
Ham, a thousand-year-old military food, still occupies a place on the soldier's table today

author:Royal Oak 1972
Ham, a thousand-year-old military food, still occupies a place on the soldier's table today

Picture is the famous Jinhua ham, the color is fiery red, the taste is salty and fresh, after 3 to 5 years of natural fermentation will appear a pleasant aroma, because it is a high-grade food, from the Beginning of the Song Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, it is a royal tribute, every year the winter solstice began to Zhejiang Jinhua area residents began to slaughter "two heads of Wu", take the hind legs plus Shanghai salt tanning... Made with top quality ham.

What is the relationship between that ham and Zong Ze, and should be honored as the "ancestor of ham"? It turned out that Zong Ze was a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty against Jin, leading the Jiangnan disciples to resist Jin, of course, it was supported by the people of Jiangnan, and the people of Jiangnan where the army went were all "eating pot pulp to welcome the king's master", including a large amount of pork, but the Song Dynasty could not have refrigeration equipment, the hot meat was easy to spoil, Zong Ze let the people use salt to marinate the pork and put it in the tank and brine it with salt nitrate for 25 days, it became "hometown south meat" (Zhejiang specialties with the same name as ham), and later the people in Jinhua area tanned the pig's hind legs with salt. Marinated for three days and then washed salt, then placed on the shelf to dry, and then stored and fermented, it became a well-known Jinhua ham, so Jinhua, Rugao... The northern leg producing areas (the southern leg is yunnan "Xuanwei ham") all respect Zongze as the grandfather.

Ham, a thousand-year-old military food, still occupies a place on the soldier's table today

Ham (bacon) for the ancient army is a precious food, cold weapons era of war soldiers more need physical fitness to hand-to-hand combat, from the nutritional point of view more need of protein and fat intake, but the problem of ancient productivity is not developed, meat is very little, so easy to have meat to eat on the careful storage, in order to eat many times, the meat into ham or salted meat, both can be preserved and easy to preserve and long-term consumption, the meat cured in the era of cold weapons and even hot weapons just interested in the era of Chinese and foreign are doing this.

Ham, a thousand-year-old military food, still occupies a place on the soldier's table today

In the "Age of Sail And Navigation", bacon followed the navigators and adventurers of European countries to discover the New World, the picture is the British Navy's warship food rationings in the early 1800s, among which there is the famous "British Navy salted pork and salted beef" is rationed to the daily recipe, the salted pork and salted beef of that era are put into a wooden barrel in whole pieces, and then sprinkled with a lot of salty salt, and then take out and dry the meat when it is "completely salty" under the "osmotic pressure" of salt. Since the flesh cell wall is destroyed, a lot of water is lost, making the meat hard as a stone! Can't bite at all, need to soak in water back to soft, but at that time there could not be desalination equipment on the ship, all of which were filled with wooden troughs or barrels for fresh water, and it did not take a week for the water to grow green moss, and after eating salted meat with this kind of water, there would be often diarrhea and even dysentery... Therefore, in that era, being a seafarer and sailor was a chore, and it was often a matter of not being able to return from the sea.

Ham, a thousand-year-old military food, still occupies a place on the soldier's table today

The "Age of Discovery" was like this when the navy made bacon, there was no health and safety at that time, and nutrition was said, Darwin said when he was with the Royal Navy warships: he often thought on the deck full of garbage, the smell of sea fish and the smell of carrion.

What's more, due to the fact that the bacon is made more in a certain year, coupled with the shelf resistance, many British sailors have eaten the bacon of the "grandfathers", for example: in 1839, the british warship captain Darprin found in the warehouse on Arsenal Island was actually pickled in 1809... What is even more frightening is that in 1870, there were naval officers and soldiers who ate the marinated in 1805... This "mummified meat" has no nutritional value from the perspective of food safety! Even nitrite overdose has a strong carcinogenic potential... Now that I think about it, I shudder.

Ham, a thousand-year-old military food, still occupies a place on the soldier's table today

The picture is made into canned "British Navy bacon", the taste is close to "bacon", after modernization, with the improvement of nutritional science and military medical treatment, and after the invention of canned, the salt content of bacon was greatly reduced, in order to facilitate consumption and reduce the difficulty of front-line transportation and supply, the bacon was made into canned meat in advance and distributed to the Navy, in the trench warfare of the First World War, "canned bacon" was also distributed to the British Army, but its taste was really bad, and the British soldiers who stayed in the trenches tried to get onions Potatoes, carrots, cabbage and other root vegetables are stewed together with "canned bacon", which not only improves the taste but also increases vitamins, so the bacon follows the British army from the "Age of Discovery" to the beginning of World War I, World War II... It is still in the field rations of the British army.

Ham, a thousand-year-old military food, still occupies a place on the soldier's table today

During World War II, the German Navy's U-boats hung a large amount of ham and sausages on the ceiling of each sea capsule.

Ham, a thousand-year-old military food, still occupies a place on the soldier's table today

In a scene in Saving Private Ryan, Captain Miller goes to the regimental headquarters to receive a "man-finding mission", and the regimental staff is eating breakfast, and there is a bread and ham sandwich.

World War I during the U.S. military field food is followed by the British and French army to learn, staple food, main dish is also bread, hard biscuits and bacon, until before World War II, the reserve warehouse of the troops also have put more than ten years or even decades of ham and bacon, in order to make it more convenient for soldiers to use, the U.S. military will remove the bacon from the food list, changed to the world-famous "Spamm lunch meat", and the military "Spamm lunch meat" Meat content is definitely higher than civilian products, the beginning of the "military Spamm" It is also true that there are diced meat and canned ham lunch meat that we eat now, but due to the large demand in the middle and late period, the output is nearly 4 billion boxes, which are completely made of minced meat with more than 75% meat content, and the taste of "Spamm" at this time is as annoying as the cheap ham sausage!

Ham, a thousand-year-old military food, still occupies a place on the soldier's table today

The ritualistic slice of Iberian ham is a visual and taste treat.

Ham or bacon was originally a kind of preservative treatment before the lack of refrigeration equipment and canning industry in order to concentrate on the treatment of a large amount of meat, so that meat is eaten when there is a shortage of meat, due to the long storage in the role of microorganisms, pork began to ferment and mature, producing a special aroma and taste, it is a "taste of time"! Due to the needs of war, ham and bacon resistant to storage and non-corruption characteristics make it a military field food, with the progress of science and technology it has also become canned from the very beginning of the state, in order to improve the nutritional content also put a lot of food additives and nutritional supplements, become the soldiers under the field conditions of protein, fat effective supplement, because of this it has been occupying the main position on the soldier's table for more than a thousand years.

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