
Health guide for the beginning of school: autumn wind, small belly to take care of

author:Bright Net

Healthy Wuhan [School Health Guide: Autumn wind rises, small belly to take care of] Facing the start of school, how can children stay healthy in autumn? Cover the quilt, eat yam, autumn pear, wear anti-mosquito small sachets... Dr. Cai Jianxin, director of pediatrics at the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, provided students with a health guide for the opening of the fall semester. For example, some children wearing masks are prone to irritability and other discomforts, at this time, parents should try not to take their children to places with many people when traveling, so as to avoid cross infection. As the saying goes, "spring cover autumn freeze", in autumn, if the temperature change is more obvious, you can add clothes in time, but it is better to keep the state of "frozen" as much as possible. Autumn add clothes can not be added too quickly. At the same time, autumn supplements should also conform to the seasons, the doctors of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine suggested that in terms of dietary therapy, sand ginseng, prince ginseng, lilies, etc. can be used to cook porridge and stew soup, which can play a role in strengthening the spleen and moisturizing the lungs.

Source: Wuhan Release

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