
Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

author:Brother Tao who loves life

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water to drink often, replenish the qi and moisten the lungs to go to autumn dryness, a year of body stick

Autumn arrives after autumn, but it will take several days before the real autumn. In the early autumn, the temperature is low in the morning and evening, the temperature is high at noon, and the climate is dry, at this time, everyone can reasonably maintain health, make up for the loss of nutrients in the summer body, and also strengthen the body for the arrival of autumn and winter.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

Autumn is coming, do you often have a dry mouth, dry tongue, sore throat, this is the phenomenon of autumn dryness after autumn. Specific manifestations of autumn dryness include hoarse cough, overly sensitive nose, dry and itchy skin, etc., which are the most common manifestations of autumn dryness. The elderly and children are prone to autumn dryness.

To cope with autumn dryness, you can drink more boiling water, you can also eat more nourishing and dry food, today to recommend 5 soups to everyone, not only delicious, but also raise people, deal with autumn dry benefits, nourish the lungs and warm the stomach, drink a bowl, especially comfortable, the spirit of the day is full. Everyone studied together and learned to make it for family and friends to drink.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

First soup: four red sweet soup

4 kinds of red foods are cooked together to nourish and warm the stomach, beauty and beauty, which is excellent for the body. These 4 foods are sweet potatoes, dates, goji berries, and brown sugar.

Ingredients: 1 sweet potato, 6 dates, 1 goji berries, 1 brown sugar

Directions: 1 Wash sweet potatoes, peel them, cut them into small pieces, and then put them in a pot to steam, so that when cooking soup, you can save time.

2 Sweet potatoes are steamed, take them out, crush them, and then knead them into small sweet potato balls to form small sweet potato balls.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

3 Prepare additional ingredients, pit the dates and rinse the goji berries with water.

4 Add water to the saucepan, bring to a boil over high heat, add dates, sweet potato balls, bring to a boil, stir to prevent sticking to the pan, add brown sugar

5 After cooking for a while, the soup will turn red, before cooking, add the goji berries.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

Second soup; lotus root pork rib soup

"Lotus lotus is a treasure, autumn lotus is the most complementary", autumn is a good season for lotus roots to be listed in large quantities, and lotus roots in autumn have more water, rich nutrition and good taste.

Eating some lotus root in early autumn can clear the heat and remove the trouble, clear the heat and cool the blood, alleviate the autumn dryness, and strengthen the body. For people who love beauty, they can also moisturize their skin and beautify their faces.

Lotus root with ribs stewed soup, meat and vegetarian combination, balanced nutrition, great benefits to the human body.

Ingredients: 1-2 knots of lotus root, 1 pound of ribs, green onion and ginger, balsamic vinegar, pepper

Directions: Rinse the chopped ribs with water, then put them in a pot and blanch the water to remove the impurities or blood on them.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

2 After boiling, remove and drain. Cut the onion and ginger well.

3 lotus roots peeled, washed, cut into large pieces and set aside.

4 Add warm water to a pressure cooker, add ribs, lotus root, ginger slices, and cook over high heat. The time is about 15 minutes.

5After the pressure cooker is out of gas, reduce the heat and press for 5 minutes.

6 After opening the lid, add a little vinegar, green onion, salt, pepper to it.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

Third soup: white ear Chuanbei Sydney pear soup

Autumn is the best season for pears, with a lot of water and extremely high nutritional value, and has a good name of "mineral water on the tree". There are more cough problems in autumn, eating some pears can alleviate and treat dry itching and dry cough in autumn, and can also clear heat, reduce fire, and dissolve phlegm. The pear meat is sweet, and the pear skin also moisturizes the lungs and reduces the fire. When people eat pears, meat and skin are eaten together.

Eating some white fungus in autumn can clear the lungs and nourish the blood, nourish the yin and clear the heat, moisturize and dry, and The Sichuan shellfish is also a good health ingredient.

The three together with boiling soup, moisturizing and raw, phlegm and cough, health to remove autumn dryness, is the most popular drink in autumn.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

Directions: 1 put the white fungus to soak it, put it in warm water, and the impurities on it can be washed away.

2 pears washed, remove the core inside, keep the skin, cut into pieces. Wash the shells.

3 Add water to the saucepan and add the pear pieces, white fungus, scallops, and simmer over high heat

4 After boiling, add rock sugar, cook slowly over low heat, and cook the ingredients to rot.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

Fourth soup: winter melon flower clam soup

As the old saying goes, eat winter melon in autumn, often eat even cordyceps is not as good as it. Eating some winter melon appropriately in autumn can clear the heat and relieve the heat, diuretic laxative, go to autumn dryness, and maintain health A red out of great good.

Cook the soup together with Hua Ha, it is a seafood soup, light and non-greasy, moisturizing the lungs to remove noise, not on the fire. Suitable for the whole family, young and old

Method: 1 Soak the flower ha with water, add a little salt to it, and let the flower ha spit out the sediment.

2 Prepare the winter melon, peel, wash, slice. Cut the onion and ginger well.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

3 After soaking, take it out and rinse it several times, put it in a pot to blanch the water, you can remove the fishy smell. After boiling, remove and drain and set aside.

Put water in 4 pots, add winter melon, ginger shreds, bring to a boil over high heat, add snow clams and cook for a while

5 After boiling, you can, before cooking, add salt, green onion, pepper, sesame oil.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

Fifth soup; mung bean pumpkin soup

Autumn is the best time to eat pumpkin, pumpkin sweet, soft and delicious, autumn eating pumpkin can also nourish the stomach, go to autumn dry.

Mung beans are a kind of food that people love to eat, which can clear the heat and diuretics to nourish people.

Pumpkin and mung beans are cooked together in soup, eaten in early autumn, to go to autumn dryness, to prevent autumn tigers, to cool off the heat, to nourish the yin.

Drink a bowl of soup in autumn, without the help of a doctor, 5 kinds of soup water is often drunk, replenishing qi and moisturizing the lungs to go to autumn dryness, the body is sticky

Ingredients: 1 piece of pumpkin, 1 handful of mung beans, some rice

Directions: 1 Soak the mung beans in advance so that the mung beans can be boiled to flower.

2 pumpkins washed, peeled, cut into chunks and washed with rice.

3 Put the washed ingredients in a saucepan, add water and cook over high heat.

4 After boiling, turn to low heat and cook slowly, and cook the ingredients to rot.