at least half a year. But with only a high school degree, can she really do it?

Xu Xiujuan has loved learning since she was a child, the junior high school middle school city admission score line is 114 points, she was stunned to take the exam 178, but after all, she only has a high school education, listening to the university courses, very difficult. She once recalled the days of college study, as soon as she went to class, she was nervous and recorded quickly, afraid of missing a little. She began studying at four o'clock in the morning, rested after eleven o'clock in the evening, slept only five hours a day, and spent the rest of her time studying, which made her complete her studies ahead of schedule, and finally scored "excellent" or above 85 in 10 of the 11 homework subjects, and she also taught herself English.

Xu Xiujuan just graduated, she received an invitation from Yancheng Nature Reserve, which is a very important wintering place for red-crowned cranes, for the sake of her career, Xu Xiujuan persuaded her family to leave her hometown and come to Sheyang. Sheyang is an ideal habitat for red-crowned cranes. In the Yancheng Conservation Area, Xu Xiujuan continued to exert her talents, and the papers she wrote were well received by experts.

Xu Xiujuan went to Yancheng Nature Reserve with nothing, only three precious crane eggs, a long journey, Xu Xiujuan with a warm water bag, a thermometer, an artificial leather bag and skimming cotton to take care of 3 soon-to-be-born crane eggs, there is no boiling water on the train, Xiujuan put the three eggs in her arms, because this is just the right temperature for the crane eggs, so all the way to the train and then turn the car, tossing and turning for three days and three nights.

In order to protect the red-crowned crane, Xu Xiujuan's family sacrificed two people for three generations, and now her niece Xu Zhuo continues to hold on

Yancheng Nature Reserve has just been prepared, everything has to start all over again, the endless wasteland is only the observation building used to shoot targets when the air force was stationed many years ago, after settling down, Xu Xiujuan began to clean up weeds, build a fire, and prepare a brooding room. Despite the poor conditions, she still managed to hatch three small cranes, which is a world problem that the United States has not been able to overcome with the most advanced incubators. And the three small cranes were very strong after birth, and learned to fly earlier than the normal cycle, Xu Xiujuan named them Dragon Dragon, Dan Dan and Sasha.

In 1987, Xu Xiujuan returned to her hometown of Qiqihar to visit her relatives, and by the way, she went to Inner Mongolia and received two swans named Liming and Muren from the local nature reserve, and took them back to Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. As soon as she returned to Yancheng, she received a very bad news, just a few days after she returned home, Dan Dan unfortunately died because of touching the net, Xu Xiujuan liked Dan Dan, Dan Dan was as clingy as Lai Maozi in the northeast. Xiujuan couldn't accept it for a while. But bad things always followed, in addition to Dan Dan's death, other rare birds shipped from Inner Mongolia also died.

Xu Xiujuan took care of them tired and fell ill in bed, but the bad news still did not stop. After Xu Juan fell ill, Long Long also died, and Xu Xiujuan held Long Long until she swallowed. The three red-crowned cranes that were personally hatched left one after another, Xu Xiujuan was sad in her heart, her emotions were on the verge of collapse, and she had a hard time getting up her spirit to continue working, but unexpected things happened again.

One day in September 1987, as Dawn and Muren in cages kept chirping, Xu Xiujuan opened the cage and let them swim and play in a nearby pond, only to have a playful two swans and finally break free of the rope and fly away. Xu Xiujuan had been looking for Mu Ren until the night, and she stood in the shallow water, flowing with the cold river water, looking for it over and over again.

In order to protect the red-crowned crane, Xu Xiujuan's family sacrificed two people for three generations, and now her niece Xu Zhuo continues to hold on

The next morning, Xu Xiujuan and two colleagues could not afford to eat, and rode on their bicycles to continue looking. At this time, Xu Xiujuan was already physically exhausted, and her colleagues watched her go ashore before turning around to continue looking, as a result, Xu Xiujuan pushed the bicycle to the river again. In the evening, Xu Xiujuan had not yet returned, everyone went out with a flashlight to look for it, and everywhere they shouted "Juanzi, Juanzi" By the time Xu Xiujuan was found, she had run out of breath.

A few hours later, Dawn was found, but juanzi was not seen. The 23-year-old girl gave her life to nature, and people held a memorial service for Juanzi, where there were less than 2,000 people in the town, but nearly 1,000 people rushed to the memorial service to mourn the young crane keeper.

After Xu Xiujuan's death, his younger brother Xu Jianfeng was inspired by his sister's spirit, and when he grew up, he gave up the good opportunity to work in the county town, and also came to the Zhalong Conservation Area where his father worked, and devoted himself to the cause of protecting red-crowned cranes. It has been with red-crowned cranes in the reserve for 18 years. He treated the newborn baby like a biological child, and even Xu Jianfeng's daughter was a little jealous.

In order to protect the red-crowned crane, Xu Xiujuan's family sacrificed two people for three generations, and now her niece Xu Zhuo continues to hold on

However, 27 years after his sister's death, his younger brother was again killed in the line of duty. The 43-year-old Xu Jianfeng has been working overtime for several days to breed a red-crowned crane, so easy to rest, he endured fatigue and rode home on his bicycle, but on the road because of fatigue, accidentally fell into the swamp and never woke up.

The unfortunate endings of the sisters and brothers were so close, and the death of the daughter and son was the most painful one was the father Xu Tielin. Every year the red-crowned crane comes from autumn to spring, and in the spring, Xu Tielin will always wait in front of the door, as if he has pinned his thoughts on his children on the red-crowned crane.

In order to protect the red-crowned crane, Xu Xiujuan's family sacrificed two people for three generations, and now her niece Xu Zhuo continues to hold on

Xu Zhuo attended the readers

However, the Xu family's red-crowned crane protection cause is still continuing, Xu Jianfeng's daughter Xu Zhuo, gave up her original major and transferred to the Wildlife Department of Northeast Forestry University, where her aunt once studied. After graduation, he also came to the Zhalong Nature Reserve, and since then, the love affair between the Xu family and the red-crowned crane has continued again. After the persistence of the Xu family for several generations, in exchange for the peaceful reproduction of the red-crowned crane. Animals and people are just as emotional and alive. Now that more people are finally paying attention to this cause, their efforts have not been in vain.

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