
The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

author:Pet cute pet show

▼ Hello everyone, I am a spoiled little girl, a face thicker than bricks, honest and kind shoveler.

Today I have prepared some funny pet pictures for you, please accept today's little happiness, let's take a look at these sand sculpture cute pet collections!


The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys
The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys
The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys
The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

▲ Netizens eat barbecue at home, dogs from smiling and grinning, net laugh: like when I was a child, I went to eat a big meal! Many dogs are not resistant to eating, but in the current cuisine, it is the same for humans.

It is understood that every time the owner eats, the dog will sit with them, as if they also want to eat together, this day netizens asked friends to come to the house to eat barbecue, the dog knows, thinking that they can also eat together, from the moment they sit on the chair, they will smile and close their mouths. Laughing so hard that your gums are leaking out? Host: Don't get me wrong, it's happy enough to fly, and the smile is a little sinister!

Looking at it and laughing, I actually laughed along with it, such a cute puppy, so healing this expression smile! See the child happy like this, the first time to see such a laughing dog, so well-behaved. Don't say the dog's teeth are quite neat!

Seeing this smile gradually unbridled, I am not quick to give the baby something to eat, and I can't see my teeth and eyes" "Marshmallow, please manage your expression"! Another dog who lied to me about having a dog, "The dog laughs too cute!" Obviously smiling like a child, how can it be said that the smile is vicious?


The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys
The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys
The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

▲ The big fat orange cat sat and surprised the pink belly, and the pink belly cuteened everyone: Baby, your belly leaked out!

As we all know, the orange pattern cat is a very edible cat, but also a cat that is easy to get fat. The shoveler has a cute fat orange cat at home, and its size is exactly in line with its coat color. The owner took it to the hospital for a physical examination to take a ultrasound, so the pet doctor shaved off the hair on its stomach.

At this angle, the owner saw that there was a pink thing between the legs of the cat, the owner did not react at first, and thought that it pressed a pink ball under the stomach, and then looked closely to find that it was its small belly, which was really cute.

Shoveler: What is this? People who don't know think you're pregnant! It's really worthy of the orange cat, this pink belly is so cute. It can be seen that its food at home is very good, this belly is so prominent, the small belly can not cover it, hahahaha belly on the belly leaked out, is this incubating eggs?

Orange Cat: Don't talk nonsense, people are boys...


The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys
The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys
The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

▲ The owner woke up Aki at 6 o'clock in the morning for a walk, and he refused to get up "super contemptuous": Do you know what time it is now?

The owner explained that usually he takes the dog out for a walk at 10 o'clock in the morning, but he has to take his girlfriend to work that day, so he can only take the dog for a walk in advance and wake up the corgi at home at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Woken up 4 hours early, the corgi was apparently not full of sleep, lazily lying in bed and refusing to get up. Only to see the dog look at the owner with a blank face, no matter how the owner pushes and shoves, he is indifferent, and the empty eyes seem to say: "The alarm clock has not yet sounded, have you read the wrong time?" What did you tell me to do so early?


The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

▲ Cat textbook over-the-shoulder fall! Cat StarMan: Look at you


The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

▲ Dare to eat junk food! Just like your master. Instigated, right? Should not say, the hostess this personal demonstration is really too cruel, and sure enough, women are not good to mess with...


The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

▲ Cats interpret the pet world", catch the adulteress in bed, why are you a beast!

Black Cat: Sleeper, daughter-in-law? How did you come, you listen to my sophistry!


The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

▲ Wang Xingren: I said that I can go up myself, you have to pull me! Okay?


The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

▲ Cat people not only owe hands! It's also a nervous disease! Ha ha! Dude, you probably have the urge to stew cats at this time...


The big fat orange cat sits and surprises the pink belly, is this incubating the egg? Cats: People are boys

▲ Wang Xingren struggled to jump, and the result was embarrassing ~ Dog: There is.... Did someone come to my rescue?

Remember to follow me ~ give you a good look, update every day without getting lost!

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