
The 5 crime dramas of the "fire" in the past 10 years, if you haven't watched any of them, I really regret it for you

author:The round head said film and television

1, "The Long Season"

Rating: 9.4

Starring: Fan Wei / Qin Hao / Chen Minghao

Plot review: I like "The Long Season" not only because of the shuang, but also because of the ability of the actors to awaken the life of this drama, good actors are too important, and good actors will tell you that life is often not gorgeous shots and colorful fireworks that rise all over the sky. It is to be "nuclear", it enriches us, connects us, separates us, and allows us to try to get closer again and again, it deduces a period of joy and sorrow, but it is also gathered by our real life. This drama has such a strong ability, let us look back on life, confirm the realistic atmosphere of life, let us face the years with a sigh instead of thousands of words, let us hold on to the only thing at this moment. In short, this is definitely the best domestic drama in the past decade!

The 5 crime dramas of the "fire" in the past 10 years, if you haven't watched any of them, I really regret it for you

2, "The Silent Truth"

Rating: 9.0

Starring: Liao Fan / Bai Yu / Tan Zhuo

Plot review: I read the original book first, so I know that I am looking forward to it after filming, and Bai Yu's acting skills are also relatively guaranteed, and he has not lost hope. It's just that the film and television make the emotional expression of the characters more intuitive and impactful, and the whole drama is extremely depressing, Jiang Yang in the past and Jiang Yang many years later are in stark contrast, I can't help but think that there is really such a misunderstanding in the world that insists on misunderstanding at the cost of justice and justice, is there really one? All in all, it's so good-looking, I can't stop it. I was very depressed to watch, and I salute Hou Guiping and Jiangyang in reality, they use their lives to defend justice, it's too tragic! Justice will be late but will not be absent, but I hope that such a tragedy will not happen again, the courage to pay for one's life is too heavy...

The 5 crime dramas of the "fire" in the past 10 years, if you haven't watched any of them, I really regret it for you

3, "The Hidden Corner"

Rating: 8.8

Starring: Qin Hao / Wang Jingchun / Rong Zishan

Plot review: I didn't finish watching it when I watched it before, but now I can watch it all in less than two days in one breath, and a good drama is worth watching without stopping. In my opinion, the success of "The Hidden Corner" is not only in the plot and acting, but also in the fact that the audience rarely sees this kind of "writing evil" work, even if this "evil" only exists in the imagination. True, good, and beautiful things do need to be promoted, but there are only children who are not big enough to be true, good, and beautiful in their hearts, and after entering the society called "Liufeng Mountain", they can only be greeted by Zhang Dongsheng's sharp blade. The forbidden area of art is getting bigger and bigger, and before the pen and paper are finally shackled with judgment, please let such a work be born and remain in the world. The more episodes like this, the better!

The 5 crime dramas of the "fire" in the past 10 years, if you haven't watched any of them, I really regret it for you

4, "Hurricane"

Rating: 8.5

Starring: Zhang Yi / Zhang Songwen / Li Yitong

Plot review: Admittedly, the second half is still a little lost, but not disappointed. Since ancient times, good and evil do not stand together, evil does not prevail over good, and the ending is the inevitable trend of sweeping away crime and eliminating evil, no problem. Some of the changes are still a bit awkward, which is also a fact, or it is not for the crew, but this does not prevent the excellence of this drama. is still the same sentence, the whole people are hotly discussed, the famous scenes are continuous, and the golden sentences of the lines are endless, which is a success in itself, and it is inseparable from the joint efforts of all the crew and cast members. Most of the characters are very full and tense, which is why everyone talks about it. Finally, thank you again for Hurricane, and thank you to every crew member and cast member who has contributed to this drama! Looking forward to meeting again!

The 5 crime dramas of the "fire" in the past 10 years, if you haven't watched any of them, I really regret it for you

5, "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night"

Rating: 8.9

Starring: Pan Yueming / Wang Longzheng / Liang Yuan

Plot review: When I watched such an online drama, it reminded me of "Residual Sin" many years ago, I haven't thought a web drama is so good for a long time. As long as you start chasing dramas, you can't stop at all, it's like entering a pit. Whether it's the plot, plot design scenes, characters, action scenes, etc., it feels good, it's all good. Some of the plot foreshadowing, plot design, and rhythm are also well mastered, which is very attractive and makes people want to chase it wildly. In addition, the plot connection is also relatively compact, with constant climaxes and reversals. It can be said that almost every episode has high energy, and there is a feeling of tension and excitement throughout the whole process. It's hard to put down, and you can't stop it. It's a pity that the second season is far away~

The 5 crime dramas of the "fire" in the past 10 years, if you haven't watched any of them, I really regret it for you

Which of the 5 crime dramas of the "Great Fire" in the past 10 years have you watched? It is not easy to code words, welcome to pay attention to likes, leave a message to discuss.